Weekend-Engagement WEEK #248: Emotions... can you spare any?🤔


Let's talk about emotions, that fundamental part that characterizes us and the way we perceive what surrounds us thanks to them. For better or worse, they are always there.

Reading this weekend's topics, this one caught my attention. And yes, I consider myself a very emotional person and although it is something positive, at other times emotions arise that are not relevant or let's say it another way, I allow them to grow more than necessary.

- What emotion do you think you could personally do without and why? How would it improve your life and what challenges would eliminating it bring?

ANXIETY: one of the most problematic emotions and I'm sure for some of you as well. That constant worry about what will happen tomorrow, what your actions may or may not lead to. Over thinking so much is both exhausting and distressing, feeling your heart rate increase and your breathing become irregular because of a situation you can't control. So yes, this is the emotion I would do without.



Although anxiety is considered a completely normal response in situations of threats and uncertainties, the way it appeared without warning was going out of what is considered normal. So, with patience, I have been accepting the day-to-day situations and thus regulating it as much as possible.

That my life would improve if I could do without it completely? OF COURSE YES, it is not only about an emotion but about health and although it may not seem like it, our emotions play an important role in our body, the simple fact of being subjected to constant stress and anxiety brings multiple gastrointestinal problems, acne, increased blood pressure and stop counting, as health personnel I can certify it.



As for the challenges that eliminating it would bring would be the fact that in situations of real danger or threat I would not have that rush of fear or adrenaline that would be necessary to face that moment.

And as everything in this life is about balance, another challenge and let's say the most complicated for me is to find a middle ground, not allowing this emotion to affect my days of tranquility in which it is not necessary.


Everything is possible, looking for the techniques that best suit our lifestyle. Guided meditation, hobbies and quality time alone or with your favorite people will make the difference.

Thanks for making it this far, I look forward to the next weekend topics, see you later!💜


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We all go through moments of anxiety, what matters is that we know how to act and more importantly have the support to overcome it. I'm glad you have techniques to handle that monster.


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