Splinterlands Raffle Bonanza #204

๐ŸŒŸ Unleash the Mystical Power: Enter the Grand Raffle for the Goblin Psychic! ๐ŸŒŸ

Greetings, champions of the mystical realms and devoted allies in the ever-evolving Splinterlands! The air is thick with anticipation and the aura of arcane power as we prepare to unveil a spectacle that promises to enchant and empower. The grand coliseum hums with the energy of the unseen, as we gather to celebrate a raffle that will bestow upon one lucky participant a prize of extraordinary mystique and power. With hearts open to the wonders of the arcane and spirits attuned to the subtle energies of the cosmos, we herald an era of unity and the boundless rewards of our shared journey.

Let this proclamation reverberate through every enchanted forest and echo across every mystical plane, summoning all who seek wisdom in the arcane arts and the fellowship of the mystical: your steadfast support is the cornerstone upon which our raffle will build its legendary narrative. Cast your entries, let your aspirations be the incantations that guide our collective destiny, and together, we shall stride toward a future illuminated by harmony and the treasures of mystical prowess.

๐Ÿ™ Join hands, open your minds, and let us embark upon a mystical quest to a time of celebration and unparalleled rewards! Behold, the prize that awaits the fortunateโ€”a Goblin Psychic, a marvel of arcane mastery and foresight, its essence a testament to the pinnacle of mystical power and control, ready to navigate the challenges of the battlefield with unmatched insight and guide victory with its unparalleled ability to foresee and manipulate the unseen forces!

Prepare yourselves for a journey into the depths of the mystical, where every entry brings you closer to claiming the Goblin Psychic and harnessing the true power of the arcane!

Prepare for glory, brave combatants of Splinterlands! Embark on a daily quest not with swords and magic but with the thrill of chance in our grand raffle! Each day, one of you will claim a majestic Gold Foil (GF) card to bolster your ranks and bring you closer to victory.

Your dedication and engagement are your currency here. Earn your raffle tickets through your valiant actions - whether it be a thoughtful comment or a mighty reblog.


๐ŸŽŸ Tickets valiantly compete on your behalf, each day, until they clinch a victory. However, should there be a leader with a commanding lead of ten or more tickets, they shall be deemed the direct victor, no questions asked. Yet, in a realm where fortune and diligence intertwine, another avenue to triumph beckons: should you ascend to the pinnacle of the ticket list with a treasure trove exceeding 200 tickets, victory shall be proclaimed in your name, akin to a knight being crowned by royal decree. Upon such a glorious triumph, either by surpassing your rivals by ten or more tickets or by amassing a hoard of over 200, we'll reset the board, your tally reverting to naught, all set for the next grand tournament.

Your tickets tirelessly engage in the competition, standing as your daily representative until they seize the laurels. Yet, your ticket count will dwindle by one in the absence of interactions such as a reblog, follow, or comment, among others. When you emerge as the fortunate victor, be it by a lead of ten or more, by surpassing the ticket count of 200, or by other means, we'll reinitialize, returning your count to its humble beginnings, primed for the upcoming duel.

Unenchanted by the allure of Gold Foil? Fear not! Declare your penchant for an HSBI reward in your commentary, and it shall be bestowed upon your victory.

Make your presence resound! Leave an indelible imprint! Your moniker will echo through the annals of our posts, serving as a beacon to others of your unwavering might and determination. If you opt to remain a clandestine crusader, merely voice your preference, and your desire shall be honored with utmost respect.


๐ŸŒŸ Funding Fortune's Favor: A Pledge of HBD to Raffle Riches ๐ŸŒŸ

Every coin spun from the coffers of our posts, every HBD earned, shall be channeled with steadfast resolve into the heart of the raffle. This is my solemn vow to you, brave contenders of Splinterlands: the bounty of our shared endeavors shall be transformed into magnificent cards, the very spoils you vie for. Together, we forge a cycle of prosperity that spins ever in your favor!

๐Ÿ€ May fortune smile upon you!

The drums of the raffle resonate! Join the fray! ๐ŸŽฒ

โœจ The Arena of Chance: Your Tickets to Glory โœจ

205@olaf.gui100 % 3.01 %
194@daethical0 % 2.85 %
184@middle-earthling0 % 2.7 %
183@paparman0 % 2.69 %
180@waynechuasy0 % 2.64 %
174@finsteraar0 % 2.55 %
169@sieghard19900 % 2.48 %
160@dtam0 % 2.35 %
158@javeson0 % 2.32 %
152@aniol770 % 2.23 %
151@henruc, @rtonline0 % 2.22 %
150@logen9f0 % 2.2 %
148@buchibinder0 % 2.17 %
144@skoumpri0 % 2.11 %
142@scfather0 % 2.08 %
140@vegata0 % 2.05 %
137@houhou0 % 2.01 %
134@gregory-f0 % 1.97 %
130@alfrin0 % 1.91 %
127@bossingclint0 % 1.86 %
126@h4rr1s0 % 1.85 %
117@kryptof0 % 1.72 %
114@rimurutempest0 % 1.67 %
112@zactian0 % 1.64 %
111@astym, @booboohabibi0 % 1.63 %
108@akiraymd, @dk1trade0 % 1.58 %
102@ebastion, @kahyazhe0 % 1.5 %
100@phantomassassin, @rukien0 % 1.47 %
98@esbat, @tecnologikom0 % 1.44 %
93@iceledy0 % 1.36 %
92@xvrcontinente0 % 1.35 %
91@alexvan0 % 1.34 %
88@flummi97, @pirulito.zoado, @vaynard860 % 1.29 %
86@pulubengdugs0 % 1.26 %
84@blitzzzz0 % 1.23 %
77@dewabrata0 % 1.13 %
72@mordikkio0 % 1.06 %
68@subidu0 % 1 %
65@mxm0unite0 % 0.95 %
60@ternizator0 % 0.88 %
58@arpuch0 % 0.85 %
55@stamato0 % 0.81 %
54@lorddiablo0 % 0.79 %
53@cryptochroma0 % 0.78 %
52@crazyphantombr0 % 0.76 %
51@wommi0 % 0.75 %
40@belhaven140 % 0.59 %
39@screamheart0 % 0.57 %
38@the.bradziag0 % 0.56 %
34@bluehy200 % 0.5 %
31@harharhar, @hatdogsensei0 % 0.45 %
30@diochen0 % 0.44 %
28@bechibenner, @geom0 % 0.41 %
27@pero820 % 0.4 %
26@gs10 % 0.38 %
25@oskarl210 % 0.37 %
23@jdike0 % 0.34 %
22@jfang003, @tub3r00 % 0.32 %
21@arc-echo, @circlebubble, @rusty.bone0 % 0.31 %
20@cowboy.curator0 % 0.29 %
19@treefrognada0 % 0.28 %
16@imfarhad0 % 0.23 %
14@bilidrg0 % 0.21 %
12@beelzael, @ladymisa0 % 0.18 %
6@alexis6660 % 0.09 %
5@amaari0 % 0.07 %
4@orebutb30 % 0.06 %
3@pesigolovec0 % 0.04 %
1@sarapony0 % 0.01 %

๐Ÿ† Hail, Champion of the Raffle! ๐Ÿ†

Hear ye, hear ye, denizens of Splinterlands! Let the bards sing and the crowd roar, for a hero has risen from our ranksโ€”a true paragon of luck and destiny. By the grace of fortune and the spirit of the game, we crown @olaf.gui as the victor in our esteemed raffle!

๐ŸŽ‰ With prowess unmatched and fate by their side, @olaf.gui shall wield the power of the majestic Gold Foil card, a treasure coveted by many but destined for one. May this illustrious prize serve you well in the fierce battles that lie ahead.


Let us all raise our voices in jubilant acclaim for @olaf.gui, who stands as a beacon of possibility for us all. May their triumph inspire each of us to continue the valiant fight, for in the world of Splinterlands, glory awaits at every turn!

๐Ÿ€ Congratulations, @olaf.gui, on your splendid victory! May your journey be ever prosperous and your battles ever victorious!

Prepare, warriors, for the next raffle beckonsโ€”your chance to etch your name in the annals of fortune is nigh!


๐ŸŒ Embark on Your Splinterlands Saga! ๐ŸŒ

Venture forth, gallant adventurers, and carve your legacy in the hallowed halls of Splinterlands! By clicking the enchanted portal below, you align your fate with ours:

Embark with Maura-Ramen

Don your armor, ready your deck, and join under the banner of Maura-Ramen. Together, we shall stride into a realm of endless possibility, where every match holds the promise of glory and every card the echo of legends yet to be written.

๐Ÿ‘‘ Forge your path, champion-to-be, with the wisdom of your guide at your side!


๐Ÿ‰ United Under the Banner of the Legendary Dragon Alliance! ๐Ÿ‰

Hearken to the call of the dragons, for I am a proud member of the mighty Legendary Dragon Alliance, where the valiant meet and the champions rise! We are a fellowship of glory-seekers, card wielders, and strategy masters.

Should you wish to bask in the wisdom of the dragons and soar to new heights, the gates of our guild are open to those with the heart of a warrior and the soul of a strategist.

Seek counsel, share in our camaraderie, and perhaps, claim your place among us. Visit our sanctum on Discord:

Join the Legendary Dragon Alliance

Together, we forge not just victories, but legends. Dare to be Legendary!



@noctury, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/2) and will start the voting trail.

In addition, @maura-ramen gets !LOOL from @hiq.redaktion.

For further questions, check out https://hiq-hive.com or join our Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! ๐Ÿ˜ป



$PIZZA slices delivered:
waynechuasy tipped maura-ramen
amaari tipped maura-ramen
sieghard1990 tipped maura-ramen
@jfang003(3/15) tipped @maura-ramen


Thanks for the chance!

I'm in again @esbat.

Followed, upvoted, reblogged.๐Ÿ˜„


count me in
reblog done


Congrats @olaf.gui
Please add me again.
@middle-earthling ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿ•โ˜•
!GIF Battle Dragons


Proclamation splinterlands and good luck for everything


Count me in


๐ŸŒŸ Hear Ye, Hear Ye! A Triumph Most Glorious! ๐ŸŒŸ

Hark, ye esteemed denizens of the Splinterlands! By the decree of fortune and the blessings of the celestial spheres, we gather in jubilant celebration to honor the valiant soul who hath emerged victorious in our grand raffle. With hearts alight and spirits soaring, we proclaim the triumph of a champion most worthy.

Verily, we extend our heartfelt felicitations to thee, noble winner, for thou hast been chosen by fate to receive a prize of unparalleled magnificence. Behold, the Goblin Psychic, a creature of eldritch wisdom and arcane prowess, now graces thy collection. Its eyes gleam with the knowledge of hidden realms, and its mind doth pierce the veil of the unknown with the clarity of a thousand seers.

Rejoice, for thou art now the master of this enigmatic being, a symbol of intellect and mystic power. May the Goblin Psychic serve thee well in thy battles, and may its insights guide thee to victory. Thy cunning and fortune have been rewarded, and thy name shall be sung in the annals of Splinterlands lore for generations to come.

Raise thine banners high, and let the world know of thy glorious achievement! Huzzah and well met, valiant champion! Long may thy reign endure!



i'm in as always, IGN: Dtam


count me in please :)
Thank you!


Congratulations @maura-ramen! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s)

You have been a buzzy bee and published a post every day of the week.

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word STOP


Congratulations go out to @olaf.gui for his steadfast determination and attaining the pinnacle of the List. Being crowned Champion of the Tournament is no small accomplishment. Let all who seek to have their names added to the book of Champions emulate the dedication and perseverance that he has shown.


Hark! Thy words of praise dost ring true and noble. Verily, the steadfast determination and unwavering spirit of the newly crowned champion hath set a beacon for all who aspire to etch their names upon the hallowed scrolls of glory. Let all who tread the path of valor and perseverance take heed of this illustrious example, and may their hearts be steeled with the same fervor and dedication. Forsooth, in the grand tapestry of Splinterlands, such deeds shall be remembered and sung by bards for ages untold. Onward, brave souls, for the realm of champions awaiteth thee!

