Splinterlands Art Contest - Week 318 - Runemancer Kye



The Process

Hello again, everybody. It's another Friday, which means it's time for another one of my Splinterlands Art Contest submissions, and I've barely made it this time again.

Like my recent Holozing fan art, I've decided to try out some entirely new tricks inside this particular piece and I think I liked the results and how they harmonized with my current portrait drawing styles.
Giving Runemancer Kye her somewhat sinister gaze and ensuring everything (colors, particles, and such) fell into place and complemented each other was the most satisfying part of this piece.

Anyway, that's it for this week's contest. I hope you enjoyed this piece's process and result as well. Let me know your opinions and tips in the comments down below and I wish you a great rest of the weekend and good luck in the contest... cheers~

The Result

Original Game Art
