I THOUGHT THEY WERE LONG GONE. Show Me A Photo Contest Round 204
For those of us who love seeing, listening, and learning about our feathered friends, entertainment abounds. During the winter months, we use our deck like a big bird feeder. After a while, the birds that have decided to stick around this time of year get to know our habits as well as we learn theirs.
Keeping the seed handy, makes it easy to keep up with their ravenous appetite. Being able to observe all of the activity from our kitchen window puts us just yards apart.
We have fed them from here for the past several years, but this year has been a little different. Never before have we seen Goldfinches show up. I was always under the assumption that these beautiful birds all went to warmer climates.
As the old saying goes, live and learn. After doing a little reading up about the Goldfinch I learned that they will head to warmer weather, but not so much because of the temperature but more so due to a lack of food. If there is a steady supply of food around they will stay put, some of them that is. They must be the brave ones. Dealing with our winters is no joke even for us living indoors.
These guys have no choice, if they did have wings, then maybe.
Thank you ladies for another #featheredfriend adventure, #SMaP 204.
Oh, this is so nice to have goldfinches visiting your buffet. 🙂
Thank you very much for your lovely entry!
They must love it on the farm @thebigsweed l! Why fly miles and miles when they're being given free food.
All the little creatures look so happy there!
They look so happy to be fed. You are such a lucky guy to do that!
I've had goldfinches here for a few years. Some years the bluebirds even stay through the winter. I've not see those this winter, nor the robins which often stay through now.
With as cold as it has been, I surprised anything is sticking around.