RE: Unplanned Pregnancy With A Stranger.


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Hi @lifeoflade,

I have been voting posts containing Hivelist tags, when they are properly used according to the rules set by

To know how to use those tags properly, click on the tags in Hivelist tags to activate a dropdown that provides a description on how to use these tags properly. Some of the tags that may be relevant to you are #contests, #events and #fundraising.

However, going forward I will be voting only Hivers who have joined the 50K List Power Club which I formed a few days back. Membership to this club is by invitation only. To be a member of this club you will need to agree to abide by a few terms and conditions as follows:

a) Use the Hivelist tags properly as per the rules. For example, use the #contests tag ONLY when you are organizing, participating in or promoting a contest.
b) Provide a descriptive sentence with a clickable link (see sample below) to the contest, event, services etc.
c) The text and images in your post are free of plagiarism.
d) Your post articles / write-ups are of reasonable length (minimum 300 words).
e) You commit to power-up ALL your earnings in LIST tokens regularly as you earn them until you reach 50k List Power.
f) Upon reaching 50K List Power, you need to power-up only 50% of your subsequent LIST token earnings to continue receiving my support. You are free to use the other 50% as you like after that.

Here is a sample of a clickable link to the contests, events or services you may be promoting:

This is a contest from the stable of the #The Ink Well Community. Interested in joining? Kindly click on this: LINK

If you are agreeable to the above, reply to this comment with a "YES".

This offer will expire in a week.

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