Anime Tracks Thursdays #15: Anime Song For Another Anime
Oops, sorry for the delay! I hope this still counts 😇
This is a weekly mini contest within The Anime Realm community, separate from the weekly mini contests that we are currently running.
#AskAnime - done weekly
#MangaMondays - done weekly
#WildPlotWednesdays - done weekly
#TARQuest - done monthly
Last Week's Winners
Sent a little gift from @theanimerealm to all the participants! Thanks for joining and sharing those great songs guys!
It was so hard to pick the best because you all suggested great songs!
Congratulations @vrezyy @makiyumee @youloseagain! I sent you 1 HBSI each.
Also set you guys as beneficiary to this post in case you haven't noticed.
Anime Tracks Thursday Contest
Imagine you're the DJ and I'm your audience.
I'm pretty sure you've heard a lot of anime songs or are you always skipping the OST? 😅 Hopefully, you still listen to the songs every now and then because they're gems!
For the theme:
It should be an anime song, of course. Old or new, anything is fine as long as it suits with the theme.
Have you listened to a song that you think fits for another anime?
Share that song, from what anime it was originally played and to what anime it fits.
If you can also tell us the reason why, that would be great!
Let me know in the comments!
Please provide the title and the artist, and if possible a link to the music (youtube, spotify or maybe you singing?).
- To join, comment your answer in this post.
- No need to make a new post to join this contest.
- English comments first before other language in comment.
- Short comments are encouraged but there's no stopping you from writing more than 300 words comment as your entry. But if you do, I think that's already a post. So max of 5 sentences will suffice.
- No plagiarized or AI generated response please.
- We want you to encourage you all to reply to other people's comments too.
Deadline: 1 day before post payout
We will be waiting for your entries!
Nanka Shiawase (Flame of Recca theme song) it fits for Dragon Ball series.

as its opening song? in what arc? i can't imagine..
DB Super.
I can't be in anime realm cause I am in enemy realm fighting hard.😅
LOL continue fighting hard!
Thank you so much for this one @theanimerealm and Miss @wittyzell! 🥰💞✨
no problem! hope you'll join again
Thankyou for the win
Appreciated 😁
Now my entry comes from Don't Toy With Me Miss Nagatoro
Of course I haven't read the translation, this is solely from the musical side of the song but it is really lively and upbeat.
It would fit with so many different series, it's now a new favourite of mine. It just fits this series so well and there's a ton others it would work with.
ToraDora is one example that the songs livliness would work well with
Love it
is this the ost of nagatoro?
sounds like a great fit to ToraDora!
Yea it's from Nagatoro
I watched the 2 season over 3 nights
It's really good actually.
Also ties in well to an upcoming post 😉
Really? I'm actually hesitant to watch it because I feel like I'll just be annoyed.. but since you watched 2 seasons that fast, then I guess it's really that good.
The bullying theme seems to be a negative for some.
But the narrative and how the characters change works really well.
I think episode 4 or 5 was where I understood the message more.
From there I enjoyed it more.
Last night I watched a new series 13 episodes start to finish, got that lost in the series, was really good and forgot to go to bed!
You got me. I don't really like bullying theme in general. That's why even when this anime was a bit popular, I'm hesitant to watch.
What's the new series that you watched? Or maybe we'll be expecting that in your new post? hehe
I didn't even know Nagatoro was so popular if I'm honest .
Was just a usual crunchy roll browse, like the cover image so thought il give it a go.
The bullying is definitely a put off but at the same time I didn't really see it as bullying. But I'm old so I have different views.
Sadly the new post is about Nagatoro
But il be doing the one for last night soon.
It was My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999
I feel like I may have read the manga or at least something similar. But not long been up and haven't had a chance to check haha
It's a really good heartwarming series though. Loved it
Hahaha it's okay. At least I'll get to know Nagatoro through your post and who knows, maybe it will encourage me to watch it right away after reading your post. LOL
My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999 was one of the best romcoms of its year. I watched it when it was aired.
I hope you give Nagatoro a chance.
Again I have now seen Yamada-Kun is madly popular
I really did enjoy it
I've missed this...
Lemme check...
gogogo seki!
Yay! Congratulations to the winners!
Anime song that is good for another anime...? Hmmmm, I think Lovers by seven oops (Naruto opening) really fits with either Bleach or Code Geass opening (op 1 for CG and op 12 for Bleach)
The message really matches well with the opening—and the timing also (I guess?). Anyway, this is really the first anime song that I really loved...from its tune to message—yieehh I'm really in love with it (ꈍᴗꈍ).
ED from Akiba's Trip - Sanki Tousen
Became the ED for Asobi Asobase.
Although the original ED is better (Inkya Impulse), I'm curious to see how the three of them dance like idols. Would it be performed with comedy?
And thanks for the prize
Via Tenor
I think there are many anime songs that would be good in other anime, just like non-anime songs like Torero by Chayanne (for those of us who speak Spanish) haha.
however an OP that I've always thought would be perfect in another anime is This Game the OP of No Game No Life, it has that virtual aesthetic to be perfect for any season of SAO, especially the first ones in Aincrad.
Jujustsu kaisen opening song
to aqua times - alone
Itadori had red lines on his body at the beginning, and when he woke up, it reminded me of bleach opening song alone by aqua times intro "oreta awae tsubasa." Some parts may not have been in sync, but others were. if you play it at the same time, I think it's cool. It might seem random, but the idea just came to me when I read a prompt Hahaha!
This opening of Bleach:
Also fits for Naruto. The upbeat sound and the good vibe to me works very well for both, also keeping in mind that the main characters are very similar.
Im in a mood to share this anime song called “kyouran hey kids!!” by the oral cigarettes. It’s an opening song from “Noragami” 😁
Also, if you want to challenge yourself. Listen to my “try not to sing” playlist. Here’s the link:
How about you @itz.inno and @fuzzyme . I know you have some recommendations 🤭
Soooo what anime will you be recommending this to? hehe noragami ost to what anime? hehe
totes not reading lol
since it is an upbeat vibe then maybe mob psycho :D
aahh nice, mob psycho seems fun for this