Let Our Picture Tell Your Story - Edition 52

I would love to thank everyone who makes this game so much fun :) This includes everyone who has supported the contest, and most of all those who entered. You are so awesome!

We are going to be offering two choices for you to use as a prompt this week - and while you can only win one prize, you can write a story about more than one picture if you want. In fact, write as many stories as you like! It will increase your chances of winning! Or just choose the one that calls to you!

Also please note that if you have an image posted in the Feathered Friends community, and feel it would be a good fit for this contest, you should let me know so I can use it next time :)

Collage made in Canva using the images sourced below.

Full credit for the images goes to the following authors and posts, please show them some love!

Dove by @papilloncharity :

Sparrows by @gems.and.cookies :

For this week, let's each try to tag at least two good friends who we know would love to play. Share the love, and make the contest even bigger.

There are only a couple of guidelines you should follow for this contest:
Your story should be in the comment section of this post.
Your story should have a title.
Have fun!

@melinda010100 and the community account Hive-106444 and your upvotes generously provide the prizes for this challenge. There is a reward pool of 8 HIVE and 1000 ecency points for our winners.

We have an extra pool of 8 HIVE per month donated by @dreemsteem. Join me in thanking @melinda010100 @dswigle and @dreemsteem @gornat @archon for the extra prizes.

First prize is 3 Hive
Second prize 2 Hive
Third prize is 1 Hive
Engagement 1 Hive
Special mention 1 Hive
Ecency points will be awarded to participants based on their contribution to this edition of the challenge. Prizes will be added as needed.

Post rewards go towards supporting the Let Our Picture Tell Your Story prize fund.

Kindly note that this edition will end at the time of payout.

The winners will be announced after the payout of this post. Deadline for entries is at payout.

Keep your entries coming in. Please tag your friends and let's meet in the comment section. If you think you might have posted a photo that would be a good fit, let me know! Please note, it must have its own post in the Feathered Friends community to be eligible. All images used will be displayed with a link to the original post, as well as a mention so the author can come check it out, and hopefully make up a story.

Keep your eyes 👀 peeled and look for my post announcing the winners of this edition.

I look forward to reading your stories as always. Kindly note that while we welcome your stories and interaction with participants in the comment section, leaving spam comments like 'nice picture' are not acceptable and will not be rewarded.

Check out @nelinoeva 's contest Show me a photo challenge

@barbara-orenya also feature the best posts in her Featured feathered friends compilation and helps you get more exposure. So, get your photographs in ASAP.

Also, I would like to thank Archon for their kindness and support 🙌

Thank you everyone for your kind support and participation. Those who have already participated or have requested a tag:
@chocolatescorpi @khoola @umirais @ayesha-malika @chincoculbert @cmplxty @pibara @gemstone @beeber @mineopoly @mynatasha @jacoalberts @doziekash @taufar @otuyanancy @kemmyb @enginewitty (for you and your girls) @littlebee4 @thequizshow @marito74 @eylz619 @itsostylish @lesmann @vikbuddy @lxsxl @tattoodjay @daniky @cescajove @queenstarr @ninahaskin @elentogether @sammy00 @farm-mom @orikkot @papilloncharity @bayuismail @corvidae @phoenixwren @jacobtothe @samsmith1971 @joetunex @juliamulcahy @insaneworks @ninahaskin @bloghound @faisalhanafih @katleya @embunpagi @zhanavic69 @annymharie @chromiumone @mcyusuf @flaxz @dswigle @sayofunmi @olawalium @flaxz.alive @flaxz @tengolotodo @heskay @nkemakonam89 @naniplayergamer @samsmith1971 @silversaver888 @stevemuis @popurri @soyunasantacruz @nickydee @sagesigma @seeger @buckaroobaby @cute-cactus @balikis95 @killerwot @humbe @redheadpei @hindavi @tali72 @florian-glechner @ganjafarmer @meesterboom @ellenripley @gornat @abelfotografia @dandays @ninahaskin @aideleijoie @digitalis @sunscape @opidia @irvet @blueeyes8960 @emiliorios @frazfrea @contestbox42 @hadrianwild @aiuna @arc7icwolf @litguru @borniet @lightpen @grocko @emreal @idlemind @emrysjobber @dwixer @ladyfoth @ganjafarmer @elisaday7 @rare-gem @agmoore @dandays @numa26 @belkyscabrera

If you would like to be added or removed from the tags, please ask :)


Hello! What a pleasure to hear from you after all these days.
Thank you very much for the invitation


My pleasure, very sorry for the absence. I've missed writing, but have been here for curating and reading some



Thanks for the invitation @wrestlingdesires . Thanks also to: @melinda010100 , @dreemsteem @gornat @archon

We already missed your absence

Here my participation



Grandma Andrea lived alone and always got up early; as usual she performed her ritual. The first thing she did was to put food in an aluminum dish for her dog Estrella. She was already 10 years old. She is an old and grumpy Dalmatian. She has a hard time getting up in the morning. She always stretches, little by little, and then goes for her morning walk. After finishing her walk she goes to the backyard. She knows she always has her food ready; but this time she met her lover, Captain. They had already been together for 5 years. It was a long
long-lived love. And she decided to talk to him for a while. Meanwhile, the pair of sparrows,
Miski and Brownie, were flying near Andrea's house. There, they noticed that there was food...

Brownie says to his partner:

-Come, my love, today we have an easy meal. Estrella is with her lover

The gluttonous Miski flies quickly. She begins to peck and discovers a crumb of bread with butterfly caterpillars, her favorite. Little by little, she tastes the food...

-Thank you. It is an exquisite delicacy.

The pair of sparrows are enthusiastic. This time they got what they wanted. They are happy.

-We ate too much, Brownie remarks.

-Yes, but remember we have to keep our babies. Miski replies.

-Relax Miski, Mrs. Andrea, when she sees us, she knows we bring good news. Besides, we are helping her to control the pests in her orchard.

Indeed, Andrea watched the sparrows just as they were taking flight. At that moment she remembered that it would be good to invite her family to join her. She was already tired of living alone...

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


Hopefully Andrea's family agrees to join her!

Thanks so much for your entry, I loved the story :)



@wrestlingdesires Thank you for tagging me.
@dripdripdrop @zenie @alyssum07 @boredjuie You might want to join this.

Here's my story.


"Breaking News! There will be a country-wide total blackout starting next week. It will last for the entire month!"

The crowd of Gen-Z’s made various reactions.
The social butterflies of them frantically screamed, expressing their despair. Their whimpers echoed in the covered court, annoying the Millennials, the Gen Xs, and Boomers II.
“Blackout means no electricity.”
“No electricity means no Wi-Fi!” cried one.
“No Wi-Fi means no socmed!” yelled the another.
“What socmed?” the announcer asked over the microphone.
“Social Media! Duh!”
“No socmed means no life!” another one cried. “We’re doomed to live a boring life!”
And the extroverts cried louder. “No mobile phones! No Netflix and chill!”
“This will kill our social life!”
The rest of the crowd, including the Gen-Z introverts, remained unbothered. They were the bunches who could live without electronics.
“We can always read books or paint,” one introvert said. “We can tell stories by the bonfire at night, too.”
“We can always enjoy ourselves with good old stories,” a boomer said. “Of course, talking with others is fun if there are beverage and snacks.”
“We, millennials, can play our old games: tug of war, patintero, and tumbang preso. Nothing beats those games!”
“But how are we going to communicate with friends from far away?” One Gen-Z extrovert asked.
“Don’t worry. The government got you! Each of you will be given a dove that will help with the exchange of message!” the announcer said.
“BORING!” the extrovert crowd booed.
“Sounds fun!” the rest rejoiced.
The next day, all the government officials handed one dove per person depending on the number of members in a household.
“We’ll do this the old way. If people in the past were able to enjoy their lives despite having no technology, we can too.”
Since then, the morning sky is filled with flying doves. The avians were able to fulfill their task of keeping a peaceful exchange of messages.
No war had social media war occurred since then.
The citizens only exchanged message with the people they know, and so, no crimes had ever happened.
Without social media, cyberbullying no longer happened. No individual had ever felt insecure or worthless. No bullies had trampled over other people’s feelings and made fun of other’s physical appearances.
Doves had always been a symbol of peace; thus, with them being the bringer of messages, peace prevailed across the country.


Wouldn't it be nice if it was that easy to fix everything :) What a great and thoughtful entry



Thank you. :)
A simple life is less chaotic, don't you think?



The return journey

Because I've decided to be alone, to fly alone
To live the dawn under a clear sky without shadows
The serene streets, still without wavering souls of learned routines
A few steps away from the only nearby park

I've decided to avoid melancholy, the absence of hugs
To motivate the soul that inhabits me with the restful flight
Enamoring my memories so that they never return...
...and make a space for myself in the silence

Today time surrenders to this whim
To be an absent bird, an unpolluted summer pigeon
A short and passing song, strange being
And serenade me with the soft wind that does not drag

Thus the solitary life is taking shape
A presence that hides in the depths of my sorrows that pursues
Am I the only remnant of the wrong herd?
Or am I just the first one to start his return journey?

Sinlinea título.png

This is my participation in the Let Our Picture Tell Your Story Initiative - Edition 52 by @wrestlingdesires from the @hive-106444 Community.
I invite, affectionately to:

Sinlinea título.png


Hello @emiliorios, what a beautiful text you shared with us which was born from an image that is also full of beauty in my opinion. I liked it very much. I didn't know this community, much less this initiative that captivated me thanks to your participation and invitation. I am already evaluating the different images and have sent for the muse to come and do her work.
Thank you very much for your invitation. All the best.


@emiliorios Thanks for the invitation friend!!!


Very good message and interpretation of the message @emiliorios . The solitary bird resolves to return even if the hugs are not present...


It is a good performance, or the decision to go it alone, without herds...
Thank you very much, @katleya



I remember that in the backyard of my maternal grandparents' house they had many pigeons, I spent my afternoons after school at my grandmothers' house, and one of my many pranks was playing to hunt these little birds, for which I invented different gadgets. house, with baskets, sticks, ropes and different objects that he found in the place.

However, these adventures would soon come to an end because an unfortunate pigeon that I caught and began to roughly play with, sadly died. This left me with a very strong feeling of guilt and sadness, it is something that was marked in my life, and today I still remember the moment when I realized that my games had cost the life of this small animal.

I remember that my intention was not to harm her, I was just innocently playing with her, but this fact made me understand the value and fragility of life and understood that as human beings and supposedly the most advanced species on planet Earth, we are responsible for the well-being and care of all living beings on the planet.

This is my participation in the Let Our Picture Tell Your Story Initiative - Edition 52 by @wrestlingdesires from the @hive-106444 Community. Thanks to @emiliorios for inviting me to participate in this initiative, I invite @marthaisela to be part of this contest. Love and respect for Mother Nature and all living beings.


I'm glad you realized that you need to value all life. It must have been a very sad day for you 😢

Thanks so much for sharing your story, and welcome to Let Our Picture Tell Your Story :)


Thank you very much for your support. It was really a very sad day, even as I was writing a strange feeling came back to me.


What a sad experience @torrecoin90 but it left you with a great learning experience 🐦‍⬛



$PIZZA slices delivered:
wrestlingdesires tipped idlemind
@wrestlingdesires(6/15) tipped @untilwelearn
wrestlingdesires tipped germanandradeg
wrestlingdesires tipped katleya
wrestlingdesires tipped elentogether
wrestlingdesires tipped torrecoin90


Here my entry

Photograph by @papilloncharity

Your last flight

The gray pigeon was tired of flying, she was looking for a place to perch and feel the cool breeze on her feathers and not worry about anything else.

As she slowly flapped her wings she began to remember moments of her life, like when she flew into the void for the first time and the thrill she felt when she flew, when she found her mate and between them, they hatched their two eggs on the roof of a church or when her beak broke while she was trying to get a grain of corn from a crack in the floor of the square. He loved that place with its fountain and trees, where children would take food out of bags and throw them on the ground with joy on their faces as they watched the pigeons eat.

Humans are unpredictable animals, they can be cruel but also kind and protective. He had known them up close. Freedom and peace seem to be his favorite words, but they are just that, words.

The wind blew stronger, and the pigeon lost its balance. Her wing feathers lifted, and she tried to glide to reach a spot. She didn't have much time left. And she found it.

The statue of a white angel spread its wings over a cemetery. Her body was leaning and there on her lap, the dove rested her little legs, hid her head in her wings, closed her eyes and fell asleep, in a placid and eternal sleep. He had lived all that was rightfully his, all that wise nature had allowed him.


The pigeon had already completed its life cycle and when it wanted to land....it was its end. Good use of language to communicate death naturally and without trauma. Well done @popurri


The Ritual of the Sparrow - Microstory

In a house in a Caracas neighborhood, the morning routine was never absent. In the courtyard, two sparrows flitted about, perching on the steel plate where crumbs of wet bread awaited to be devoured. The dancing of the steel and the pecking of the birds were familiar sounds in the overwhelming silence of the home.

That morning, however, was different. The sparrows, normally noisy, ate in eerie silence. The cold breeze that crept around every corner carried an air of expectation as if the wind had an ominous message. The birds, ever alert, seemed oblivious to an unseen lurking presence.

The clock on the wall, which normally marked the passage of time, stopped. The time had frozen in an inexplicable moment. A sense of oppression filled the air, and daylight seemed to have difficulty penetrating the dense atmosphere.

Suddenly, a dull creaking sound startled me. There was no one around, but the feeling of being watched was undeniable. The sparrows raised their heads and their eyes stopped moving. Then, as if obeying an imperceptible signal, the birds took flight and were never seen again.

The steel plate was lonely and the dense atmosphere quickly dissipated. The house returned to normal and the clock on the wall never moved again. Someone, something, had disturbed the daily ritual, and the house was never the same.

This is my participation in the Let Our Picture Tell Your Story Initiative - Edition 52 by @wrestlingdesires from the @hive-106444 Community.

I invite, affectionately to @cautiva-30, @yenmendt, and @vezo.

I am responsible for sharing with you that, as a Spanish speaker, I have had to resort to the translator Deepl to translate my original Spanish content into English. I also used the grammar-checking tool Grammarly.


I came in for a moment to see the house but I didn't cause anything ok?

Feel Better Soon I Love You GIF by art of madeleine



💖Flora AND Caudal.

A story between two birds begins to rumble in my mind, a bond of love between birds, sworn to be inseparable.
This love story begins on the banks of a river where the lush trees are the perfect setting for the birth of two pigeon chicks, flora and caudal.
Both birds shared different nests, near and far, and a bond of love awaited them. Time passed like a tornado, bringing closer and closer that distance that separated them, full of chance encounters as they grew up. The perfect time came for them and between beautiful courtships Caudal captivated the heart of flora.
A pair of young pigeons had been born on that riverbank, and a beautiful future full of longing awaited them.
Just when they were beginning to form their illusions, dreaming of one day seeing their chicks, the hand of man came to that place, knocking down the leafy trees and with them the dreams of Caudal.
Slash and burn destroyed that landscape, killing many birds, among them the beloved Flora, Caudal's eternal love.
That day, the bird's heart broke in two. The beautiful love story that began between them was now only part of the past, the tragic love story that ended in a breath.
Fleeing from that scene, Caudal just wanted to fly as far away as possible, broken and aimless, loneliness; however, it was impossible to forget his beloved, his ideal mate, his sweet and tender love.
Today our tender bird flies as high as he can, longing to reach the paradise of birds to see his beloved.
On some days you can see Caudal, near the banks of the river, now with some huts for the enjoyment of man. If you look in the evenings as winter approaches, you can see him perched resting on the roof of the hut where his nest was. Imagining for a moment his beloved Flora, in those small moments he can have rest, as he travels in his memories he watches her taking care of her chicks, those that had hatched a day before the tragic day that marked their destinies.

This is my participation in the Let Our Picture Tell Your Story - Issue 52 of @wrestlingdesires


Laura likes heights.
Once upon a time there was a pigeon that liked to be in the highest places.
While her friends went to squares, parks and low-rise roofs, she preferred to be where she felt the breeze and the sun's rays more intensely and she could also better see everything that was happening around her.
There was no way to convince her to spend more time with the rest of her, not even talking to her about the delicacies that the old people and children threw at them to eat in the town square.
She ate a little food here and there to stay healthy, but immediately she took flight to the roof of the highest house or the roof of the church.
One of those days when she sneaked down to the park to feed, she met Camilo. This gallant pigeon impressed Laura with her showy and brilliant plumage.
He charmed her and persuaded her to go down with him more often. She was surprised at how pleasant it was to share with humans, dogs and cats. She had actually developed that bad habit because she was afraid of being around them.
This is how Laura decided to change her habits. Of these, spending too much time alone on high rooftops was the first. Now she flies happily and she spends much of the day with Camilo in parks and squares, where adults and children play, talk and share their cotufas and cookies with them.
Thanks again @wrestlingdesires, I want to take advantage of inviting @abrarhussain, @elaiza09 and @torem-di-torem to participate in this fun challenge.
