A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words / Contest. [Eng - Esp]

Here is what I felt when I saw this magnificent image:


Looking at infinity I remember you, experiences of yesterday, so many mixed feelings, I look and I remember you, your smell, your skin, your caresses, and your smile that always illuminated every corner, every place where you were was full of light and good vibes, I look at infinity and I remember you always.

Here I am, a bit old and tired, I have let myself be carried away by routine, tiredness, and the day-to-day work, I miss you, it's been many years without you, and no matter how hard I look for you I know I won't find you, in my memories you are there but it's not the same, I want you here and you left without warning, you left without me, you went far away, to another plane, another galaxy, another life, you took another train and you left me without a ticket.

I wait for my day to come to a board that trains, when it arrives I will not hesitate to get on, I will wait patiently, I continue in the routine of the day to day, from work to home and from home to work, I know you will come looking for me and I sense that it will be sooner rather than later, meanwhile I will stay at the station, looking at infinity.


Image courtesy of the community.
Final divider and template designed in PowerPoint and Canva
English is not my native language, my apologies if there are any mistakes, I have used the free online translator DeepL and Grammarly
If you want to participate in the initiative click Here
Come on @cautiva-30 Get inspired!

Mirando al infinito te recuerdo, experiencias del ayer, tantos sentimientos encontrados, miro y te recuerdo, tu olor, tu piel, tus caricias y tu sonrisa que siempre iluminaba cada rincón, cada lugar donde estuvieses estaba lleno de luz y buena vibra, te miro en el infinito y te recuerdo siempre.

Aquí estoy, algo viejo y cansado, me he dejado llevar por la rutina, el cansancio y el trabajo del día a día, te extraño, son muchos años sin ti y por mas que te busco sé que no te voy a encontrar, en mis recuerdos estás pero no es igual, yo te quiero aquí y te fuiste sin avisar, te fuiste sin mí, te fuiste lejos, a otro plano, otra galaxia, otra vida, tomaste otro tren y me dejaste sin boleto.

Solo espero que llegue mi día para abordar ese tren, cuando llegue no dudaré en montarme, esperaré pacientemente, sigo en la rutina del día a día, del trabajo a la casa y de la casa al trabajo, sé que vendrás a buscarme e intuyo que será mas pronto que tarde, mientras tanto me quedaré en la estación, mirando al infinito.


Imagen cortesía de la comunidad.
Separador y plantilla final diseñados en PowerPoint y Canva
Si deseas participar en la iniciativa dale click Aquí
Vamos @cautiva-30 ¡Inspirate!


The nostalgia for that loved one who will not return, the wait sometimes becomes eternal. I really liked how you interpreted the photograph, good story. A hug @yenmendt 🤗🤗.


This picture inspires me much more, his look says a lot! I think what I said was too little but I tried to summarize what I saw and felt, I'm glad you liked it!


Missed opportunities and a dedication to wait no matter how long. What an inspiring story. Having faith and something to look forward to will keep him going. Looking into infinity. A selfless act for undying love.

Thanks for sharing this story. A sad, but lovely theme. Take care.
