Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 180
With this week's theme being common birds I decided to show you some pictures of some Mourning doves.
Mourning Doves are among the few birds that stick around year-round. From the early morning hours until dusk these birds can be seen sitting on branches, eating at the feeder, and rummaging around on the ground looking for something to eat. They usually arrive in pairs as they are mates for life.
These birds seem to be grooming themselves all of the time.
Whenever they take flight you would think that they are cooing while flying, but this is not true. The noise doesn’t come from their beaks but rather from their wings as air rushes through their feathers and causes them to vibrate.
When they make their familiar cooing sound it is usually the male attempting to catch the attention of females with their songs.
Mourning doves are an adaptable species, thriving in a wide range of habitats from coast to coast.
Just to give you an idea of just how commonplace these birds are in our neck of the woods here is a pic that I took a few years ago from our kitchen window. During the winter months, I like to scatter birdseed on our front deck. Before long a flock of these resilient birds are all over the place,
Thank you @melinda010100 @barbara-orenya and @nelinoeva for another #featheredfriend adventure, #SMaP 180.
I have my share of mourning doves, too. Although not as many recently as I am only using a cylinder feeder and they are unable to perch there.
The cylinder feeder makes it very difficult for larger birds to get to the seed, but I've seen some bluejays perch on the feeder and get a few seeds before losing their balance and flying off.
My bluejay's grab seeds regularly from the cylinder feeder, too. The Woodpeckers love it!
@thebigsweed! @melinda010100 Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @melinda010100.
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Thank you very much!
Nothing is nature as regular as some birds that are a constant visitor, we have a couple that stay year round, along with a couple of dove species.
Lovely photography and a share of a bird we should never take for granted, imagine waking up one day and they no longer there...
By observing the birds that are regular visitors you feel a special connection to them and learn their habits.
I have watched doves try to build nests in such awkward places, not that they build a neat one either. A lovely cooing sound from some, others more grunting, pleasant noise outdoors vs vehicles.
I got an intimate look at the incubation cycle of these birds this spring. I was amazed at how quickly the young were able to fly out of the nest.

Being able to see what goes on from the building of the nest to the birds making their first flight is very exciting. This year I was fortunate enough to spot two different Robin nests and enjoy the entire process.
I did miss several weeks and it's fun to get back posting in this wonderful community. A big thanks for all you folk do.
It's really a very beautiful sight to behold, I would scatter more seeds everyday just to behold such an assemblage everyday.
We usually only scatter seed on the deck in the Winter as it is a little difficult to get to the feeders that time of year. During the remainder of the year, we use our deck almost every day and the seed and the birds can make a mess.
Good thing Pura thinks I'm funny cuz my cooing is so outta tune it sounds like chewing.
Doves are sweet, we have collared doves here, but I don't know if they make such sound with their wings.
Thank you for your lovely post and entry!
Until just recently I thought the sounds they were making while flying were vocalizations they made while flying. I had no idea the sounds were coming from their wings.
For me, the cooing of mourning doves is one of the sounds of summer…
After a long Winter that cooing sound is very welcomed.
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