RE: How To Fix The Housing Problem? Is It a Financial Issue?


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"What do you call it when the Amish get together and help to build a new couple their house?"

Social cohesion and tight knit community. It is not institutionalized, so it is an entirely human, personal, social activity, which is completely distinct from codified institutional rules and regulations, which are often abused by bureaucrats in inhuman and inhumane mechanisms to profit the corrupt executives of institutions. Actions of communities of human people are distinct and often the utter reverse of acts formal institutions take even when they are codified for the very purpose such communal actions undertake. The reason for this dichotomy is that institutions are not human, and can be corrupted because they are hierarchies controlled from the top executives, while each of the people in a community is immune from corruption to act contrary to their own interests, and feels affection and obligation to their kith and kine, which institutions, being inhuman and therefore inhumane, cannot.

"Do people really own all the land, just because they were born first?"

You should have a look at ecosystems, because this isn't something only happening in human society. These principles regulate every species that exists, because habitat suitable to species is competed for without exception. Creating formal institutions to manage human habitat is simply handing that process to corruption, because institutions are inhuman and cannot be humane, do not feel, do not care, do not love, do not suffer, and are infiltrated by corruptors without fail, which utterly perverts their stated purpose inevitably.

If you want to give the banksters all real property, then promote formal codification and create institutions to handle probate, taking it from communities of real people that love and care about one another - although that is often in short supply when inheritance is in view. However, that competition for resources is a natural process all species feature, and princes killing each other off to inherit is a feature of almost all living species on Earth. We can bewail it, call it evil, and be sad for the less fit that are robbed in such competitions, and we do.

But giving that power to institutions is more evil yet, because even princes are people and have been granted some human connection to their brothers they murder, while institutions have no such humanity, whatsoever.

"Prison doesn't have enough places for everyone."

That's the central purpose of the Awful Reset (it's not going to be great at all). The communities of the West are being redesigned to feature universal, 24/7 surveillance, just like prisons, private transportation is being eliminated from plebs, leaving us afoot in 15 minute communities, and massive gangs of thugs to enforce institutional rule are being created and armed, all exactly methods used in prisons. We'll all be living in prisons if we allow institutions to manage our affairs.

"...houses should cost what they cost to build..."

You are in charge of that, @builderofcastles. Build houses and sell them as you prefer. The litany that follows this last quote above is about problems that come from institutionalizing the process of managing property, and all the complaints you have about it derive therefrom.

As a human person, who proudly proclaims you build homes in your chosen appellation here on Hive, you have the sole and exclusive authority to deliver your creations per your personal whim. If you choose to do things one way or another, involving unholy, inhumane institutions in your exclusive authority to part with your creation, that is on your immortal soul. Don't blame it on them.

I own a home I paid $100 cash for. It was a fixer, as you might imagine. When I inspected the roof (after the purchase) my foot went right through the ceiling below. There was a sheet of plastic attached with lath to the ceiling below that channeled the leaking water towards the front door. Being handy, I have fixed all that, and today the roof doesn't leak and the ceiling has been repaired. No loans were required, and all transactions and repairs necessary were undertaken by individual people.

Do your business per your personal preferences, and be the change you want to see in the world.
