It is Black Coffee or Nothing


Good day everyone, today I want to talk about the magic I derive from black coffee. Everyone has their preference when it comes to consuming their daily beverage. I know quite alright that that people have their choices. The choices people make depend on their believe and the taste or satisfaction that they want to derive from it. I will say for instance my wife tend to hate anything bitter. Therefore, she prefers her coffee with milk and sugar. Whenever I tell her to make me my regular cup of coffee she will make one for herself also. As she is making mine completely black she makes hers with with milk and sugar. I don't complain, becasue that is her choice. I have tried several times to convince her that black coffee is more beneficial but her mind is made up.

I start my day with coffee everyday, I make sure that I take it three (3) hours before my breakfast. This is because I do not want it to be adulterated or mixed with anything in my system. It helps keep me alert and proactive the entire day. There are so many benefits of consuming black coffee all over the internet, but I can only relate to what it does to me. Aside the feeling that I am mentally very alert. My thinking is also very rapid, I will confidently say that my responses to situations is always smarter compared to days that I go without coffee.

This is another tin of coffee that I purchased from the mall

There is a special feelings and sensational smell

I Love my coffee in my white mug, that is non-negotiable

The water has to 100 degrees at boiling point

One thing I have learnt in coffee making is that whenever the water is not at boiling point, the coffee does dissolve completely. The taste is as if I just mix powder. But, whenever the water is properly boiled, it dissolves completely and even the white mug will prove it.

All photographs are mine taken with my Samsung Galaxy A23


Haha I totally understand what it feels like o have black coffee and. On in r others to try it the same way as you. You know have you tried grabbing specialty coffee and making an iced v60 and serving some black? If not I think that will change her mind. ✨🫶🏻
