iniciativa/¿Cuál es tu edad subjetiva? ¿De qué edad te sientes?/contando las decadas
traductor deepl
imagenes propias trabajadas en canva
Greetings friends I hope you are having a nice week, I have had some health difficulties and especially of electric fluid jj but I could not stop passing by some post about the nice Initiative: What is your subjective age? How old do you feel? proposed by the friend @lilianajimenez.
I think it is a nice topic to invite my friend @osismi and @estelacha, who will be able to give beautiful experiences.
I have lived every stage of my life with intensity, yes because I am too intense, I recognize it, but when I was young I did not understand why most of the women in my family, who are quite a few by the way, always created a crisis when a gray hair appeared.
They would run to the gyms, when before they didn't, they would just tell me to let you get to 40.
Age has never been a problem for me, I always tend to dress more according to the place I go to than because of my age, for me everything looks good, because I have always had a very high self-esteem, however when I got my first gray hair I got excited because I have white hair and I like it.
Many say that gray hair when it appears is synonymous of maturity, something that I don't believe but everyone runs around the house looking for a dye because they say that I look older, and as I have the best hair in the family they like to see me dyed.
However, I have always felt happy in spite of going through hard and difficult times like everyone else, I have tried to be happy and I believe that age doesn't matter for this state.
I dance a lot, I try to enjoy life, I don't live with prejudice, I believe that time is short and ephemeral, when I was asked my age I have always said it with pride, so much so that at 40 I competed in dance with 20 year olds and not because I felt 20 years old but because I am proud of my age.
I believe that if you have fun in life and despite the pains that you repair you know how to enjoy every moment you will not miss so many years, many say you look 30 if you wear those 40 with pride or vice versa you look older, but it's all pure perception.
As long as you are healthy, I will accept all the compliments that come to me but I can not fail to recognize that the 20s are not the same as the 40s jjjj, I am already 56 and yet I tell everyone that the 50s came to me very badly because my health has not been with me since that time.
I know many men with age dilemmas and especially the subjective ones, but I think it is important to realize that each age marks a stage of life that with it go explicit some skills that you can then go losing, but if you enjoy them you will get to love the age you have without so much longing.
At 56 years old, I still enjoy my age but I still think more about the one I will have than the one I had.
traductor deepl
imagenes propias trabajaadas en canva
Hola amiga
Concuerdo contigo, podemos ser felices y disfrutar de la vida sin importar nuestra edad. lo realmente importante es amarnos y aceptarnos tal como somos. Saludos
gracias por leerlo asi es lo importante es disfrutar
Excelente amiga compartir y sentirse fabulosa con amor propio, animo y actitud.
asi es porque si empiezas a verlo diferente me vuelvo loca jjj,el cuerpo cambia y no es para bien jjj