Collection # 03 / Forest Healer / Holozing Fanart Eng-Esp
In The Forest

Greetings dear friends! I hope you are doing well!
I'm glad to be with you once again sharing the third installment of my idea for Holozing physical cards, and today the turn is for my favorite Healer, Forest healer.
Normally I draw her a bit different but this time I wanted to keep a similar style to the one we've been using and also to be as faithful as possible to the original character.
Among other details in this version she doesn't have the device “gun” instead I wanted to put the glove “ later I leave you the references they are very cool”.
As this is a presentation I will try not to extend too much in the step by step and just highlight the most important points as we discuss certain details.
Honestly I really like this character and I could say that it is my favorite so far.
Saludos apreciados amigos! Espero esten muy bien!
me alegra estar con ustedes una vez mas compartiendo la tercera entrega de mi idea para cartas fisicas de Holozing, y hoy el turno es para mi Healer favorita, Forest healer.
Normalmente la dibujo un tanto diferente pero esta vez quise mantener un estilo similar al que venimos usando tambien ser lo mas fiel posible al personaje original.
entre otros detalles en esta versión ella no tiene el dispositivo "pistola" en lugar quise ponerle el guante " mas adelante les dejo las referencias estan muy geniales".
Como es una presentación tratare de nos extenderme mucho en el paso a paso y solo resaltare los puntos mas importantes a medida que comentamos ciertos detalles.
honestamente me gusta muchísimo este personaje y podría decir que es mi favorita hasta el momento.

I was thinking about a pose where you can see his hand with the glove at the same time as the character, I thought about a pose with the palm up but after trying several things I decided to do this one, I think it has a sexy touch and fulfills its purpose which is to show the hand.
this lineart took me a long time to finish it.
Estuve pensando en una pose donde se vea su mano con el guante a la vez que el personaje, pensé en una pose con la palma arriba pero despues de intentar varias cosas decidí hacer esta, creo que tiene un toque sexy y cumple con su cometido que es mostrar la mano.
este lineart demando un buen tiempo para terminarlo.
We apply the base color, I always use different layers for each color... I think I should try a faster method for this as this took me a while.
Aplicamos el color base, siempre uso capas diferentes para cada color... creo que debería intentar un método mas rapido para esto pues esto me tomo un buen rato.
I wanted to start with the background, honestly backgrounds are not my forte, but I really like to draw landscapes. in this case I wanted to make a kind of forest, the trees I used a brush with leaves and yellow and green tones. for the wood I used strong details I wasn't sure if it would look good, but when I finished I really liked the result.
quise empezar por el fondo, honestamente los fondos no es mi fuerte, pero me gusta muchísimo dibujar paisajes. en este caso quise hacer una especia de bosque, los arboles me ayude de un pincel de hojas y tonos amarillos y verdes. para la madera use detalles fuertes no estaba seguro si se vería bien, pero al terminar me gusto mucho el resultado.
We give detail to the rest of the parts of the character, this part was very repetitive each layer requires its shades of lights shadows blurred... and again more details.
Le damos detalle al resto de partes del personaje, esta parte fue muy repetitiva cada capa requiere sus tonos de luces sombras difuminado... y nuevamente mas detalles.
Finally, we corrected the colors in Corel photo paint, added the letter frame, and added the name.
Save the three versions in case you need to use one of them at some point.
Para finalizar corregimos los colores en el programa Corel photo paint, agregamos el marco de carta, y agregamos el nombre.
guarde las tres versiones por si necesitan usar en algun momento una de ellas.
Friends I hope you liked it as much as I did, I've been a little slow with the illustrations for different reasons, I'm still trying to organize my time and moods.
I would love to read your opinions in the comments box, follow me if you like this kind of content.
Until a new opportunity
See you cowboys!
Amigos espero les halla gustado tanto como a mi, eh estado algo lento con las ilustraciones por diferentes motivos aun trato de organizar bien mi tiempo y ánimos.
me encantaría leer sus opiniones en la caja de comentarios, sígueme si te gusta este tipo de contenido.
Hasta una nueva oportunidad
Nos vemos vaqueros!
- Inspiroy H640 Pen Tablets
- Corel PHOTO-PAINT 2019
Holo! We've chosen your wonderful artwork to be viewed on, please let us know if you'd like it removed from there for any reason. Thank you!
Magnificent drawing, I love that you used the edge of the community to turn it into a letter, you have been very cool.
Thank you very much, I wasn't sure how they would apply the letters in the physical version, but I think with that effect it looks very nice, it reminds me of the yugioh letters that had a similar gloss :)