LOH CONTEST #190 - My motorized life

Hola amigos de Ladies of Hive, hoy me uno a esta iniciativa tan interesante con un cambio muy fuerte y desafiante , y es que ya hace 6 meses tome la decisión de comprarme una moto, era algo que queria adquirir desde hace mucho tiempo, para tener la facilidad de movilizarme de una manera más cómoda y rápida, de manera individual y también con mi mamá.

Hello friends of Ladies of Hive, today I join this very interesting initiative with a very strong and challenging change, and that is that 6 months ago I made the decision to buy a motorcycle, it was something that I had wanted to acquire for a long time, to have the ease of getting around in a more comfortable and faster way, individually and also with my mother.



Pero había un pequeño detalle, primera vez que tenía una moto y no sabía manejar para nada, me hice la sobrada de que iba a ser fácil pero no lo fue, el miedo me consumía, tenía mucha inseguridad de caerme, el amigo que me acompañó a comprarla me explico su uso, lo básico y hasta ahí, yo en la tarde del mismo día que la compré empecé a practicar dentro del estacionamiento de mi urbanización, dando vueltas, intentando perder el miedo y agarrar equilibrio, así pase aproximadamente unas semanas, solo practicando, no iba a lugares muy lejos con ella porque me atacaban los nervios, tenía temor cuando pasaban otros carros. La compré un 18 de Diciembre y el 24 de Diciembre un vecino me hizo el favor de llevármela a casa de mi abuela, por allá practique bastante en la carretera pero cuando la fui a guardar dentro de la casa la choque sin querer, y eso me dolió mucho, lloré por mucho rato, la rueda delantera se llevó el mayor golpe y se descuadró.

But there was a small detail, the first time I had a motorcycle and I didn't know how to drive at all, I assumed it was going to be easy but it wasn't, fear consumed me, I was very insecure about falling, the friend who accompanied me When I bought it, he explained its use, the basics, and that's it. On the afternoon of the same day I bought it, I started practicing inside the parking lot of my development, walking around, trying to lose my fear and gain balance, so I spent approximately a few weeks, Just practicing, I didn't go to very far places with her because my nerves attacked me, I was afraid when other cars passed by. I bought it on December 18th and on December 24th a neighbor did me the favor of taking it to my grandmother's house, there I practiced a lot on the road but when I went to put it away inside the house I accidentally crashed it, and that made me It hurt a lot, I cried for a long time, the front wheel took the biggest hit and came out of square.


Después de pasar las semanas más difíciles y soltar un poco el miedo, empecé a salir a rutas cortas cerca de mi casa, y un día de esos, continuando en la práctica, fui a buscar un paquete de mercancía que me había llegado y lo tenía entre los pies, realmente venía incómoda, y tome una ruta diferente de regreso a mi casa de lo habitual, para cambiar y cuando me di cuenta, ya era muy tarde, en la carretera habia un hueco enorme y era largo, abarcaba toda la carretera, intentando evitarlo la moto se me fue de lado y me cai, una caida muy fuerte, me raspe todos los brazos, me di muy duro en la rodilla, me dolia muchisimo, la moto se le rompieron varios plasticos, varias personas me ayudaron a levantarme y a levantar la moto, me di cuenta de que no podía caminar bien, pase un poco el dolor y después agarre mi moto y me fui a mi casa a llorar, estaba muy adolorida y triste, sufrí el mayor golpe en la rodilla izquierda, pensaba que no iba a lograr dominarla nunca, hasta pensé en venderla, pero después de todo lo que había pasado no me iba a rendir. Y continúe, hasta hoy que ya no tengo miedo, voy a rutas lejanas, ya domino a la moto, ella no me domina a mi, y estoy muy contenta de haber continuando intentando y de no rendirme en el proceso, porque ahora siempre me siento como una moto mami, una mujer independiente, fuerte, valiente que todos los retos que se le presentan los supera, así soy yo.

After going through the most difficult weeks and letting go of the fear a little, I started going out on short routes near my house, and one of those days, continuing in the practice, I went to look for a package of merchandise that had arrived and I had it. between my feet, I was really uncomfortable, and I took a different route back to my house than usual, to change and when I realized, it was already very late, in the road there was a huge gap and it was long, it covered the entire road Trying to avoid it, the motorcycle went sideways and I fell, a very hard fall, I scraped all of my arms, I hit my knee very hard, it hurt a lot, the motorcycle broke several plastic parts, several people helped me get up and lift the motorcycle, I realized that I couldn't walk well, the pain went away a little and then I grabbed my motorcycle and went home to cry, I was very sore and sad, I suffered the biggest blow to my left knee, I thought I would never be able to master it, I even thought about selling it, but after everything that had happened I was not going to give up. And it continues, until today that I am no longer afraid, I go to distant routes, I already dominate the motorcycle, it does not dominate me, and I am very happy to have continued trying and not to give up in the process, because now I always feel like a motorcycle mom, an independent, strong, brave woman who overcomes all the challenges that come her way, that's who I am.


Fue una situacion fuerte que me marco, me cambió y me ayudó a avanzar. Ahora a todos lados voy con mi moto

It was a strong situation that marked me, changed me and helped me move forward. Now I go everywhere with my motorcycle


Espero le guste mi relato amigos, bendiciones.

I hope you like my story friends, blessings.

Todas las fotos fueron capturadas con mi Tecno Camon 30.


You know, I couldn't help but smile because that's what happens when we choose to learn. We must fall, we must fail in order to be good at what we are learning.

I am happy you mastered it at last


Yes, thank you very much. That's how it is. Lessons are sometimes learned with pain, but they always leave a beautiful lesson


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@yoselindiaz, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.


Congratulations to you on not giving up even when you were hurt. Enjoy the journey and adventure, wherever your motorbike takes you :)

Thank you for sharing your story, !LADY ❤️


It may not make clear sense to buy a vehicle without having driven it before, but I remember buying my first car with a manual transmission having only having to learned on an Automatic transmission. With a little bit of coaching I learned it under a day and I was fine. Look on it as a chance to learn @yoselindiaz


Clear. And I really didn't have anyone to teach me, and many people don't want to lend their vehicles for others to learn, so I preferred to learn myself with my own vehicle. Thank you
