¿El cabello puede definirnos? 💇‍♀️ Concurso comunitario LOH #190 💇‍♀️ Can hair define us? Community contest LOH #190 (Esp-Eng)

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¡Hola queridas damas! de los dos temas para esta semana, me siento identificada con el segundo 👇🏼

2️⃣ Algunas mujeres se cortan el pelo ellas mismas no principalmente para ahorrar dinero, sino porque les divierte hacerlo. ¿Alguna vez te lo has cortado tú misma? ¿Cómo te ha quedado? ¿Lo volverías a hacer? A partir de la segunda opción, viajé al pasado y traje conmigo la experiencia en forma de palabras.


A partir de la segunda opcion, viajé al pasado y traje conmigo la experiencia en forma de palabras.

Fui la niña rebelde que se pintó el cabello antes de lo debido, con el argumento de "pero mamá, está en mi cabeza y es mío" 😅 Creo que mi mamá cedió a esas palabras sin tanto argumento y me lo permitió solo si mantenía las calificaciones. Yo tenía 14 años y estaba por cambiar de liceo, el color que escogí fue el rojo 😅

Lo hice por rebeldía y la emoción de hacer lo que mis compañeros de clases tenían prohibido, la emoción no duró mucho porque ese nuevo liceo era un liceo militar, en el que no estaba permitido el uso de cabello de colores, nada de flequillo, nada de trenzas. Las chicas debían usar una moñera alta, con bastante gel, y nunca debías olvidar usar la "Cristina" 😐 (gorra militar) la cristina te hacía ver como un vendedor de chicha. Durante ese período no sentí que era yo misma, quería probar otros cortes o secarme el cabello, pero no tendría sentido si tenía que usar todos los días gelatina y cola.

El día que me gradué fui libre 😁 adiós a la gelatina. Pocas semanas después de la graduación decidí hacer algo que iba en contra de todas las opiniones de mis tías y su cabello liso recién secado 🤭

Agarre la tijera y comencé a cortar y cortar, según mis conocimientos adquiridos en 3 minutos por una revista de peluquería sobre peinados para bautizos, eso iba bien, pero el espejo en el que me observe, me mentía, ese cabello quedó trasquilado 😭 ese día nadie me dijo nada, ni siquiera mi papá.

Mi mamá estaba empeñada en tomarme foto, pero ¡Lo siento! No permití que quedara para el recuerdo algo tan trágico 😂

Debo aclarar que la revista me la prestó una tía que es peluquera, mi tía Alis. ¿El karma estaba ahí haciendo de las suyas? Sí, ¿debió ser la peluquera mi tía? Probablemente.

Pero de no haber inventado con mi cabello ese día, no habría encontrado la solución y la belleza en el corte de cabello "pixie".


Muchos lo criticaron diciendo que ya no era femenina, otros me elogiaron diciendo que era una versión más linda de mí... Las opiniones siempre vienen y van. Desde mis 16 hasta mis 25 años de edad mantuve mi cabello corto, y en todo ese tiempo, no volví a la peluquería, a veces le pedía a mi mamá que me ayudara a cortar la parte de atrás, otras veces lo hacía yo con una tijera marca "solita", la inoxidable (nostalgia venezolana) 🤭

Después conocí a José Roberto, que es mi actual, pareja, el señor esposo 🤭 él también tuvo que lidiar con mi cabello, me lo corto con tijera, a máquina, con hojilla, me lo corto mi suegra, y también la tía Nina de José, parecía mi destino seguir siendo la chica pixie.

Y eso que dicen por ahí, que no es muy bueno dejar que diferentes personas te corten el cabello porque tarda más en crecer.

Hace dos años me lo estoy dejando crecer y ya no soy aquella chica a la que el champú le duraba meses, mi cabello está en otra etapa donde es libre y ondulado, y te digo con sinceridad, fue divertido cortarlo, tener fleco, tenerlo largo, pintarlo y casi matarlo con decolorante 😅 cuando veo una foto mía con el cabello corto, me da una nostalgia y me lo quiero cortar ¡pero ya!

Creo que es una etapa necesaria, nos cortamos el cabello y crecemos, emocionalmente y psíquicamente. Es parte de ser mujer, niña, hija o madre. O simplificando más, es parte de "Ser" y buscar el cambio.

¡Gracias, damas por leerme! Les mando mucha energía a todos 🌷 feliz viernes.

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  • Traducido en DeepL.
  • Collages hechos con Google photos.
  • Las fotos las tomé de mi perfil de Facebook e Instagram.

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Hello dear ladies! of the two themes for this week, I can relate to the second one 👇🏼

2️⃣ Some women cut their hair themselves not primarily to save money, but because they enjoy doing it. Have you ever cut it yourself? How did it look on you? Would you do it again? From the second option, I traveled back in time and brought the experience back with me in word form.

From the second option, I traveled to the past and brought with me the experience in the form of words.

I was the rebellious girl who painted her hair before it was due, with the argument of "but mom, it's in my head and it's mine" 😅 I think my mom gave in to those words without so much argument and allowed me to do it only if I kept up the grades. I was 14 years old and was about to change high school, the color I chose was red 😅

I did it out of rebellion and the excitement of doing what my classmates were forbidden to do, the excitement did not last long because that new high school was a military high school, in which it was not allowed to use colored hair, no bangs, no braids. Girls had to wear a high bun, with plenty of gel, and you never had to forget to wear the "Cristina" 😐 (military cap) the cristina made you look like a chicha seller. During that period I didn't feel like I was myself, I wanted to try other cuts or blow dry my hair, but it wouldn't make sense if I had to wear every day gel and glue.

The day I graduated I was free 😁 goodbye to gelatin. A few weeks after graduation I decided to do something that went against all the opinions of my aunts and their freshly blow-dried straight hair 🤭

I grabbed the scissors and started to cut and cut, according to my knowledge acquired in 3 minutes by a hairdressing magazine about hairstyles for christenings, that was going well, but the mirror in which I observed myself, lied to me, that hair was shorn 😭 that day nobody said anything to me, not even my dad.

My mom was determined to take my picture, but I'm sorry! I didn't allow such a tragic thing to remain for the memory 😂.

I should clarify that the magazine was lent to me by an aunt who is a hairdresser, my aunt Alis. Was karma at work there? Yes, must have been my aunt's hairdresser, probably.

But had I not made up with my hair that day, I would not have found the solution and beauty in the pixie haircut.


Many criticized it saying that I was no longer feminine, others praised me saying that I was a prettier version of me.... Opinions always come and go. From my 16 to my 25 years old I kept my hair short, and in all that time, I didn't go back to the hairdresser, sometimes I asked my mom to help me cut the back part, other times I did it myself with a "solita" brand scissors, the stainless (Venezuelan nostalgia) 🤭.

Then I met José Roberto, who is my current partner, my husband 🤭 he also had to deal with my hair, he cut it with scissors, with a machine, with a blade, my mother in law cut it, and also José's aunt Nina, it seemed my destiny to continue being the pixie girl.

And they say that it is not very good to let different people cut your hair because it takes longer to grow.

I've been letting it grow for two years now and I'm no longer that girl whose shampoo lasted for months, my hair is in another stage where it's free and wavy, and I tell you honestly, it was fun to cut it, have bangs, have it long, paint it and almost kill it with bleach 😅 when I see a picture of me with short hair, it makes me nostalgic and I want to cut it, but now!

I think it is a necessary stage, we cut our hair and we grow, emotionally and psychically. It is part of being a woman, girl, daughter or mother. Or simplifying more, it's part of "Being" and looking for change.

Thank you ladies for reading me! I send lots of energy to all of you 🌷 happy Friday.

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  • Translated at DeepL.
  • Collages made with Google photos.
  • The photos were taken from my Facebook and Instagram profiles.

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It's your hair and head indeed :) So awesome of your mom to let you experience how you want your hair to be. I think pixie cuts are cool.

Nice to read your story and feel the nostalgia too. I wish you had a photo of that time when the mirror lied to you 😅 I bet you just laugh about it when you remember.

Thank you !LADY for sharing your story. ❤️


My mom had her rebellious phase too, so I guess she was somehow prepared for when I wanted to be bold 😅 at least it wasn't that radical. Hehe! yes, when I remember it I laugh and regret not having a picture to laugh harder, the bizarre part of the story is that I put all the hair in a pencil case so my mom wouldn't discover me 😂.

But she didn't have to find that hair, just seeing me was enough.....

I liked the questions and especially the stories behind each lady's haircuts. Happy weekend @ifarmgirl thanks for reading!✌🏼


Aha, that explains why she let you. Perhaps she saw herself in you hehe. Having a picture will definitely make you laugh hard to the point your stomach hurts, lol! 😂

Thank you. It was fun reading different anecdotes from you all. Some (like yours) made me imagine and laugh.


Its never the EndOfTheWorld when you cut it yourself. It always grows back that naturally lends itself for us to experiment and find what we like to express ourselves in our hair. ❤️


It's true! Even though hair does not define our personality, it helps us to express it 😁.
