Necessity Check-Up.


How we grew up hearing stories from parents and watching movies where two people in love would be forced to go on separate ways majorly because of a decrement in genotype.

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Is so funny that people that find themselves in these situations are the real givers of the “aww” vibes. Like the best lover birds you could ever admire but like my countryman says ” life nor balance”
Thankfully, this generation has become more conscious. Aside from the fact that I think such love as falling heads over heels for someone is hard to come by, “What's Your Genotype” is more like the first greetings before the talking stage of official commerce.

To those who have experienced the presence of a sickler, I trust you feel me right now. A lifetime stigma that comes with regrets.

Aside from genotypes, I think a full body check should also be considered while with a partner.
Oh, in this state I remember Ayo, a friend of mine. If I didn't know Ayo as a friend and had just casually crossed paths with him, I'd never have known he was once an HIV patient.

Yes, you heard me right, ex not anymore. I doubted when he told me how he was positive for some months and miraculously changed to negative. The results and all medical checkups were proof.
I bet it would have been hard for him spilling such words out if reverse where to be the case, another reason to why medical checks is a necessity.

Falling in love is the thing of the heart, we don't get to pick but the heart follows according to what our minds had already foreseen. I believe medical checkups should be one of the top list conversations for lovers.
Come on, for a generation as ours right now I don't think we need to be told twice what to do. I am sure most churches advise intended couples to carry out a series of tests before saying “I do”. It's good, at least better late than never.

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The only fault there is that it could be too late for the heart. Especially in the scenario of a strict church that sends a representative over to a hospital of their own choice where the only business you have there is giving your blood and then leaving. If it comes out as bad news it definitely would be disastrous.

Matters should be settled from the on-set before getting serious and for me personally, I think the signs would always be there when a partner is trying to hide something expect you don't pay too little detail. If not for anything else, every serious relationship would eventually tie the not someday with hopes of making a complete family, that alone should be the push needed to visit the clinic and be sure there's medical compatibility even as you work on physical and other aspects too.

In my opinion, medical checks should be a self routine, maybe monthly not because of your partner,but simply because it's the right thing to do equal to staying healthy.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Having a routine medical checkup could really save a lot of bad news later in life just as the saying goes " a stitch in time saves nine".
But on a side note, how did your friend move from HIV positive to negative because this is a really great miracle.


My friend's story is a 1/10 possibility and i could never have believed if i didn't see the test results.

More reasons why medical check up should be a necessity. Thanks for reading through❤


The pain that comes with breakup… I can imagine but the two should always get the test done or put the coming generation first. We have seen too many children suffering for their parents mistake


Those who pay less attention to this are mostly the ones who say " love is blind".
