🍓 {26/08/24} ✦ 🍒 🌹 "A meaningful life" [ LOH Contest N° 200 ] 🌹 🍒 ✦ 🇪🇸 │ 🇺🇸

✦ A meaningful life for me is a life where you have achieved a healthy balance between your relationship with yourself, and your environment; where you know who you are even if you have no idea where you are going, and with full attention on the present, and being a “vitamin person” for those around you - Collage & Edition in FotoJet, photos by @Tesmoforia ✦

🇪🇸 ~ ¡Este es un acontecimiento muy especial!, la Comunidad de "Ladys on Hive" celebra su Concurso Número 200 y estará activo hasta la medianoche del sábado 31 de Agosto; te invito a que leas las preguntas de esta ocasión y participes:
Usualmente me entero muy tarde de los concursos e iniciativas de este tipo en Hive, pero esta vez estoy mas atenta a las actualizaciones de las comunidades y estoy muy feliz de encontrarme con esta celebración.
🇺🇸 ~ This is a very special event, the “Ladys on Hive” Community is celebrating its Contest Number 200 and it will be active until midnight on Saturday, August 31; I invite you to read the questions for this occasion and participate:
I usually find out very late about contests and initiatives of this kind on Hive, but this time I am more attentive to community updates and I am so happy to come across this celebration.

✦ For example, today I did this just because, because I wanted to do it; for a person who spent too many years of her life worrying about everyone around her being happy and not being a nuisance, something as simple as doing what she wants, even if it is small, feels like a revolutionary event ✦

✦ 1️⃣ ¿Cómo defines una vida con sentido y sientes que estás viviendo una? ✦
Para mi, una vida con sentido es una que experimentas desde la plena conciencia de ti mismo y del mundo que te rodea, y desde ese lugar de reconocimiento, tratar de vivirla siendo una persona virtuosa que trata a todo y a todos con respeto. Para mi una vida con sentido no se trata de dónde estes ni de lo mucho o poco que tengas o de la larga lista de metas o sueños por perseguir y cumplir, si no mas bien se trata de una vida vivida con valentía, inteligencia y honestidad, donde cada día tus pensamientos, palabras y acciones siempre se correspondan, y eso incluye lo que te produce felicidad o bienestar.
For me, a meaningful life is one that you experience from the full awareness of yourself and the world around you, and from that place of recognition, try to live it as a virtuous person who treats everything and everyone with respect. For me a meaningful life is not about where you are or how much or how little you have or the long list of goals or dreams to pursue and fulfill, but rather it is about a life lived with courage, intelligence and honesty, where every day your thoughts, words and actions always correspond, and that includes what brings you happiness or well-being.
Actualmente siento que me acerco a vivir auténticamente una vida plena, aunque no siempre fue así, porque me falta todavia procesar algunos temas que parecen nunca llegar a una conciliación (por ejemplo, las limitaciones auto impuestas, y un exceso de empatía que me hace blanco de narcisistas y mitómanos).
Currently I feel that I am getting closer to living an authentically full life, although it was not always so, because I still have to process some issues that never seem to reach a reconciliation (for example, self-imposed limitations, and an excess of empathy that makes me a target of narcissists and mythomaniacs).
Entendí que la realización al menos en mi caso no esta en los hitos cumplidos de una lista de éxitos, si no mas bien en el dejar de correr, dejar de sobre pensar, y de contenerme de iniciar los proyectos que quiero por una agenda estricta donde todo tiene que estar perfectamente ordenado; también reconocer que el ritmo con el que he decidido vivir esta bien, y aunque sea diferente al comun, es un ritmo saludable y funcional donde puedo darme un momento para apreciar y valorar cada experiencia del día a día como lo que es.
I understood that fulfillment, at least in my case, is not in the milestones achieved in a list of successes, but rather in stopping running, stopping overthinking, and holding myself back from starting the projects I want because of a strict agenda where everything has to be perfectly ordered; also recognizing that the rhythm with which I have decided to live is fine, and although it is different from the common one, it is a healthy and functional rhythm where I can give myself a moment to appreciate and value each day-to-day experience for what it is.
O dicho de manera simple: Defino una vida con sentido donde todo lo que haces es una decisión conciente tomada desde la razón y la responsabilidad, pero al mismo tiempo espontáneamente con sinceridad y alegría, indiferentemente de cómo vivan o hayan decidido vivir otros, que tu tengas personalidad y criterio propio y por eso te escuches a ti misma antes que "lo que se espera de ti".
Or simply put: I define a meaningful life where everything you do is a conscious decision made from reason and responsibility, but at the same time spontaneously with sincerity and joy, regardless of how others live or have decided to live, that you have your own personality and criteria and therefore listen to yourself rather than “what is expected of you”.

✦ It doesn't matter if it is not something necessary to live or a transcendental experience, sometimes the simplest thing can bring us a huge peace, just because it represents that you have the freedom to sit down and do it whenever you want ✦

✦ 2️⃣ ¿Cómo afrontas el fracaso y qué aprendes de él? ✦
No tengo problemas con el fracaso, eso es algo que sí he logrado conciliar hace muchísimos años. El fracaso para mi no es malo, veo el mundo como una fuente de oportunidades de todo tipo y color, lo que quiere decir que en la multitud de millones de cosas por escoger hacer en esta vida, por simple estadística no seré buena en todas, soy feliz con intentar, explorar, planificar, estudiar, y si al final no logro estar en el "top 3 de los mejores", para mi la victoria no esta en el final del cuento, la recompensa está en todo lo que ocurre en el camino a ese destino.
I have no problem with failure, that is something I have been able to reconcile for many, many years. Failure for me is not bad, I see the world as a source of opportunities of all kinds and colors, which means that in the multitude of millions of things to choose to do in this life, by simple statistics I will not be good at them all, I am happy with trying, exploring, planning, studying, and if in the end I don't make it to the “top 3 of the best”, for me the victory is not in the end of the story, the reward is in everything that happens on the way to that destination.
Del fracaso lo que aprenda depende mucho del contexto, pero en general nunca me enrollo mucho ni me estanco en el. Si fracaso acudo a la lógica y el sentido común, me gusta tratar mis fracasos como trato mis victorias: Con discreción, resiliencia, gratitud.
What I learn from failure depends a lot on the context, but in general I never get too caught up in it. If I fail, I use logic and common sense, I like to treat my failures as I treat my victories: With discretion, resilience, gratitude.

Qué es una vida con sentido es una pregunta muy dificil y depende de cada quien; para algunos será el servicio a los demás, para otros será la consolidación de sus empresas, es una pregunta demasiado mística.
Para mi una vida plena es una vida libre, libre de prejuicios, complicaciones, culpas, remordimientos, una vida donde tienes pleno conocimiento de quien eres sin presionarte ni juzgarte ni dejarte afectar por el ruido externo; una vida donde puedo ser femenina, rodearme de cosas delicadas, decorar mis espacios como yo quiera, y trabajar de lo que me gusta sin que me afecte el comentario no querido ni la opinion no pedida de los demás.
What is a meaningful life is a very difficult question and it depends on each person; for some it will be the service to others, for others it will be the consolidation of their companies, it is a very mystical question.
For me a full life is a free life, free of prejudices, complications, guilt, remorse, a life where you have full knowledge of who you are without pressure or judgment or be affected by external noise; a life where I can be feminine, surround myself with delicate things, decorate my spaces as I want, and work on what I like without being affected by unwanted comments or the unwanted opinion of others.

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✨ 🍓 All texts and images by @Tesmoforia 🍓 ✨
📸 Tools: Smartphone 📲 Snow 🎬 Remini 🌓 FotoJet 📐
🚨 ¡Please do not take, edit or republish my material without my permission! 🚨
💌 ¿Do you wish to contact me? Discord #tesmoforia 💌
🌙 Banner, signature and separators by Keili Lares
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tokens.@tesmoforia, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.
Thank you very much! This is unexpected but very exciting, I hope you are well and much love to all the members of the LOH team 💘
Thank you for answering both questions of the week and for sharing such meaningful insights and perspective with us.
I completely agree with you. Some think that making money and having a stable life is living a meaningful life but it's not that. A meaningful life means living an insightful life with core values, pursuing purposes, and growth. But as you mentioned, it varies from person to person. Personally, I feel I still need to achieve a lot to have a meaningful life.
Thanks for your participation and good luck...
I'm glad to be able to read more about the LOH community, you can really feel the sisterhood when reading other authors and how they interact, it's something I would like to belong to and participate more actively.
I really liked that you mentioned the values and purposes, I also agree with you and I wish you good luck and happiness @priyanarc 🌷