SECRET N ° 262 The Strange Merchant chapter 11 part 2 / 4
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D'ailleurs, dans le courant de la journée, nous partagerons un spoil exclusif de l’histoire complète, ou du moins un synopsis qui vous donnera un avant-goût de ce qui vous attend dans les prochains chapitres ! Restez connectés et à très bientôt pour la suite de l’aventure !
Et Maintenant la suite de l'histoire de notre petit marchand .
Before diving into the continuation of the story, we invite you to follow our secondary account @vote-com2. This account will be entirely dedicated to keeping you informed of the latest news regarding the SECRET token, as well as sharing small hints and mini-spoilers about the ongoing story. You will also find exclusive previews of the preparation for the next story, because yes, we are already working on its foundations to get ahead and offer you even more captivating content.
We want to clarify that we are not asking for curation votes, TIPS, or any other contributions for the secondary account @vote-com2. Its purpose is primarily to provide you with a space dedicated to the behind-the-scenes of our creations. At the same time, we are also preparing a second game there, which will be released much later. We are still in the early stages, but we are slowly setting it up so that it will be ready when the time comes.
By the way, later today, we will share an exclusive spoiler of the full story, or at least a synopsis that will give you a taste of what awaits you in the upcoming chapters! Stay tuned, and see you very soon for the continuation of the adventure!
And now, the continuation of our little merchant's story...
Chapter 11
The Return to the Depths
Part 2
Shadows of the Past
The darkness in the tunnel was thick, almost tangible. Lucien felt as though he were moving through an ocean of shadows, where every step could plunge him into an invisible abyss. The silence was absolute, oppressive, as if the outside world no longer existed. Only the sound of their ragged breaths disturbed the stagnant air.
He raised his lantern, but the faint light seemed to be swallowed by the surrounding darkness. There was no echo, no draft—just this crushing void that gave the illusion they were walking outside of time.
— “We have to keep going, but… where exactly are we headed?” Hubert asked, casting nervous glances around.
Lucien didn’t have an answer. He was relying on his instincts, and more importantly, on that invisible force that seemed to guide him. Every stone, every crack in the walls gave him the feeling of being watched.
After long minutes of cautious walking, the tunnel suddenly widened, revealing a vast underground chamber.
They stopped dead in their tracks.
Before them, a surreal sight met their eyes: a ruined city lay sleeping beneath the earth, forgotten for centuries.
The remains of imposing black stone buildings rose beneath a natural ceiling studded with luminescent minerals. Far above them, suspended crystals emitted a bluish glow that bathed the place in an otherworldly atmosphere.
Something had lived here.
Lucien moved forward slowly, his gaze captivated by the immensity of the place. Broken statues lined a wide paved avenue, like remnants of an ancient civilization. Some were still standing, frozen in solemn poses, while others lay on the ground, their faces eroded by time.
— “This is… incredible.”
Hubert crouched near an inscription carved into a collapsed column. He ran his hand over it, gently blowing away the accumulated dust.
— “It looks like old alchemical dialect… but some parts are different.”
Lucien knelt beside him, trying to decipher the ancient characters. Among the inscriptions, a few familiar words caught his attention.
— “Transmutation… Balance… Sacrifice…” he read aloud.
A shiver ran down his spine. These words reminded him of the legends about the Kingdom of Secrets.
Suddenly, a dull sound echoed behind them.
A crack, as if something had just moved in the darkness.
They exchanged a worried glance.
Lucien slowly turned his head.
Behind them, the tunnel entrance had darkened. Something was following them.
A shadow moved in the darkness, indistinct, ethereal. A sinister presence rose from the gloom, cold and suffocating.
Lucien felt as though a thousand invisible eyes had opened upon them.
— “Don’t move…” Hubert whispered.
But it was too late.
A icy murmur rose in the chamber, like a breath carried by the wind of a forgotten world.
Lucien felt his heart race.
The shadow advanced, gradually taking shape. An indistinct, humanoid figure, but distorted, slowly materialized. Its body seemed made of liquid darkness, and its face was a featureless mask, as if carved from the absence of light.
— “What… is that?” Lucien stammered.
The entity tilted its head slightly, as if observing them with curiosity.
Then, in a distorted voice, resonating like an echo from the past, it uttered a word.
Just one.
A word Lucien never expected to hear in a place like this.
— “Gaspard.”
Lucien’s stomach churned.
— “What?!”
But the entity didn’t respond.
Instead, it slowly raised an arm made of shadow, and the silence of the chamber was shattered by an icy breath that extinguished their lantern in an instant.
Plunged into absolute darkness, they heard footsteps approaching.
They were no longer alone.
Chapitre 8
Le Retour dans les Profondeurs
Partie 2
Les Ombres du Passé
Les ténèbres du tunnel étaient épaisses, presque palpables. Lucien avait l’impression d’avancer dans un océan d’ombre, où chaque pas pouvait le précipiter dans un gouffre invisible. Le silence était total, oppressant, comme si le monde extérieur n’existait plus. Seul le bruit de leurs respirations haletantes troublait l’air stagnant.
Il leva sa lanterne, mais la faible lumière semblait absorbée par l’obscurité environnante. Il n’y avait ni écho ni courant d’air, seulement ce vide écrasant qui donnait l’illusion qu’ils marchaient en dehors du temps.
— « On doit continuer, mais… on va où exactement ? » demanda Hubert, jetant des regards nerveux autour de lui.
Lucien n’avait pas la réponse. Il se fiait à son instinct, et surtout, à cette force invisible qui semblait le guider. Chaque pierre, chaque fissure dans les parois lui donnait l’impression d’être observé.
Après de longues minutes de marche prudente, le tunnel s’élargit soudainement, dévoilant une vaste salle souterraine.
Ils s’arrêtèrent net.
Devant eux, un spectacle surréaliste s’offrait à leurs yeux : une cité en ruine dormait sous terre, oubliée depuis des siècles.
Les restes d’imposants bâtiments de pierre noire s’élevaient sous un plafond naturel incrusté de minéraux luminescents. Loin au-dessus d’eux, des cristaux suspendus diffusaient une lueur bleutée qui baignait les lieux d’une atmosphère irréelle.
Quelque chose avait vécu ici.
Lucien avançait lentement, le regard captivé par l’immensité du lieu. Des statues brisées bordaient une large avenue pavée, comme les vestiges d’une ancienne civilisation. Certaines étaient encore debout, figées dans des postures solennelles, tandis que d’autres gisaient au sol, leurs visages rongés par le temps.
— « C’est… incroyable. »
Hubert s’accroupit près d’une inscription gravée sur une colonne effondrée. Il passa la main dessus, soufflant doucement la poussière accumulée.
— « Ça ressemble à du vieux dialecte alchimique… mais certaines parties sont différentes. »
Lucien s’agenouilla à côté de lui, tentant de déchiffrer les caractères anciens. Parmi les inscriptions, quelques mots familiers attirèrent son attention.
— « Transmutation… Équilibre… Sacrifice… » lut-il à voix haute.
Un frisson lui parcourut l’échine. Ces mots lui rappelaient les légendes sur le Royaume des Secrets.
Soudain, un bruit sourd retentit derrière eux.
Un craquement, comme si quelque chose venait de bouger dans l’obscurité.
Ils échangèrent un regard inquiet.
Lucien tourna lentement la tête.
Derrière eux, l’entrée du tunnel s’était obscurcie. Quelque chose les suivait.
Une ombre se mouvait dans l’obscurité, indistincte, éthérée. Une présence sinistre s’élevait de la pénombre, froide et suffocante.
Lucien eut l’impression qu’un millier d’yeux invisibles s’étaient ouverts sur eux.
— « Ne bouge pas… » chuchota Hubert.
Mais il était trop tard.
Un murmure glacial s’éleva dans la salle, comme un souffle porté par le vent d’un monde oublié.
Lucien sentit son cœur s’emballer.
L’ombre avançait, prenant peu à peu forme. Une silhouette indistincte, humanoïde, mais déformée, se matérialisa lentement. Son corps semblait constitué de ténèbres liquides, et son visage était un masque sans traits, comme sculpté dans l’absence de lumière.
— « Qu’est-ce que… c’est ? » balbutia Lucien.
L’être inclina légèrement la tête, comme s’il les observait avec curiosité.
Puis, d’une voix déformée, résonnant comme un écho venu du passé, il prononça un mot.
Un seul.
Un mot que Lucien n’aurait jamais cru entendre dans un endroit pareil.
— « Gaspard. »
Lucien eut un haut-le-cœur.
— « Quoi ?! »
Mais l’entité ne répondit pas.
Au lieu de cela, elle leva lentement un bras fait d’ombre, et le silence de la salle fut brisé par un souffle glacial qui éteignit leur lanterne d’un seul coup.
Plongés dans le noir absolu, ils entendirent des pas approcher.
Ils n’étaient plus seuls.
He had skeletons in his closet.
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bon vendredi !
I woke every two hours and cried.
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I didn't even know they were catholic.
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They lie still
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I can do it with my eyes closed.
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My doctor told me to sleep on it.
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You ain't seen muffin yet.
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Now I have all Kenny logins
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He was banned from the zoo.
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Ca fait peur cette histoire ! 😱
I can always count on them
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A toothbrush works much better.
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Thank you for the SECRET and the update
A Praystation 5
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Because they stay out of treble.
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I guess I’m bio-D-grade-able
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Because they have two left feet.
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A poultry-geist
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Creepy story. !BBH
No, but April may.
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If you're not there, then I assume you're not a round.
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Please include me. @iamchessguy
Thank you.
“Odor in the court!”
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Very interesting news on your new channel.
I'll check it out.
Nice cliffhanger in the SECRET story!
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He was stuffed.
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I just followed the secondary account
I said is that a fret?
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thanks a lot!
Because they only have one tale.
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thanks so much
Two white horses jumped in the mud.
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Nice one
now we just call him Phil.
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It'd be curtains for all us.
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Merci pour les SECRET!
Bonne fin de semaine, !ALIVE
Great food, no atmosphere.
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The outside.
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Turns out good players are hard to find.
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Chase it around the block.
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He just needed a little space.
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This in nice!
I will find you. You have my word.
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He just needed a little space.
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