A night at the museum / Murdered: Soul Suspect - PS3

A warm greeting to everyone in this amazing Gaming Photography community and I hope you are enjoying your day.
Today I want to share with you what I have experienced in this incredible adventure.
It is an Action and Adventure game called Murdered: Soul Suspect, which will take us with its story to a world where we will have to find the person who took our lives.
I hope you like the post and that you enjoy it. So prepare yourself a coffee and I invite you to join me in this adventure.

I needed to gather information about the city and when I ordered the girls to hide in the church I headed to the museum because seeing that this city is full of evidence about witches it is likely that the murderer has motivations that have to do with this topic so we will go to study this possible clue.
I come across more parts of old contrails about a train station and apparently there was a disaster that caused a lot of losses and this caused the structures in the city to be scarred.

Arriving at the museum I see that a good number of people from the city are gathered there, as apparently there will be a special function to remember the history that has been lived here.

Upon entering I find that apparently this museum once suffered an accident in which it was completely burned and was rebuilt and thanks to that was marked the soul of how it was formerly.

In the center of the museum are two actors demonstrating how in ancient times this woman was sentenced to death for murdering her children because of witchcraft, since at that time many people practiced this way of life even though they knew they were losing loved ones.

As I begin to look at the memories of the artifacts they used to punish witches I find that in one of them they hung a girl who looks quite similar to the one who greeted us at the beginning of this story, This one was hanged to death for witchcraft practices.

This memory was also impressive just to imagine how this person slowly died is strong to see since being accused of witchcraft they decided to place large and heavy stones leaving him without any kind of movement and dying in this cruel and desperate way.

The amount of souls that were marked in this place is impressive to see this along with every artifact that was used as punishment for people who practiced witchcraft is really impressive and I have not yet seen the other things that this museum contains if it is only the entrance I do not want to imagine the rest.
No doubt the adventure in this museum will be interesting, it has a lot of content of the history of this city and it is surprising to see how in the past people were devoted to witchcraft, it is a very different contrast to what the city is today.
Seeing the girl who was hanged at that time being similar to the one who welcomed us at the beginning of the adventure makes me think that very soon we will see what really happened to her and why she went to such extremes and what her plans with us are.
The methods used by the assassin so far are quite similar to what they did in ancient times, it seems that this is his source of inspiration.
I already want to know more about this museum and the stories it holds so we will know more about the murder and maybe find a key clue about him.
I'm having a great time in this museum every step I take is a new story and full of much content without a doubt it is an interesting story.
- PS3 Slim 500gb
- Camera 10 moons generic
- Capturadora De Video Hdmi A Usb 2.0
- PC Escritorio:
- 12 gm Ram
- i5 - 4 nucleos 3.10 GHz
- 500 Gb HDD
- 2 Gb Video AMD Radeon 5450 HD
- Monitor Sansumg 19 Pulgadas
Game Murdered: Soul Suspect can be obtained at your favorite gaming store.
If you like you can see the other chapters of this series here:
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8- Part 9 - Part 10
The screenshots were taken in my player profile thanks to the capturer and the obs studio program.
The editions are my own.
Thank you so much for coming to read my post, I hope you are having a great day, Thank you for coming!

Posted Using INLEO
Yesssssss more about this game haha glad you could share it here
I'm glad you liked it, I can't wait to see what more stories are found in this museum.