WEEK 79: A Cup Of Precious Coffee For Daily


Hello, coffee lovers...

What coffee did you brew today? I don't often go out for coffee. Mostly once or twice a month when there is an agenda to meet with my friends or colleagues. The rest of the time, I just spend some of my time at home, because all my work is handled from home.

I had just brewed my granule coffee as I wrote last week, then after opening my laptop and about to start typing, I read this week's #spillthebeans prompt made me want to share a story about how my relationship with coffee is in terms of spending.

So, if last week I told you that every morning before breakfast I make iced coffee without sugar from granulated coffee sachets, it explains that I am more comfortable buying granulated coffee without sugar, which is obviously not expensive. This month I already have a stock of coffee that I bought on e-commerce for 38,900 rupiah with the contents of 50 sachets @ 2gram. So, in a day I only drink 2 grams of coffee without sugar or worth about 800 rupiah equivalent to 0.052 USD.



Sometimes I also use other brands with similar types. For example, I use the Nescafe brand, the price is more or less the same. I'm quite satisfied and feel that I need 2 grams of coffee every day. Indeed, there are days when my work is very busy, and I need more caffeine, if this is the case I brew twice a day or about 4 grams with an accumulated expenditure of 1600 rupiah or 0.104 USD.


I don't use additives like sugar, cream, or milk. So my coffee is just that, coffee. I only add water and ice cubes which I make myself at home. Hohoo.



However, sometimes, when I'm out with my friends, we usually choose to sit at a coffee shop while doing chores, or just sharing stories. If this is the case, I buy a latte or Americano with a price range between 18,000 to 35,000 rupiah. 1.16 to 2.26 USD. Or, if I'm travelling, I also like to explore coffee shops in the city where I'm going. What do you think?



Me and Latte at Kedai Inn,GBK

I think I'm fairly modest when it comes to spending money on coffee. I mean, it's not that I'm very frugal, it's just that I'm looking for which coffee is the best to accompany my daily life, which coffee fits my tongue, and what kind of coffee is practical and doesn't hurt my stomach. Since I found the answer in a sachet coffee with a very affordable price, I feel more grateful that I bought something according to what my body wants.

Hmm... then, speaking of sachet packaging, both of the products I mentioned above also have bottled variants, but for some reason I prefer sachets because they fit better and don't need to be weighed anymore. My reasoning is again the same... simple, practical, and suits my needs.

So, my conclusion is, I save money. Thanks for following my #spillthebeans. See you next week, Coffee lovers...!


Titis N

Hi, I am the child of the universe, I like to read books with various genres. I was born in the city of batik but can't draw batik yet. I want to be a novelist, but my works are only short poems that are included in anthology books.

please share my content if you feel my content is good for everyone to read. Thank you. Let's be friends!


Wow what a huge difference between a sachet of instant coffee and a take-out Americano! Is that the same with ground coffee?

I can definitely understand being thrifty about your coffee, especially if you (like me) make it a daily treat ;)

Thanks for your entry!


Yes, it is

And my reason for saving is exactly as you mentioned, because I need it for daily use. Previously I also bought ground coffee, but my manual brewer broke, so, temporarily, coffee sachets saved me. It's safe because it's still 0 calories.

Thank you for stopping by, @honeydue


Thank you for sharing such a detailed story with this week's prompt:)

# #STB

The Coolest.gif


It is truly a pleasure to prepare coffee in your own skill by ordering online with a wonderful feeling. Excellent black coffee improves overall health tremendously. Thank you so much for sharing your story.


How nice that you found the coffee that suits your needs, it's very handy to have it in little bags 👍🏽 I loved your mug with rose embossed design. Regards🤗


Thanks for the appreciation. Btw, that's a mug with old style, and simple.


By your daily coffee, I started to follow your way for saving more hahaha but I always lost by my laziness. Oh my,,
