The Tale of Triumph: The Story of My Successful Research Paper [WE #201]


Good day, Hivers! I missed all of you! Actually, I am still occupied with a lot of school tasks and duties at my internship this month but since I'm about to finish the hours that should be spent in the internship and I'm used to the tasks that I am doing in the office, I decided to do blogging again. I have experienced so much in the past weeks and months that I haven't even been able to share here so I am so happy to see these weekend writing suggestions by @galenkp here in this community and I believe that this is the time to narrate it to all of you. Today, I want to share with you about a time in which I excelled, worked hard and achieved a great result.

I spent two semesters for a Research paper which is one of the most important requirements before we can graduate from College. We started last January 2023 and I can say that I went through a lot of hardship just to finish this intense task. Since we are only three members in this Research group I did all the best that I can to finish it on time. I chose two females that I have known for several years to be with me in this research, believing that they can contribute a lot. But due to the stress and too much pressure of the topic that was given to us, there were moments when my group mates and I did not understand each other. There were a lot of times that I was almost the only one trying to finish some parts of the paper and that made me a super rigid and strict leader.

Some people believe that I am so authoritarian when it comes to leading a team. I am not sure if that's a good thing because to be one sided, I saw many advantages on that. We were the first group who finished a certain part of the paper, and even got good grades when it comes the colloquium last 2023 for the first to third chapters of the manuscript.

Because of this research, I know my true attitude has come out and how I behave with those people who take too much advantage of being a hands-on leader. But in truth, I started not to think about what will other people will say behind my back. It's true that I am very strict with my members' tasks, and I am so observant when they do mistakes but here's the thing, I always make sure that they all know the ins and outs of the study. As what I always tell them, "forgive me if I'm very strict but that's also for you, we are a team, if one person falls, all of us in this group will fall. And when I pass, we will all graduate."

Handling a team made me excel not just as a student but also as a person. And I feel so grateful I overcame those obstacles that I faced especially managing different personalities and maintaining the peace on the team.

As the elders will always quote, hard work is the best experience. All the sleepless nights, walking in distant places, going up to tall buildings and visiting different companies just to collect a survey for this research, is so worth it in the end. Until now, I still carry with me the experiences that I witnessed while conducting this research and I can say that all the pocket moneys, sweat, tears and fatigue paid off in the end.

Hearing the word "congratulations" from the Panel Chairperson after the Defense made me so emotional. Tears came out while I was still in the front table with my team and the panelists. All my nervousness disappeared and my smile seemed to reach my ears, a champion smile and an ear-to-ear smile. I felt even more joyous when I heard the Chairperson's comments on our Research saying, "The result of the research is commendable as this study is timely, essential, and present." At first I didn't hear much about these words because it's like I'm deaf when they say congratulations to us and I just felt so happy when they smiled back at us. Only then did the real achievement sink in when I was able to properly read the Proceedings form transcribed by HR officers.

Screenshot from the OD Form

These three manuscript were so worth it to print! Each paper has a narration of our study and we are hoping that some students will read it once we make a hardbound copy of these, and when these got published in our university library and Department's showroom.

Hello Weekend Engagements Community! I am so happy because after immersing myself in the demanding world of the corporate world - my internship (OJT) and finishing some school works, I am back at blogging. I totally missed the HIVE platform and the enjoyment of sharing my thoughts and experiences. Hoping to get some time again doing some blogs while completing my remaining workloads before the graduation. Thank you so much for reading this blog and hoping to reconnect again with you all! 🙏😇
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PhilippinesVivo Y20IUsagidee



Congratulations ma’am
For the board to have said congratulations really means you did a lot
That’s really a great thing, we’re proud of you.


Congrats! It's a great opportunity to learn not only about your topic, but also about how human relationships work in a group. Communications, managing expectations, and delegating tasks will all come in handy in future endeavors. !PIZZA 🍕


Thank you @juanvegetarian for stopping by. Tbh, I learned a lot during my college days. Gonna miss this season of my life. 🥺💖


Welcome. Glad to hear that you learned something from your time in college. Hope to read more from you here. 😎
