My Experience Writing and Publishing an Ebook in 3 Months

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Photo Caption: Taken just after getting my computer back after breaking it by pouring water on it a week before I released this book I'm about to talk about.

The response I have received from those who have purchased my book has been overwhelmingly positive. After 3 months and technically having to write it twice, this is music to my ears.

Realistically the biggest fear for any new author is that they will publish their book and that no one buys it. That’s magnified when you’re dealing with publishers who expect a paycheck.

Instead I took the agorist self publishing route and I’m already happy I did so. I have full control over the ebook and how I sell it. If I want to print, I can do so in small batch if the demand fits it. To me that’s pretty cool.

What’s also pretty cool is going to Twitter to promote my book only to realize that the first person who bought it already did, with glowing review that’s shared above.

But beyond that the ebook itself is a seed that as far as I am concerned bears many fruit. 2 chapters are agorism related which gets the message across without having to write a whole damn book on it. I’m realizing that people are now paying more attention to those living and doing things than those just simply talking about what life could be if only…

It’s also intended to inspire artists who might have put aside their craft, whatever that may be, for the rat race. This book has tips on how to get started on new hobbies and how to monetize them!

Which makes me think perhaps my next ebook should be about my lifestyle, and how I make it work. From time management tools to how I find work.

Anyway, if you haven’t yet go check out the book over at the Homestead Guru. I’m in shameless promotion now, deal with it <3

For the book, follow this link



Writing a book is an interesting experience. I just got finished with one myself that I put together in a couple of short months. Once it starts coming, it tends to just flow. You may also want to think about publishing it on Amazon and Apple Books for more exposure.
