Loh #199: The Reasons Why I Choose To Work Outside Home!

Today, I am so excited to answer one of the questions given by Miss @jane1289.

1️⃣ Based on your own job hunting and work experiences, which do you prefer, working from home as a freelancer, or working outside the home where you get stable monthly pay? Why?

The Bee Arrives In San Marcelino The First Jollibee In Our Town! (9).png

You may be familiar with other terms, even though the work-from-anywhere movement is experiencing a global boom.

A person's risk tolerance, lifestyle choices, and career and personal objectives influence their decision between full-time employment and freelance work.

I have yet to try my hand at freelancing. However, I have also observed how my friends, who are independent contractors, manage their daily schedules with such liberty.

Freelancers are self-employed individuals who work for multiple companies, determine their schedules, manage their taxes, and have greater flexibility in their work-life balance. Conversely, full-time employees work for a single company, typically with set hours, and are qualified for benefits like health insurance, which independent contractors usually do not receive.

Working as a freelancer has significant benefits and drawbacks compared to being a full-time employee. It's similar to choosing between an exciting road trip (freelancing) where you get to pick your route and a guided tour (working as an employee) with a set itinerary and support system in place.

There is more to choosing between a full-time job and a freelance career than just weighing the benefits and drawbacks. It involves knowing your risk tolerance, preferred work style, personal aspirations, and professional objectives. The key is finding out what matters most to you and your career.

However, if I could choose between these, I would prefer to work outside the home because I can find greater satisfaction there, regardless of pay or benefits.

Your degree of job satisfaction is determined by more than just your pay.


**It comes naturally to me to be humorous and have excellent communication skills when working with my students and those around me, as I chose to become a teacher. **


I choose to work outside because I have a stunning workspace. I was fortunate enough to be assigned to teach in a remote area, specifically on the mountain of San Marcelino, where I was surrounded by breathtaking scenery every day and could appreciate the beauty of my workplace. The gorgeous plants, trees, lake, and mountains made me feel comfortable and content. My environment's beauty gives me the calm and tranquility to keep my worries at bay.



The People I Met


As a teacher, I consider it normal to interact and spend time with people, including parents, students, and coworkers. I have also learned so much about them and life in general, which improves my relationships with them.


My experience has helped me grow both personally and professionally.

Even though teaching is a complex profession, everything is made more difficult by the workload and school-related issues. Nevertheless, my contentment and relationships with the people in my workplace—especially my students—make me the best version of myself and a better person.


My students gave me hope for a better future as I transformed their lives in the future, and I, in turn, gave me a reason to live life to the fullest.

Depending on your preferences, you can choose to work from home or somewhere else. It all comes down to the level of satisfaction you can obtain, not the pay or perks.

Go ahead and live with it if it makes you happy.


That is some Perk when your class room is the great outdoors. Thanks @teacherlynlyn 🌳


Hello, thank you for dropping by. We are using make-shift classrooms now because our school buildings are under renovation :) So, it was a great experience having a class here though we are experiencing so much heat.


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Not all teachers want to be assigned in remote areas 😅 But I guess that's usually the case, especially for newbies.
You seem grateful and content with your work. Keep up the good work. Your students are proud of you.


Hello, Miss Ajne, thank you for dropping by. It's an excellent privilege to be assigned here, aside from, the culture I've learned, my heart is so touched with my Aeta learners.


Awwwn!! I like the fact you love what you do since have met with lots of other teachers and majority of them don't seem to like teaching just doing as a cover work till they get what they want.

Am so proud of you ma'am 😍


Thank you so much! I guess those teachers are after the benefits and the salaries, but when you are committed and your goal is to change the world by giving your students a better future, you are ready to face all the challenges and hardships that come your way.
God bless you po, and thank you for dropping by 😍
