Splinterlands Art Contest Week 315 : River Nymph!


In mythology, water nymphs were divided into three categories: Oceanids of the ocean; Nereids of fresh and sea water; Naiads of flowing water. Naiads were responsible for sources of water such as rivers, wells and springs. Although only considered minor figures in the Greek and Roman mythologies, the naiads had a very important function in the belief system surrounding the natural world.

Unlike in our society, clean water is something that the Romans could not take for granted. Provision of water was something to be praised. In the emperor Augustus’ list of achievements, for example, he notes his restoration of aqueduct channels and doubling the capacity of the Aqua Marcia. The Roman aqueducts were among greatest feats of ancient engineering. They required whole slave gangs to maintain them, and they transported water to the many bath houses of the city. There is some evidence that Corinium had its own aqueduct, although a bath house has yet to be found. This water channel would have been a source of pride and, more importantly, a source of life to the locals.

A nymph that had authority over such a vital aspect of nature was naturally seen as an important part of the Roman ecosystem. Like any other member of the mythological world, it was therefore necessary to placate nymphs in order to ensure that they would continue to favour the town with their gift. After all, the aqueducts brought in the water, but it was the nymphs who kept the springs running!


In this drawing, I depicted the water Nymph as a beautiful woman whose legs were fused into the tail of a fish.

Here are the steps taken;

I drew an oval shape as the head, and a curved line from the middle of the oval head.

I drew the neck and the shoulders.

I drew her arms and the hour glass shape.

I drew the tail fin.

I drew her hair.

Then I erase the pencil marks in her hair to give a flowing look.

Then I drew the scales on her tail.

Then I used crayons to colour the body and the hair.

The final result;

Thank you for your continuous support 🙏
