Esp/Eng No to dolls! Long live the metras!



Feliz fin de semana bellas damas de la colmena, agradezco estar aquí con ustedes para participar en esta iniciativa que semana a semana nos trae versos de temas que nos permiten expresarnos, y que en estos momentos es un escape a la difícil situación que atraviesa mi amada Venezuela.

Quiero hacer mi entrada con el tópico número 2: ¿Cuál era su juguete favorito de niño? ¿Por qué?


Happy weekend beautiful ladies of the hive, I am grateful to be here with you to participate in this initiative that week after week brings us verses of topics that allow us to express ourselves, and that at this time is an escape to the difficult situation that my beloved Venezuela is going through.

I want to make my entry with topic number 2: What was your favorite toy as a child? And why?


!No a las muñecas! Vivan las metras! jajajajaj

Recuerdo estar en el patio de mi casa jugando con mis hermanas y vecinos, recogiamos latas vacias y, montabamos una bodega, uno hacia de dueño, y el resto eramos los clientes, el dinero? hojas de mango, jejejej eramos ricos, asi pasabamos largas horas.

Otro juego de mis favoritos era a la escuelita, yo era la maestra y mis hermanas eran las alumnas, amaba esta juego; pero, a pesar de ser todas hembra sen casa nunca hubo muñecas, en lo particular nunca me han gustado, primero me dabn miedo los ojos, y segundo de niña veia a otras niñas cargar una muñeca como un bebe y darle comida todo eso, y aun a mi corta edad lo veia como un adoctrinamiento, de sembrarle a la mujer desde niña que ella nacio solo para ser madre; siempre dije que a mi hija no le iba a comprar muñeca, y, no tuve hijasd, sino tres varones, asi que, nunca compre muñeca! jajajaja

No to dolls! Long live the metras! hahahahahahahah!

I remember being in the courtyard of my house playing with my sisters and neighbors, we collected empty cans and set up a bodega, one of us was the owner, and the rest of us were the customers, the money? mango leaves, jejejej we were rich, so we spent long hours.

Another game of my favorites was the little school, I was the teacher and my sisters were the students, I loved this game; but, despite being all female at home there were never dolls, in particular I have never liked, first I was afraid of the eyes, and second as a child I saw other girls carrying a doll as a baby and give food all that, and even at my young age I saw it as an indoctrination, to sow the woman since childhood that she was born just to be a mother; I always said that I wasn't going to buy my daughter a doll, and I didn't have daughters, but three boys, so I never bought a doll! jajajaja




Estos dos juegos eran buenos, pero, ninguno como jugar picha, metra o canica, si, señor, era mi favorito, jugaba con hembras y varones, no se, sentir la emocion de pegarle a la metra del otro, ganar o perder metras, era lo mejor! las coleccionaba, compraba todas las que podia, era emocionante!

Recuerdo que tenia muy buena punteria, pegaba desde lejos, jejejej, lo hice hasta ya bastante grande, aun en el liceo jugaba, mi mama me decia: esa muchacha casi nace varon! jajajajaj, despues de ser madre con tres hijos varones, a veces me pongo a jugar con ellos y recuerdo esa maravillosa epoca de mi vida.

Hasta aqui mi escrito, espero te hayas entretenido leyendo!

Gracias pos pasar!

Dios te bendiga!

These two games were good, but, none like playing picha, metra or marble, yes, sir, it was my favorite, I played with females and males, I don't know, feeling the excitement of hitting the other's metra, winning or losing metras, it was the best! I collected them, I bought as many as I could, it was exciting!

I remember that I had very good aim, I hit from far away, hehehehehe, I did it until I was quite big, even in high school I played, my mom told me: that girl was almost born a boy! hahahahahahahah, after being a mother with three sons, sometimes I play with them and I remember that wonderful time of my life.

So far my writing, I hope you enjoyed reading it!

Thanks for stopping by!

God bless you!


Translated with

      Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, capturadas con mi teléfono ZTE.                                                       

   All images are my own, captured with my ZTE phone.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I am glad to learn that "metras" in Spanish is "marbles" in English! The translator did not help me when others wrote about metras! So, thank you for that! 😂


hahahahaha glad I could help 😊

Yes they are the popular marbles 😁.

Happy day 🙏


Jiji. Aquí en Cuba le decimos jugar a las bolitas. 🤗


Es mi juego favorito 😁 y por acá le decimos picha, metra o canicas.

Gracias por pasar.

Saludos 🙏
