[ENG-ESP] 🌹💕 LOH Contest #224: When I want to clear my mind, what do I read? 📚✨

¡Hola queridos usuarios de Hive ✨💕!

Hi dear Hive users ✨💕!

¡Hola Hola Comunidad! ✨, estas últimas semanas están siendo bastante caóticas y un poco atareadas, y esto que ni siquiera ha comenzado en sí la parte ruda de mi semestre, pero aun así entre adaptarme y organizarme, a veces se me hace dificil sacar un tiempo para escribir post, sin embargo lo que si he logrado hacer es leer, pues esto es lo que me permite desconectar un poco de la realidad y de alguna forma aligerar la carga de las cosas pendientes que tengo, así que siguiendo la temática de esta semana propuesta por @kerrislravenhill, y tomando en cuenta que para mi es mejor leer que escribir, hoy les compartiré sobre qué tipo de libros logran hacerme desconectar de mi realidad y la razón de que lo logren.

Hello Hello Community! ✨, these last few weeks have been quite chaotic and a bit busy, and this is because the hard part of my semester hasn't even started, but even so, between adapting and organizing myself, sometimes it's hard for me to find time to write a post, but what I have managed to do is to read, so following this week's theme proposed by @kerrislravenhill, and taking into account that for me reading is better than writing, today I will share with you what kind of books make me disconnect from my reality and the reason why they do.

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📚 Para quienes prefieren leer en lugar de escribir, ¿cuáles son sus libros favoritos para lograr una pequeña "evasión mental" o iluminación? ¿Qué los llevó a leer este libro y por qué? || For those who would rather read than write, what are your current favorite book reads for that little "mental escape" or enlightenment? What got you into this book and why? 🌹

Quiero empezar diciendo que, hasta el dia de hoy, aun no he encontrado un libro que no me haya hecho desconectar o tener una pequeña “evasión mental” de las situaciones que me rodean, no obstante es cierto que yo nunca he experimentado demasiado con la clase de historias que consumo, y también es verdad que hay ciertos libros que me facilitan mas que otros esto de desconectarme, y en esto influyen muchas cosas, a veces no se trata propiamente de la historia que estoy leyendo sino de lo pesada que esta pueda ser y por ende del tiempo que deba emplear para entender lo que está pasando, e incluso también influye la magnitud de la situación que yo estoy viviendo.

Aun así, he de confesar algo que quizás ya muchos sepan, y es que mis libros favoritos lograr tranquilizar mi cabeza que a veces va a 1000 por hora, son las historias de romance (no es sorpresa para quienes suelen leer mis post), pero tambien debo decir que el género de fantasía también logra este cometido, solo que con este en ocasiones me cuesta un poco más.

I want to start by saying that, to this day, I have not yet found a book that has not made me disconnect or have a small "mental escape" from the situations that surround me, however it is true that I have never experienced too much with the kind of stories I consume, and it is also true that there are certain books that make it easier for me to disconnect than others, and this is influenced by many things, sometimes it is not the story I am reading but how heavy it can be and therefore the time I have to spend to understand what is happening, and even the magnitude of the situation I am living.

Even so, I have to confess something that perhaps many already know, and that is that my favourite books to calm my head that sometimes goes at 1000 per hour, are the romance stories (no surprise for those who usually read my posts), but I must also say that the fantasy genre also achieves this task, only with this one sometimes I find it a little more difficult.


Los libros de romance tiene una particularidad de la cual muchos pueden llegar a quejarse, y es que son medianamente predecibles, o sea tú llegas a una historia de romance sabiendo a groso modo como acabara, y ese detalle justamente es el que a mi me genera la suficiente paz como para hacerme desconectar de mis pensamientos, y de las situaciones que me rodean, además suelen ser lecturas muy ligeras en la mayoría de los casos (cuando el romance no está situado en un mundo de fantasía), y por ende me hacen más fácil la tarea de poder imaginar los hechos y los escenarios, porque cabe destacar que a mi me cuesta muchísimo imaginar todo lo que se narra en el libro.

Con la fantasía, que generalmente también me gusta que tenga romance pero si no lo tiene no pasa nada, me pasa un poco lo contrario, estas suelen ser lecturas más pesadas y que por su naturaleza requieren de mi mayor concentración para lograr muy mínimamente poder imaginar lo que narran, y justamente ahí es donde está la clave para mi descanso mental, con estos libros desaparece por completo el sobrepensamiento y con él, las preocupaciones que pueda estar experimentando.

Romance books have a particularity that many may complain about, and that is that they are fairly predictable, that is, you get to a romance story knowing roughly how it will end, and that detail is exactly what generates enough peace for me to make me disconnect from my thoughts and the situations around me, and from the situations that surround me, besides, they tend to be very light readings in most cases (when the romance is not set in a fantasy world), and therefore make it easier for me to imagine the events and scenarios, because it should be noted that I find it very hard to imagine everything that is narrated in the book.

With fantasy, which I generally also like to have romance but if it doesn't, the opposite happens to me, these tend to be heavier readings and that by their nature require my greatest concentration to be able to imagine what they narrate, and that is precisely where the key to my mental rest is, with these books the overthinking disappears completely and with it, the worries that I may be experiencing.


Normalmente me gusta combinar el leer con escuchar música, sé que hay personas que no pueden pero es una habilidad que se adquiere con el tiempo, y la razón principal es que a veces el ruido externo no me permite conectar con lo que leo y eso a su vez no me deja silenciar mi cabeza, me pierdo de la historia y además los pensamientos comienzan a bombardearme.

En estas semanas que he estado aturdida y angustiada por mis pasantias, estuve leyendo el libro Alas de Sangre porque una amiga lo tiene en físico y gentilmente me lo prestó, y ha sido sin duda alguna mi absoluto escape, justamente anoche lo termine y se me hizo muy curioso que para ser fantasía no se me hizo exageradamente pesado y siento que eso lo hizo perfecto para el momento, sin embargo la reseña del libro quedará para otro post, porque ahí hay tela que cortar jaja.

I usually like to combine reading with listening to music, I know there are people who can't but it's a skill that is acquired over time, and the main reason is that sometimes the external noise doesn't allow me to connect with what I read and that in turn doesn't let me silence my head, I get lost of the story and also the thoughts start bombarding me.

In these weeks that I've been dazed and distressed by my internships, I've been reading the book Fourth Wing because a friend has it in physical form and kindly lent it to me, and it has been without a doubt my absolute escape, just last night I finished it and I found it very curious that for being fantasy it wasn't too heavy and I feel that made it perfect for the moment, however the book review will be for another post, because there's a lot of work to be done there haha.


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Soy fiel creyente que los libros tienen una capacidad casi mágica de hacer cosas por nosotros que a veces no entendemos, en momentos de mayor tribulación mental siempre ha sido un libro el que me ha hecho reaccionar o despejarme, no importa cuanto tiempo pase sin leer, siempre encuentro una manera de volver a ese espacio seguro 💖.

I am a true believer that books have an almost magical ability to do things for us that sometimes we don't understand, in times of greatest mental tribulation it has always been a book that has made me react or clear my head, no matter how long I go without reading, I always find a way to get back to that safe space 💖.


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Instagram Personal:@susijackeline
Instagram de Maquillaje:@makeup_sm22

Original Content
All Images are my Property
Translator DeepL


Dragon Riders! I am amazed of the creative rich details in world building in the fantasy genre. I know stories can get very predictable I can still enjoy following the Hero's/heroine's path. It's the journey and not just the final destination is what mattered to me. I bet you can tell I spent way toooo much time at used book stores @kiutvariedades
Thank you for participating 🐉



I completely agree with you, what matters is the journey and not so much the end of the journey, that's where the essence of the stories truly lies 💖.


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No doubt reading is a space for our mind, as you say, no matter how much time passes without reading, the best thing is when the encounter happens, thanks for sharing,


And especially when this encounter comes hand in hand with an incredible story that makes us connect immediately ☺️.


Combining reading with music is a great way to create your own immersive experience, and it’s understandable that it helps you stay connected with the story amidst external noise. It's impressive that you've cultivated this skill over time.

"Fourth Wing" sounds like it provided the perfect escape for you during a hectic period. Fantasy novels can be a wonderful way to transport yourself to another world and find relief from everyday stresses. It's interesting to hear that the book wasn't too heavy, making it a suitable read for the moment.

Books indeed have that almost magical quality to provide comfort, perspective, and a safe space to retreat to. They can offer solace and clarity, even during the most challenging times.

Looking forward to reading your book review when you have the time to write it, @kiutvariedades! It's always exciting to hear more about how a story resonates with someone personally.



It took me a long time to acquire that ability, especially because I am a person who is distracted by sounds, but music often gives me that feeling of being completely immersed in the story, as if I were watching a movie, but through a book.

And well, I hope soon to be able to share the review of that book 💖.


Yo por lo general no leo libros de romance, pero comprendo a quienes optan por ese tipo de lectura, precisamente por lo que mencionaste acerca de que son muy predecibles y eso de cierta manera genera cierta tranquilidad en el lector.


A mí justamente me pasa eso, me generan tranquilidad y un espacio de confort en medio del caos que puede llegar a ser mi vida 💖
