If I Could Turn Back Time: Advice to My Younger Self//LOH #191

Hello my great and wonderful ladies of hive, I hope u had an amazing day today.

After going through the topic for this week, I kept reflecting and on my younger self, I kept pondering on what exactly I would have loved to change if I could turn back the hands of the clock. I finally discovered that if I am given the chance to impart guidance and wisdom to my younger self, there are several insights and recommendations I would share.

First and foremost I would love to play freely and maintain childhood friendships, this aspect might occur to you as something insignificant but I can tell from experience what I have been through because I neglected this while growing up.

When I was a younger I missed childhood fun and plays, I was not allowed to interact and play with other people even our neighbors so I used to remain indoors, my parents do not keep friends and so I was advised not to keep friends, I guess my parents were scared of me being influenced negatively by my peers.

So my childhood life revolved round the four walls of the house and I never had any younger or elder siblings to play with at home. Whenever I go to school that was the only slightest opportunity I had to talk and play with people around but in school we only had limited time to play.

I happen to grow up in a secluded environment and so I missed a lot of fun I would have had if I had the opportunity to make friends. This aspect has greatly affected me and I am still trying so hard to come out of it, because of my reserved nature I found it hard to socialize with people, I have always felt so lonely and it was difficult for me to make friends.

Aside this, I became so timid I did not have self-confidence and the boldness to even speak in front of my peers, I really wish I was able to have those childhood moments and friendships I guess I would have been much more better socially than I am.

Secondly if I am given the chance to impart guidance and wisdom to my younger self I would have given time to learning more skills. When I was younger, I felt I would have more time when I am older to learn more skills but now I discover that I had more opportunity while I was younger.

Though it is not too late to learn new skills but I still wished I could have done it then. As a medical student I barely have enough time to learn varieties of skills and I regret wasting away my time when I was younger.

Though I can not change back the hands of the clock to make things right but I still look forward to utilizing my time wisely and making the best use of it.

This post is in response to the Ladies of Hive Community Contest #191

Thank you for reading
I love you all

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Oh it’s similar to what I would have told myself. I feel like it’s not too late, we can still find ways to incorporate them little by little in our lives


Exactly,the past is history it's left to build up what we have left so we won't have any regrets in future too


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I was not allowed to interact and play with other people even our neighbors so I used to remain indoors, my parents do not keep friends and so I was advised not to keep friends, I guess my parents were scared of me being influenced negatively by my peers.

This happened to me as well, I was not allowed to keep friends and go out to play with kids in the neighborhood. That's why anti-social behavior developed inside me and I became homesick. I overcame my home-sick problem but my anti-social behavior couldn't change till now. I feel stressed and panic when I am in social events... I also want to give this same advice as yours to my young self.

Great explanation, thanks for your participation...


Thank you for stopping by 😍, this has affected my social life in so many ways , but thank God I've got friends now who can help bring out the better version of me


I wish you Good luck as a medical student and a successful career in whatever branch of medicine you specialize in the future @utibeabasi
I've been a Nurse for more than twenty rewarding years and a great career choice.


smiles! thank you very much for the encouragement, I am glad to hear that you have been a nurse for twenty years, wow! I'm amazed, I'd love to learn from you how you balance your work life and social life


It's never too late to learn. You can make friends but be careful now.hang out sometimes. Which state are you



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