19 February, 2025 @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2652 | Prompt: a date (a fecha) **[FINISH MY STORY CHALLENGE]**



Hello all. I, @justclickindiva, need assistance completing Part 3 of my story as I have no clue what a mysterious date on the tail of the plane signifies. Nor does she know the origin of the fiery flames attacking the sky. Nor the fate of the three teens, Lynn, Jeremy, and Wesley as they undertake to discover the mystery behind "a date".

Will you accept the challenge and assist the students in figuring out whether something wicked that way came! If so, you'll be handsomely rewarded:

1st Place Prize: 5 Hive
2nd Place Prize: 4 Hive
3rd Place Prize: 3 Hive
4th Place Prize: 2 Hive
5th Place Prize: 1 Hive

To accept the challenge is easy. Just a few guidelines to complete the story:

  • ending must be placed as a comment ONLY below to my post;
  • allow your creative storytelling imagination to guide you;
  • no plagiarism or use of AI to compose your ending;
  • maximum 500 words in English;
  • use the @daily.prompt (s) below by @felt.buzz as inspiration; and
  • deadline: 2/26/25 at 23:59 UTC

A surprise awaits all participants.


19 february 2025, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2652: a date; and

22 february 2025, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2655: no more civilization


Part 1 Here

Part 2 Below

Lynn, Jeremy, and Wesley stood razor stiff against the retail shop hoping no one noticed. But it didn't last. A male resident in their city who knew the students bolted toward them out of breath. His eyes held a crazed, glossy look as he shouted, "Jeremy, "what did you see? tell me what did your binoculars reveal?"

Startled, Jeremy's eyes grew wide. His voice choked. He shook his head from side to side, then lowered it, refusing to answer as if suppressing an omen from a bad dream. The man grabbed Jeremy's collar and jerked him close to his face. Venom shot from the man's eyes. Jeremy shrank back, visible shaken as sweat poured down his temples in response to the heat from the atmosphere, but more so because he couldn't extricate himself from the man's grip.

That was when Lynn and Wesley intervened.

They seized the man's wrists. Realizing his strength, Lynn had no problem biting his hand. When the man finally released Jeremy, she hissed, "let him go you fool. We know as much as you do. Nothing." Jeremy and Wesley stared wide eyed at Lynn as she'd just called an adult who knew their parents a fool.

The man pushed his stringy black hair back from his forehead and glanced nervously from left to right. He turned several times before pausing with his back to the students. The next moment, he dashed into the street headed toward the opposite sidewalk.

Cars jammed the street lanes like a parking lot. Horns honked in succession. Jeremy's brows converged to form a deep crease in his forehead as he exchanged frightened looks with his friends. They realized why he didn't want to reveal the date on the banner. No one would understand. Even they didn't understand a date that didn't exist.

It had to be a sick joke as Wesley surmised, Jeremy thought. Deep down, he knew the reason he didn't want to reveal what he witnessed. In another two hours, night would be upon them. To tell the truth would incite panic, he feared.

He might as well have shouted out the date for everyone to engage in the confusion as the air was thick with a particular kind of hysteria. Knowing, but not knowing.

All three watched as panicked people gathered in the streets staring up at the skyline. Some frantically darted between cars that couldn't move in any direction. Some screamed for their children to return and stay close. Some crowded into the first open retail shop they could locate, as if attending a Buy-One-Get-One sale at the Macy's Day Celebration. And some abandoned their cars and headed out on foot in a direction away from downtown.

Those not paying attention to the skyline cursed, then ran for their lives, furious for not catching a glimpse of the phenomenon and understanding why they needed to run with others for cover.

In as calm a voice as he could muster, Jeremy suggested, "around the corner, there's a restaurant not crowded inside and out this hour. It serves excellent food, including juicy burgers Wesley likes, generous servings of onion rings, and a key lime pie better than my mom's."

"What does that have to do with the date on the airplane?" Lynn retorted, now believing Jeremy had succumbed to the madness.*

"If we're going to ponder deep theories about that date, we might as well consume good food in the process.

"True. And that's why you're tagged the sensible one." Wesley contributed, then continued, "I hope we won't be docked if our library assignment for tomorrow is late!"*

"Food! Library assignment!" Have you two not just witnessed what might be perhaps a date unknown foretelling of a world reckoning for the human race? And not a good one!" Lynn blurted, wringing her hands.*

"I don't know about all that. I'm as bewildered as everyone else. And not ashamed to say, I almost wet my pants when I saw that date. But I can't shake this feeling that I've seen it somewhere. Something familiar about the roman numerals. Let's get out of here fast. Got an idea."

"Glad somebody got a cool head, Wesley quipped, while bouncing his foot and glancing at the vehicles still lining the street and the people who'd almost cleared downtown.

"Why aren't we as panicked as the adults?" Wesley observed.

"I think we've exhibited our fair share of panic," Jeremy replied. Hurry, flag that bus."*

Headed away from downtown, they weren't the only ones with that idea. No available seats could be found, so they stood gripping the cold chrome poles. Scouring the passengers, whispers spread from the front end to the rear, as heads and shoulders leaned against each other.

Three blocks later, Jeremy pulled the cord. They hurried from the transit, took a left at the next block, and ran to the restaurant. And they weren't the only ones with that bright idea either.

Lynn took one look inside the restaurant, crowded with people as if they'd been invited to an all-you-can-eat weekday special.

Moments later, from out of nowhere, a relentless, screeching siren silenced their conversation as the fiery streaks returned.

For a long moment, Lynn stared mindlessly into the sky. Suddenly, color drained from her face as a stabbing sensation assaulted her body. She grabbed her chest. Without warning, her knees weakened as she headed downward to the unforgiving concrete.

Glancing over her shoulders, she screamed, "we're going to die! Where's my phone! Call my parents! They warned me nothing good would come from hanging out with you two!"

"Stop it! Lynn. We're not going to die!" Jeremy responded quickly. "Where's your inhaler?" he attempted to reassure her while thinking, at least not yet.

Now, Part 3 - Conclusion:


! [The Last Sunset Part 3 Complete My Story Challenge]


Hola a todos. Yo, @justclickindiva, necesito ayuda para completar la tercera parte de mi historia, ya que no tengo ni idea de lo que significa una misteriosa fecha en la cola del avión. Ni el origen de las ardientes llamas que atacan el cielo. Ni el destino de los tres adolescentes, Lynn, Jeremy y Wesley mientras se comprometen a descubrir el misterio que se esconde tras «una fecha».

¿Aceptarás el reto y ayudarás a los estudiantes a averiguar si ha llegado algo maligno por allí? Si es así, serás generosamente recompensado:

1er Premio: 5 Colmena
**Segundo premio: 4 colmenas.
**3er Premio: 3 Colmena
**Cuarto premio: 2 colmenas.
**Quinto premio: 1 colmena

Aceptar el reto es fácil. Sólo unas pocas pautas para completar la historia:

  • final debe ser colocado como un comentario SÓLO por debajo de mi post;
  • déjate guiar por tu imaginación creativa para contar historias;
  • no plagies ni uses IA para componer tu final;
  • máximo 500 palabras en inglés;
  • Utiliza como inspiración la(s) siguiente(s) frase(s) de @felt.buzz; y
  • fecha límite: 26/2/25 a las 23:59 UTC

A todos los participantes les espera una sorpresa.


19 february 2025, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2652: a date

22 february 2025, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2655: no more civilization



La última puesta de sol

Parte 1 Aquí

Parte 2 Abajo

Lynn, Jeremy y Wesley se quedaron tiesos contra la tienda esperando que nadie se diera cuenta. Pero no duró mucho. Un residente de la ciudad que conocía a los estudiantes corrió hacia ellos sin aliento. Sus ojos tenían una mirada enloquecida y brillante mientras gritaba: «Jeremy, ¿qué has visto? dime ¿qué han revelado tus prismáticos?».

Sorprendido, los ojos de Jeremy se abrieron de par en par. Se le entrecortó la voz. Movió la cabeza de un lado a otro y luego la bajó, negándose a contestar como si reprimiera un presagio de un mal sueño. El hombre agarró a Jeremy por el cuello y lo acercó a su cara. De los ojos del hombre brotó veneno. Jeremy retrocedió, visiblemente agitado mientras el sudor le corría por las sienes en respuesta al calor de la atmósfera, pero sobre todo porque no podía zafarse del agarre del hombre.

Fue entonces cuando Lynn y Wesley intervinieron.

Agarraron las muñecas del hombre. Al darse cuenta de su fuerza, Lynn no tuvo problema en morderle la mano. Cuando el hombre finalmente soltó a Jeremy, ella siseó, *"déjalo ir, tonto. Sabemos tanto como tú. Jeremy y Wesley miraron con los ojos muy abiertos a Lynn, que acababa de llamar tonto a un adulto que conocía a sus padres.

El hombre se apartó el pelo negro y enmarañado de la cabeza y miró rápidamente de izquierda a derecha. Giró varias veces antes de detenerse de espaldas a los alumnos. Al momento siguiente, salió corriendo a la calle en dirección al otro lado de las tiendas.

Los coches atascaban los carriles de la calle como si fuera un aparcamiento. Los bocinazos se sucedían. Las cejas de Jeremy convergieron para formar una profunda arruga en su frente mientras intercambiaba miradas asustadas con sus amigos. Se dieron cuenta de por qué no quería revelar la fecha de la pancarta. Nadie lo entendería. Ni siquiera ellos entendían una fecha que no existía.

Tenía que ser una broma de mal gusto, como supuso Wesley, pensó Jeremy. En el fondo, sabía la razón por la que no quería revelar lo que había presenciado. En otras dos horas, la noche estaría sobre ellos. Decir la verdad provocaría el pánico, temía.

También podría haber gritado la fecha para que todo el mundo participara en la confusión, ya que el aire estaba cargado de un tipo particular de histeria. Saber, pero no saber.

Los tres observaron cómo la gente, presa del pánico, se agolpaba en las calles mirando el horizonte. Algunos corrían frenéticamente entre los coches que no podían moverse en ninguna dirección. Algunos gritaban a sus hijos que volvieran y se quedaran cerca. Algunos se agolparon en la primera tienda abierta que pudieron localizar, como si asistieran a una oferta de «compre uno y llévese otro» en la Macy's Day Celebration. Y algunos abandonaron sus coches y salieron a pie en dirección contraria al centro.

Los que no prestaban atención a la línea del horizonte maldijeron, y luego corrieron para salvar sus vidas, furiosos por no haber alcanzado a ver el fenómeno y comprendiendo por qué necesitaban correr con otros para cubrirse.

Con la voz más calmada que pudo reunir, Jeremy sugirió: «A la vuelta de la esquina hay un restaurante que no está abarrotado ni por dentro ni por fuera a estas horas. Sirve comida excelente, incluidas jugosas hamburguesas que le gustan a Wesley, generosas raciones de aros de cebolla y una tarta de lima mejor que la de mi madre».

"¿Qué tiene eso que ver con la cita en el avión?, replicó Lynn, creyendo ahora que Jeremy había sucumbido a la locura.

«Si vamos a ponderar teorías profundas sobre esa cita, también podríamos consumir buena comida en el proceso.

"Cierto. Y por eso te etiquetan como el sensato «, contribuyó Wesley, y luego continuó: “¡Espero que no nos descuenten si nuestra tarea de mañana en la biblioteca llega tarde!”.

*"¡Comida! ¡Tarea de biblioteca!» ¿No acaban de presenciar lo que podría ser un presagio desconocido de un ajuste de cuentas mundial para la raza humana? Lynn soltó, retorciéndose las manos.

«No sé nada de todo eso. Estoy tan desconcertada como los demás. Y no me avergüenza decir que casi me meo encima cuando vi esa cita. Pero no puedo evitar la sensación de haberla visto en alguna parte. Hay algo familiar en los números romanos. Salgamos de aquí rápido. Tengo una idea».

«Me alegro de que alguien tenga la cabeza fría», bromeó Wesley, mientras rebotaba el pie y echaba un vistazo a los vehículos que aún bordeaban la calle y a la gente que casi había desalojado el centro.

«¿Por qué no tenemos tanto pánico como los adultos?». observó Wesley.

«Creo que hemos exhibido nuestra buena dosis de pánico -replicó Jeremy-. Deprisa, hazle señas a ese autobús».

Alejados del centro, no eran los únicos con esa idea. No pudieron encontrar asientos disponibles, así que se quedaron de pie agarrados a los fríos postes cromados. Recorriendo a los pasajeros, los murmullos se extendían desde la parte delantera hasta la trasera, mientras las cabezas y los hombros se apoyaban unos en otros.

Tres manzanas más tarde, Jeremy tiró de la cuerda. Salieron a toda prisa del tránsito, giraron a la izquierda en la siguiente manzana y corrieron hacia el restaurante. Y tampoco fueron los únicos con esa brillante idea.

Lynn echó un vistazo al interior del restaurante, abarrotado de gente como si hubieran sido invitados a un especial de todo lo que puedas comer entre semana.

Instantes después, de la nada, una sirena implacable y chirriante silenció su conversación mientras volvían las rayas ardientes.

Durante un largo rato, Lynn miró al cielo sin comprender. De repente, el color se le fue de la cara y una sensación punzante asaltó su cuerpo. Se agarró el pecho. Sin previo aviso, le flaquearon las rodillas y cayó sobre el implacable cemento.

Mirando por encima de sus hombros, gritó: *"¡Vamos a morir! ¿Dónde está mi teléfono? Llama a mis padres. Me advirtieron que nada bueno pasaría si salía con vosotros».

«¡Basta! Lynn. ¡No vamos a morir! respondió rápidamente Jeremy. ¿Dónde está tu inhalador?», intentó tranquilizarla mientras pensaba, al menos todavía no.

Ahora, Parte 3 - Conclusión:


Good luck everyone with whatever your endeavors.





a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09. https://flam3.com/


English is my native language.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding



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Thanks so much @arshadkhan4421. The point of the exercise was to engage my readers and have them feel a part of the story by helping to write the ending. Next, I was going to take the stories of the winning conclusions and mix them to create a fantastical ending. Third, all winners would receive a share of my conclusion post rewards for their efforts in addition to the stated prizes.

I'm always trying to think of ways to reward Hive members who engage with me.

Thanks for your response.



Hello everyone. The DEADLINE for submission of your comments has been extended until: MARCH 1st 23:59 UTC.


This sounds like an exciting challenge! Count me in and thank you for extending the time. ☺️ I won't participate (or win prizes) alone—definitely inviting fellow freewriters to join in: @jhymi, @teknon, @deeanndmathews, @alonicus, @grocko, @esther-emmanuel, @omokhafue, @atyourservice, @stellageorge, @jhymie.

I can't wait to see the creative twists everyone comes up with. Let's make this fun! ✨


hI @justclickindiva

Hey there! I’m not a writer, and it’s tough for me to craft a story with dialogue and nuances, but as a mystery lover, I wanted to participate. Here’s my contribution:

A programming specialist is working on an ultra-secret project. The setting is the future, where Artificial Intelligence sends signals to prevent catastrophe and warn humanity. No one understands these signals except Jeremy, who has visions.

One night, the entire restaurant is consumed by flames, and they wake up in a post-apocalyptic world dominated by AI.

In my version, one of them doesn’t survive, but a girl from the restaurant does. She’s 50% human and 50% AI. Although she accompanies them in this new world, her true objective is different.

On their journey, they meet other survivors, which opens up the possibility for a second part.



Hello @eve66. Thanks so much for participating. I love your story explaining the happenings in Jeremy's time:

"A programming specialist is working on an ultra-secret project. The setting is the future, where Artificial Intelligence sends signals to prevent catastrophe and warn humanity."

Awesome. This can be a foreshadow by the unknown girl in the restaurant.

Now, the specialist is only using info he/she believes is accurate for Jeremy's time period; hence having the airplane send the message. Love this part. Your future explanation can fit perfectly with @myjob's version that someone or something is controlling the happenings. @myjob even applied meaning to the roman numerals.

I'm beginning to see a backstory and possible ending thank to you all's contributions.

I appreciate your contribution. Take care and have a lovely weekend.



Fascinating experiment ! I've posted what I wrote below in this comment, hopefully that's what you wanted (rather than as a comment to the original post).

I must admit that I couldn't mirror your wonderful writing style in completing the story, and it was hard keeping it below 500 words. But I did Google things that happened on 30th June 1972 and found something which acted as a seed for an outcome that resulted in the no more civilisation the prompt asked for. I'm getting far too good at ending worlds.... 😁

As Lynn puffed on her inhaler to quell the panic that was building to a full-scale asthma attack, there was another flash in the sky. One of the streaks of fire had clipped the small aircraft.

It fluttered out of the sky like a leaf, the date banner trailing and twisting behind it like an unopened parachute. For a moment it looked as if the pilot had regained control, but too late. It half-landed half-crashed into the street, skidding along the ground in a shower of sparks.

The cabin door pushed open and fell to the ground, and a figure flopped out, dropping to the road below.
It was a man, dressed in one of those space suit-like outfits used for high altitude flights. But this wasn’t the standard orange with a white helmet; it was a strong purple with a black helmet.

Wesley set off at a sprint, calling out behind him “We’ve got to help !”

Jeremy hesitated. The plane might explode. But they had to stick together, so he set off after his friends.

When Wesley reached the pilot, he saw that the purple suit was crawling, little golden flecks of light flickering in and out. Behind the visor, the man was like a photographic negative. Mauve-grey skin, white eyebrows, and when his eyelids fluttered open, the orbs were black with piercing white pupils. The irises were pale pink with fine royal blue veins.

“You have to tell them….” He croaked.

“Tell who what ?” Jeremy asked.

“Your scientists…. They messed with time…. That leap second they added on 30th June. It broke the synchronicity between our two universes.”

The three friends looked at each other in confusion. The words were English. But they made no sense, they were gibberish. Perhaps the pilot had concussion ?

But the man carried on, his voice gaining urgency.

“Tell your scientists to put the clock back to the way it was before 1972. A second here made a whole new day for us. Now our universe is breaking through. The fire in your sky is dust motes from our universe burning up.”

Wesley spoke now. “You’re rambling, not making sense. We need to get you to hospital, you’ve had a bad accident. Let’s get that helmet off you, get you some fresh air.”

He reached for the visor.

“No ! The containment field !” the pilot screamed.

But it was too late. Wesley had already cracked the visor open.

The gold motes disappeared.

In-rushing air met out-gasped breath.

The two cancelled out with a flash. When two universes mirror each other, one is positive, the other is negative.

Matter and anti-matter mutually annihilated each other. The pilot and his suit must have weighed 80 kilogrammes. The resulting detonation had an energy close to 4000 megatons.


Hello @alonicus. Now you know you're an excellent writer and thinker, and any story you tackle will be a masterpiece, in my opinion! You are right, you're good at world ending scenarios, and this piece proves it. I love the details of the pilot which I hadn't explored yet. Your clip opens up an entire new chapter.

Humans don't realize the harmful impact we do to our planet may affect other worlds as though we're the only ones in the universe. Your wonderful but chilling story line gives us a glimpse.

Thanks so much for participating. I truly appreciate it and love how you opened my mind to think outside of only what I can see. Take care and have a good start to your weekend.



Thank you ! Hopefully it's got something you can use 😀

Being the sad anorak I am, when I Googled what happened in 1972, it gave me the answer that they added a leap-second to the calendar. I suspect that's not necessarily what you had in mind as a way to create 31st June ! Admittedly having that change how we related to a mirror universe is a stretch, but hey, it's fiction ! I also looked up how much energy is released if a human mass of anti-matter gets annihilated, and it came out to around 100 times the energy of the Tsar Bomba (although nowhere near the Chixhulub impact).

I'm really looking forward to seeing the "real" ending of the story... I have a feeling it's get enough in it to go for several more full-length posts, and I'd love to see the real significance of that date 😀


More than that. I love the dialogue and explanations. You're the best. Thanks so much, and I hope the finale after a few more chapters doesn't disappoint.

Take care.


Hello, @justclickindiva. Here's my entry. I couldn't help myself when I read this NASA news online. 😄 Inspired, I wrote in a bit of mystery surrounding a shift in earth's timeline into your story. I hope you like it.

divider curl .webp

“Come on!” Harkeem pounded the worn red button on the spaceship's control panel.

“Easy, tiger. If you mess this up, Pope's gonna have your head,” Shei blurted, equally frustrated as he tapped buttons on his own console.

After two decades in space, TESS was slowly shutting down as they closed in on their target. The wide screen before them revealed an endless black void dotted with distant stars.

But a distinct sphere approached.

The door to the operation centre slid open as their captain—a very tall, lean man—stormed in. “Success?”

His deep-set, brown eyes darted between the two commanders typing on their keyboards. He was met with silence. Their thinned lips and tight scowls was the answer he got. Searching for an exoplanet that wasn't disintegrating proved a herculean task.

“There!” Shei pointed at the screen. The men stood, eyes on the wide monitor as their spaceship drew close to an exoplanet in full form. There was no sign of red, scorching marks around it.

“As I live and breathe…,” Pope whispered, his eyes unblinking, drinking in the most beautiful thing he'd laid eyes on in over twenty years. “Wait. This one looks familiar. Harkeem?”

“It's BD+ 14407 - Earth.”

Pope cracked his knuckles, his lips moving in silence. “Finally, my brothers. This will be our home now—”

“Are you sure? It's different from our world. We can keep searching,” Shei suggested though his glassy eyes shone with excitement.

Pope tilted his head , studying the approaching planet. “No more search. This is it.” He pointed at his commanders. “Harkeem, sent out a Xi signal. Sheri…let them have a Sigma.”

“Sigma? Earth revolves around the sun. They are in their 21st century. Sending Sigma shifts them back a century.”

A wisp of smoke slowly curled out of Pope's nose, his brown eyes glowing red. He was angry. “Send. Sigma,” he ordered.

Sheri bent over the control panel and tapped away. A bright beacon emanated from their spaceship, darting through space with the speed of light to lock onto Earth.

The beacon carried a message. It glowed on the monitor — VI-XXXI-MCMLXXII.

Pope smirked. “Let's go home.”

* * * * *

Wesley couldn't take his eyes off the sky while Jeremy calmed Lynn.

“Guys, that's an error,” Wesley spit out, frowning. “That date doesn't exist—”

“Are you sure about that, young one?” An old man in a dirty black cloak, stepped out from the alley behind them.

The trio paled in shock. It was as if the old man had just stepped out of a garbage can. The foul stench oozing from him made Wesley and Jeremy pinch their noses on impulse. He grinned, displaying rotting teeth.

“What are you talking about?” Lynn asked through heaving breaths.

“The Forgotten Ones return home. You can't turn them back now…this is their home.” He chuckled to himself, turned and went the other way to join the chaos.

Jeremy snorted. “I think he's crazy—”

“Maybe not. Guys, look!” Wesley pointed to the sky. The trio watched as the fiery red streaks decorating the skyline parted to let in an odd shaped flying machine. In the blink of an eye, it vanished, confusing the teenagers.

As the red streaks faded from the sky, chaos gave way to calmness. Everyone went about their business like nothing happened.

“What's today's date?” Lynn asked instinctively. Wesley and Jeremy both gazed at their wrists.

Both watches displayed - 06.31.1972.

TESS - Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite


"The Forgotten Ones." I love it. You are masterful without a doubt. Gave me exactly what I needed. I'm thrilled at the response from you, Alonicus and others. It's amazing how how thoughts run along the same vein. Sending Earth's inhabitants back a century hopefully will give them a better outcome after the "redo".

I appreciate your participation and knew I could count on you. Thanks so much for the wonderful story line in so short a time frame. Surprises await.

Take care.
