LOH#195 Reality of Imigration



Yes, we live in a time of rapid change and civilization.
Yes, we live in a time where immigration is not a new word to many of us anymore. Every day we see thousands and thousands of people leaving their homes, crossing borders both international and locally, to new states, towns, countries etc. Some are in search of a better life, some need a change in their lives, some are to start up. a new life with a loved one, spouse etc. Everyone with his reasons.

Immigration is like I said earlier, not something new to us again. Some dream about it, and some live it already. And I can boldly say that I'm part of the two parties, living and dreaming of crossing the international waters to a new country for a new start to life.

Presently, I left the shores of my home to a new state to take up a job. And I can say that it was not an easy feat to try to settle down in a new place where you have no one. In a place where you are a stranger. I had a lot of challenges I dealt with, struggles I can not talk about. But somehow with my goal in mind, I was able to overcome it.

Honesty, when I got the job offer in another state, I was very excited. It was what I dreamt of at that point. A starting point to something bigger. But as I arrived a stranger in a new land reality dawned on me that it was not going to be easy at all. Because at that point, I had no place to stay other than the offer the organisation gave me to crash in the lobby when everyone was gone till I was able to find an apartment. That was the only option for me considering that the job offer didn't come with an apartment. I was a hungry lion ready to devour.

So I had no choice but to make the office lobby my makeshift home at night. I don't want to talk about how insecure it was for me as a lady to stay in such conditions for over two weeks. But I kept my smile every day through those weeks at work like everything was fine.

Luckily, the third week after my arrival, I got a loan from a loan app and paid for a small apartment. My first apartment. It was so small, but as always a win is a win'. I still had bigger dreams and visions that gave me focus and zeal.

My first salary was used to pay back my loan. And I had to survive the rest of the month on friends I made at the office, family and a lot of faith. Trust me it wasn't an easy one, but it taught me how to be resilient..

The truth is unless you have help or the resources in place. Migrating as a loner in a whole new world is not easy. Because you're starting with very few options in your hands. If you happen not to be resourceful, not focused and work hard with your goal in mind, live within your means. You might easily get lost. You must make every penny count. Pick the important needs and drown the unimportant ones.

If there is absolutely no good reason for migrating, do not think about it. If you're not starting a new job, no survival plan for the meantime till you get yourself together. It's advisable not to. Technically, you're trying to gamble with your life.

As easy as it may look, I realized something. Migrating to a new place, or country. Whether with a full survival plan or not requires w lot of determination and resilience. It's like moving to an alien land with a new culture, more way of life, new people, new environment, weather, and food. It feels like you're having a new change of life. And if you can not color with that you'll break too easily.

But on second thought, what is life without an adventure or risk?


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I love how you captured it well. Many of us still long to migrate not minding what comes with the new environment. The reality immediately hits and if not careful, get lost and misplaced priorities sets in.

It's easier dreamt of than done. But with determination, resilience, the right resources, one can adjust in any given environment


Reality hits so quick and for some they thrive. But in all resilience and determination is key.


I hope more immigrants do their homework before coming to Canada. Many who do leave not very long after they arrive discovering their University degrees are not up to standards and cannot get into their profession, They discover that there is a high cost of living and various jurisdictions tax half our incomes, then there is the terrible lack of housing. I feel sad discovering a new friend leaving to try the USA, otherwise, it is a high risk gamble.


These are the things we all need to understand. It is not about Picking up our bags and migrating it is also about doing the research needed before embarking on such journey.
Sometimes it is not always greener on the other side.
