WEEK 215: Overcoming my Shame: Unshakeable self-confidence is the ultimate key to winning in life!

Today, regarding the questions and topic given by @galenkp for the weekend-engagement, I am so happy to answer one of his questions:

Have you ever been ashamed of yourself? If so what happened and why and how did you move it forward? - Use your own photos.

Indeed, I have felt ashamed of myself numerous times.

Yes, I have experienced this feeling more than once. Shame, I know, can sometimes feel like a second skin. It's a strong feeling rooted in my sense of value; it's the tinges of pessimism and insecurity. Even though I might not always be aware of the sneaky ideas I tell myself, they influence how I see myself and relate to others.

My shame probably became more and more ingrained over time, interfering with my day-to-day activities in the form of bothersome thoughts, awkward circumstances, and reinforced negative self-perception.

The Bee Arrives In San Marcelino The First Jollibee In Our Town! (35).png

Although facing your shame can be scary, it's worth it to eliminate the underlying feelings and change how they impact your life. Remember that you are already loved and wanted, and with a bit of help from a mental health professional, you can finally accept who you are.

When you examine yourself critically from the inside out, shame usually emerges for things you can't control.

This shame is ingrained in my identity, and it becomes particularly toxic when it starts to influence who I am.

Toxic shame can give rise to unpleasant emotions such as anger and self-disgust. As a result, I feel unworthy and unimportant. It can infiltrate your inner monologue like a poison, entangling you in a torturous loop of negative self-talk.

This occurred recently, from July 8 to 12, during our Matatag teacher training. Together with our school heads and principals, we have attended the training of about 170 teachers from various grade and subject areas in our district.

I am one of the few young, single grade 1 teachers in the group; most are married.

A school principal declared we would select a pair from each group to represent Ms. and Mr. DepEd Matatag 2024.

I'm ashamed of myself for participating in this pageant because I lack the courage to do so.

We had no choice but to choose me when one of our leaders told us I should participate in the competition, primarily because I am still single, young, and respectful of our senior teachers.


I felt both surprised and worried at the same time. I was aware that my extreme crowd anxiety and lack of beauty would keep me from succeeding.

But because I have no choice, I do it anyway.

When the night arrived, and we had to present our work to all the teachers present, I wanted to cry with shame, but instead, my groupmates gave me the confidence I needed to enter the competition and their unwavering support. It dawned on me then that I had to step up and compete for their benefit.

The power of self-confidence!

The capacity to step outside your comfort zone and take chances without assurance of success is a sign of self-confidence.


You can overcome fear and self-doubt with the Power of Self-Confidence.

I prayed to God before the pageant to help me become stronger and more confident. I gave God control over my doubt and fear.

I took a deep breath and smiled as I stood before the crowd, thinking I had to do this for those who supported and believed in me.

To make a long story short, I answered the question confidently, and when I stood in front of them with my heads up high, I won the pageant.


Our surroundings greatly influence the people we interact with, our beliefs, and those who support us. When I look around and think about the people who believe in and help me, whether I realize it or not, I often adopt the attitudes and beliefs of those around me. This is why we must surround ourselves with uplifting people and positive influences.

Self-confidence has power. It is essential to reaching your goals and full potential.


To become more confident, we need to control our thoughts and surroundings. We must ensure that the ideas we allow to enter our minds align with our goals and aspirations. It's also important to recognize the energy that the people in our lives bring us.
Creating a Positive View of Life

Understanding that developing self-confidence requires more than maintaining an optimistic mindset is critical. It's more about cultivating an upbeat attitude, which entails accepting reality and realizing that obstacles and setbacks are unavoidable.

Conversely, confident people will view these difficulties as chances for development and education rather than as reasons to give up. They'll act on these challenges and move toward their objectives. Along the way, they will gain greater self-assurance and confidence in their abilities.


Increasing self-assurance also requires character development. This means responding to setbacks in a positive and productive way and possessing the resilience and fortitude to face hardship. By facing challenges head-on, we can develop the bravery and confidence necessary to handle anything that comes our way.

Achieving Success With Self-Confidence
Being confident in oneself is the most critical component of success. Ultimately, we alone are responsible for shaping our fates and transforming our lives.

To succeed, we need to keep in mind three critical lessons:
-Accept accountability for your actions.
-Recognize your capacity for change.
-Define specific objectives and deadlines.

Remember that the difference between winners and losers is their capacity for action. Unwavering self-confidence is the secret to success in life.


That's the kind of shame that's hard to overcome but it is not impossible to get over with it. It's all in the mind, minsan, our mind is also our worst enemy, but with determination siguro, a little push, it's no impossible. Ako naman, ibang kahihiyan ang naiisip ko, especially kapag naalala ko. Its when I confessed and I hated it, till now kinahihiya ko pa rin si self, it's so ewwww, lolol. This one is hard to overcome coz, it's not just me that was involve. Till bow, I'm questioning myself, why did I do that, lol. St*pid me, lol


Hehehehe, na-experience ko nayan before ate, hehehe. Pag maiisip mo parang it's so eww talaga nu 🤣 pero past is past na🥰
