We all know what is "race". And what is "antirace"?
Personally I didn't know what it was until I was a part of this show.
Antirace is a Kerch traditional show that is organized every year in summer. I don't have a bike, so I didn't go there and wasn't interested.

But now we're often invited to many mass events in the city where we can sell our 3d-printed items and toys. So this year we went to this Antirace show.

I was eager to know what means "antirace".
I was very surprised when I found out that the main goal of these competitions is to go to Finish not the first, but the last one! So you must move very slowly, very very slowly, as slowly as you can, and at the same time you have to keep balance! Your feet should stay ON your bike, not on the ground! It's the main rule, and many judges pay attention on it.

It was very unusual to see like powerful speedy bikes were moving like turtles;)
But bikers tried to show their skills in ruling their bikes and tried to keep balance.
Not all were good in it, but still there were winners, prizes, awards.

It was crazy heat on that day! And I was so sorry to see bikers who put on their best bikers clothes and they were just boiling in them!
But at least they have good photos now;)

One of our friends took part in this event as well. He was one of the winners too.

An interesting and unusual show and skills, I liked it!

Have you every seen such Antirace shows, guys?


Some really cool motorbikes there...
Also congratulations to your friend for winning 😄

Congratulations you received an ecency upvote through the curator @ahmedhayat. Keep spreading love through ecency


yeah cool bikes and bikers!
it was so hot but they were strong to take it in their cloth;)
