The Dance Battle That Sparked a Lifetime of Hoarding


It all started back in the late 2000’s, I had just finished competing with a fellow 8-year-old girl in a dance competition at my buddy’s birthday party. And now it was time to determine the winner.

I tried to ignore how fast my heart was racing while I bent down, my arms resting on my thighs, panting from the mini workout dance I had just completed. The MC took a hold of my opponent’s frail arm, raised it in the air and spoke in the microphone-

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“If the girl in yellow is your winner, let me hear you say YEAH YEAH!!!”

“YEAH YEAH!!!!!” the crowd of giggling children screamed, a significant number of them too.

I was sure I had lost the battle after hearing the intensity of that scream. My eyes started filling up with tears; there was no way I could top that, or so I thought.

The MC turned to me, took my arm and raised in the air, then said,

“If the girl in pink is your winner, let me hear you say WOOOOO!!!”

“WOOOOOOOOO!!!!” the whole crowd erupted in a reverberating sound.

I was taken aback. Wow, so they like me then😜😅. I quickly wiped the tear that had managed to escape and raised my shoulders high.

“And there you have it; the prize goes to the pretty girl in the pink shirt,” the MC said, referring to me, after which everyone clapped.

The MC then picked up a gift bag and gave it to me.

You want to know what was inside the bag? I’ll never forget it—the item that would later become the origin of my villain story and the very thing that activated the hoarding spirit inside of me.

It was a Jotter and a Pen

Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Ifunanya Zita and I hoard Jotters and Pens 😩😩

As you can see, I’ve been doing it since I was little. I can’t fully explain it in a way that would sound logical, but whenever I see a book, most especially a jotter, my heart explodes into little cozy clouds and I get ecstatic internally. I am moved to secure it at all costs.

And let’s not talk about pens. I have been known to get feral and/or emotional after losing a pen in the past. I don’t care if I have a whole pack of pens; if one gets missing, it affects my mood for the day. It’s a “no sheep gets left behind” situation.

And when you throw me, being a nurse, into the mix, you get yourself a recipe for disaster😅. Because if there is one universal thing about nurses, it’s that we do not joke about our pens.

Over the years, after attending birthdays, weddings, inductions, and what have you, I've managed to gather myself a mini collection of jotters. But in the spirit of minimalism, I have given out most of it to people as gifts.

I only have a few of them left now, with little to no idea what I’ll use them for. But one thing is for sure, I’m not giving these ones out just yet. I have a feeling they’ll still be with me when I start a family 😄.

I’d like to say that I won’t be receiving any more jotters, but that would be a lie. I just can’t say no to something so heartwarming. I will work on decluttering though. I’ll learn to give the out some day…

Do you have something absurd that’s precious to you as well? What is that one thing you hoard that makes no sense to the next person but makes you feel good? I’d love to hear it in comment below.

Thanks for reading 😊

This is my participation in the #cleanin-out-my-closet contest being held in the Minimalist community. 16th of July is the last day, hurry up and participate!

Images used are mine.


If rodents lay a hand on your stash like this, oh my lord, what a feast it would be for them. Lol.

So what do you write on, then?


They will not find it😭😭😂. But paper is not even sweet, I wonder why they go for it🤔.
Any rodent that tampers with my stash will not live to tell the story!!

What do I write on? It could be anything. I mostly use them for personal diaries and planning for the week, or to do lists. They all come in pretty handy.

Thanks for stopping by Olujay🤗🤗


You have left me with a big smile 😄 Very funny way to describe how much you love jotters and pens. "No sheep left behind" was a great sentence to describe it 🤭 They are beautiful your jotters, pretty girl in the pink shirt 💟


Thank you for the compliment 🤗🥰, My jotters mean a lot!

Pretty girl in the pink shirt

I see what you did there😅😅
Thank you @purpleglitter for reading and leaving a sweet comment🤗. I'm glad I got you to smile😅


I have jotters a lot but I have a bad habit on using them. I don't exhaust one before going to another. Infact, I use everything on my table at once.

For pen, I'm opposite. Back then in school, I wasn't among the pen buyers because it doesn't last in my hand. I only borrow and 'Collect' from ground 😅


I don't exhaust one before going to another.

Funny enough, I do the exact same thing😅. I'm currently using three of them at the same time, for the same purpose.

I only borrow and 'Collect' from ground 😅

AH, I know your type😅. You're part of the people that come to school with nothing and go back home with 10 pens😂. Well done oo


The zigzag usage of of jotters,
it used to give me stress too when I want to search for something I wrote inside one of them. Like now, I've been looking for a phone number I wrote inside one of the jotters. I've searched all and couldn't find it.

AH, I know your type😅. You're part of the people that come to school with nothing and go back home with 10 pens😂. Well done oo

I schooled in a public school. Not ajebo-type. Things were always rough in such setting 😂


I actually thought you used them for a diary but that's not the case. Having this much jotter would be a miracle because I give them out immediately since I won't be needing it.

You've got a nice collection indeed and I just need to know when and how to get one of those jotters.


I give them out immediately since I won't be needing it.

Oh my God🙁, can never be me! You actually give them out?

I just need to know when and how to get one of those jotters.

It's not happening dear😄. I'll probably even take the ones you have😅.

Thanks for coming by George🤗


Oh man, I totally get that! I can't resist a good jotter (also, I never heard them called that and I absolutely love the word!). No matter how many you have. I think they're sneaky cause they're so practical, you think to yourself that's not that bad. I do it too.

And what a great origin story! <3 I hope you still dance :) Thank you for the lovely entry!


(also, I never heard them called that and I absolutely love the word!)

That's what we call them in my country🙂.

I think they're sneaky cause they're so practical

Exactlyy!!. I accept them thinking I will definitely use them soon, only to wind up stacking them up like trophies and staring at them😄.

Thanks for the awesome comment Honeydue. I only dance in my leisure time, when I'm by myself, it's best that way😅.
Have a nice one!


I enjoyed reading this from start to finish.👏🙌
It is nicely written; has a beautiful story; and what precious memories.
I hope somewhere your mum has photos of you in that dance contest 😍
By the way, I have a thing for pens too, and I used to be anal about it in my younger years. I didn't know that nurses also have a thing for pens. AND, notebooks also. It's the first time I've heard the word jotters too. Would you believe that I went to a town looking for some yesterday and a journal? However, they were way more expensive than I thought they would. Still, I've thought about the purpose of the journal and I think it is worth it, so I'm gonna go back and buy one tomorrow, and hopefully some jotters too.

Thank you for participating with such a brilliant entry:)))👏


Oh wow, this is so heartwarming Milly, thank you so much🤗🤗🤗

I hope somewhere your mum has photos of you in that dance contest 😍

😄😄😄. It would be so cool if she did.

By the way, I have a thing for pens too, and I used to be anal about it in my younger years

So you get the obsession then😄😄. I don't know what it is about pens that draws people.

It's the first time I've heard the word jotters too.

We call it jotters where I'm from. I didn't even realize it was called something else till I posted this. I'm curious to know what you call it in your country?

Would you believe that I went to a town looking for some yesterday and a journal?

Trust me, I totally understand! Sometimes you just feeling like writing, or you don't even need to feel like it. The journals they make these days, have such pretty designs that make you want to get all of them😅, at least I do.
I think you should get one🙂. And a jotter too!

My apologies for the late reply🙏🙏
I hope you're good and have a great rest of the week!


We just call them notebooks here. 😁
I do love them and collect them a lot too.
Your story was amazing and a memory that I'm sure you'll cherish forever:)))



Thank you for your participation! We really enjoyed your entry and hope to see you again soon at a future contest. Until then, make sure to check out the #KISS prompts, or the Weekly Daily Theme, if you're looking for inspiration to delve more into your minimalist journey!


Thank you so much🤗
I will definitely check it out !!
