The Three Pillars of Exemplary Parenting - Loh186

I realize more and more how sacred and enormous the duty of a parent is with every year that goes by. Bringing up the next generation is a great privilege and a great duty that will surely have a lasting impact on humanity's future. It's not just a biological necessity or something you have to do.

The leaders, inventors, caregivers, and stewards of tomorrow's world will be shaped by the way we raise, educate, and mentor our children today. Being parents is a huge responsibility, but it's also one of the greatest honors and callings we could ever have.


So how do we rise to such a monumental occasion? How can we mere imperfect human beings adequately prepare and equip our youth to cultivate a kinder, wiser, more prosperous existence for all? While there are certainly no simple universal answers, I've given this existential quandary a tremendous amount of contemplation over the years. And I've identified three core tenets - three indispensable pillars that I believe parents must embody in order to fulfill this vital duty of culture-shaping and future-molding.

Compassionate Leadership

As the premier role models, teachers and influencers over our children, parents need to personify the type of compassionate, emotionally-intelligent leadership we wish to proliferate in the world. Our little ones will inevitably absorb and replicate the values and modes of conduct that we model for them daily through our actions and interactions.

Do we lead with empathy, consideration for others, and a driving desire to alleviate human suffering? Or do we plow through life fueled by greed, indifference, and selfishly pursuing our own interests at all costs? The behavior we exhibit while in a position of parental leadership and authority will leave an indelible moral imprint. It will shape our children's definition of influence, power, success and social responsibility.

By exemplifying compassionate stewardship in our homes - teaching open-hearted communication, resolving conflicts through de-escalating tactics like compromise and understanding the other side's perspective, consistently prioritizing kindness and service to our communities - we can instill these same humanitarian principles in our youth. In turn, they'll be much better equipped to emerge as the type of purpose-driven, civically-engaged leaders capable of guiding us towards a more equitable, unified, and benevolent global landscape.

Resilience & Emotional Intelligence

As the patriarchs and matriarchs responsible for setting the generational tone, parents have to embody resilience, mental fortitude, and a high degree of emotional intelligence. We have to be the unwavering foundations and pillars of strength when life's tumultuous waves come crashing against the shores of our families.

The harsh reality is that adversity, discomfort, grief, and seismic upheaval are all inescapable parts of the human experience we must prepare our children for early on. The world can be astonishingly brutal, unfair, and loaded with disappointment - teaching our kids to simply put on rose-colored glasses and adopt toxic positivity would be incredibly irresponsible. Raising them with resilience and emotional intelligence is critical to ensuring they'll have the grit and psychological wherewithal to withstand future trials with dignity and composure.

By learning to roll with the punches, managing our reactions to stress, and keeping calm, rational perspectives in crisis situations, we teach our children how to self-regulate and process complex emotions in a healthy manner. By openly discussing our personal struggles, insecurities, and mistakes instead of burying them, we destigmatize vulnerability and normalize perseverance in the face of hardship. These lessons, modeled through our own behaviors early on, could mean the difference between our kids crumbling under the overwhelming pressures of adult life...or emerging from those fires victoriously reformed.

The Ability to Evolve

In our rapidly evolving, dynamic world, parents must possess the wisdom to constantly self-assess, adapt, and consciously evolve our own mindsets and philosophies on childrearinhas new circumstances and information arises. We have to resist the human impulse to remain stuck in antiquated dogmas and limiting beliefs that could potentially restrict our children's boundless potentials.

As parents, our role is to empower our offspring's enlightenment - not constrain them to our own finite level of understanding. We have to remain humble students ourselves, continually updating our curriculums and tutelage to align with the most ethical, progressive ideals for optimizing human flourishing. We should never assume we've "arrived" and have all the answers. Our children and their unlimited inherent brilliance will be the ultimate catalysts inspiring our ongoing expansion.

By keeping our minds, perspectives and approaches nimble, we're not only better positioned to instill that same free-thinking, intellectually curious spirit in our children...we're ensuring they'll always have the courage and tools to blaze new paths. To pioneer novel solutions, dismantle antiquated systems, eradicate toxic traditions, and catalyze the type of renaissance thinking vital for uplifting all of humanity.

If we remain steadfast, these three pillars - compassionate leadership, resilience & emotional intelligence, and the ability to evolve - can empower us to shape generations of incredible humans. Humans overflowing with kindness, fortitude, and the clarity of thought required to co-create an infinitely more unified, peaceful and progressive world for all.

It's the highest existential calling any of us could ever receive - to nurture and elevate the next evolution of consciousness. To prime the caretakers, change agents and visionaries who will one day far surpass the limitations of our current reality. While the enormity of that responsibility can feel weighty, I have faith our families can absolutely rise to the occasion.

One empowered, compassionate, adaptable parent at a time, we're shaping the future's well of infinite possibilities. And that's a future I have boundless hope and excitement for witnessing unfold.


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You have done well to list out this three pivotal qualities of parenting out. Parents should be ready to train and grow the next generation and these three roles are a must for each parent.


I believe if parents can get even half of these traits, parenting will be a tad bit easier, not entirely easy, but there would definitely be a difference.


You gave the breakdown of your points breathtakingly. You must be an experience mother or have been around mothers for years. I picked many points from this piece.



It seems like you have gone for contemplation into this matter for a long time. After observing the needs of kids, you gota set these points.

Compassion and leadership are themselves great realm individually. And when combining both compassionate leadership needs a lot of self development and learning on the behalf of parents.

Emotionally intelligent parents are likely to deal with the emotional needs of the kids pretty well.

You are right in saying that world is evolving super fast. To keep the pace with it, parents should be flexible.

Thanks for sharing this insightful piece with us.
