Hey, Hey, here's the @lacochinaensalsa!
Presented to round 334 of the Splinterlands Art Contest. I'm telling you that I was struggling a lot today with creative block, I don't know what was happening to me, but despite that I dedicated myself to creating my entry for the day. I want to stay active in illustrations, and especially in the communities I interact with. For this entry I chose: Dark Arborist.
I thought the character was cute, his messy hair originally reminded me of the stories they told in my village about the elves and that are still passed down from generation to generation. In my version, I changed some aspects, like the eyes, which I made in my style and now he looks more humanized than mythological.
Inspiration, Original Splinterlands Art:
Dark Arborist, Source
Let's quickly see Drawing process:
I started with a sketch. Then I moved on to more grounded lines. I have placed the base colors with the color bucket tool, separating each one into different layers and then using the clipping layer to add details. The brushes I have used have been smooth pencil, airbrush, blur, dust, texture and box. I also implemented some tools such as shapes, gaussian blur and layers such as active luminosity.
Sketch and Outline:
Base coloring:
Shadows, lights and background
Finished illustration:
For this occasion, it seems to be everything. If you made it this far, thank you very much for your time. Greetings, La Cochina en Salsa says goodbye.
Device: Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+
Drawing Program: MediBang Paint.
Translation: Google Translator.
Texts, photographs, screenshots and editions of my authorship/original content.
Thanks for sharing! - @isaria

this is awesome!
your choice of color is amazing too. well done
Thank you very much. I greatly appreciate your consideration of my art.
you're welcome