[ESP-ENG] Una Imagen Vale mas que Mil Palabras/A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words


photo taken by @wakeupkitty host of this contest on behalf of @freewritehouse.

Lo que ves: Un Cartel de prohibición
Lo que sientes: Decir mentiras, por su nariz larga me recuerda al cuento de Disney Pinocho

Mi Historia: Prohibido Decir Mentiras

En un pequeño pueblo montañoso llamado La Puerta que anteriormente había sido conocido como La Puerta de la verdad, la verdad y la sinceridad eran los valores más importantes. Cuenta la historia que hace muchos años en el centro de la plaza del pueblo, destacaba un letrero de advertencia con una imagen que transmitía un mensaje claro: "Prohibido decir mentiras" como dice el conocido refrán, “Pueblo Pequeño, Infierno Grande" y esto era particularmente cierto en La Puerta, donde todos estaban pendientes de la vida del otro, y las habladurías y chismes eran moneda corriente en cada esquina.

Un fatídico día, una tragedia conmovió al pueblo. Las falsedades y rumores se extendían sin control. Existían dos panaderías que solían competir, y sus dueños propagaban mentiras para ganar clientes. Unos de los dueños cansado de las mentiras, por venganza de su competencia, decidió sembrar la discordia. Corrió el falso rumor de que el dueño de la panadería El Castillo estaba repartiendo panes gratis. La noticia se propagó por todo el pueblo como reguero de pólvora, y la emoción se apoderó de los habitantes, quienes acudieron apresurados a la panadería, esperando obtener pan sin costo alguno.

El dueño, sobrepasado por la multitud que se agolpó en su puerta, intentó explicar que la información era mentira, pero la histeria colectiva provocó el caos. Al ingresar por la fuerza, un accidente desató un incendio en el establecimiento. Las llamas se propagaron, causando una gran pérdida.

La tragedia movió a la comunidad a cambiar su nombre de "La Puerta" a "La Puerta de la Verdad" Este nombre había sido tanto un patrimonio cultural como un principio legal en la localidad La desgracia forjó unión en la comunidad y les brindó una valiosa enseñanza acerca de los riesgos de las mentiras. El letrero que en la plaza anunciaba "Prohibido decir mentiras" se convirtió en un recordatorio perdurable de aquel acontecimiento.

What you see: A Prohibition Sign
What you feel: Telling lies, because of his long nose he reminds me of the Disney story Pinocchio

My Story: Forbidden to Tell Lies

In a small mountain town called La Puerta that had previously been known as La Puerta de la Verdad, truth and sincerity were the most important values. The story goes that many years ago in the center of the town square, a warning sign stood out with an image that conveyed a clear message: "It is forbidden to tell lies" as the well-known saying goes, "Small Town, Big Hell" and this It was particularly true in La Puerta, where everyone was interested in each other's lives, and gossip and gossip were commonplace on every corner.

One fateful day, a tragedy shook the town. Falsehoods and rumors spread uncontrollably. There were two bakeries that used to compete, and their owners spread lies to gain customers. One of the owners, tired of the lies, out of revenge for their competition, decided to sow discord. There was a false rumor that the owner of the El Castillo bakery was handing out free bread. The news spread throughout the town like wildfire, and excitement took over the inhabitants, who rushed to the bakery, hoping to obtain bread at no cost.

The owner, overwhelmed by the crowd that gathered at his door, tried to explain that the information was a lie, but mass hysteria caused chaos. Upon forced entry, an accident sparked a fire in the establishment. The flames spread, causing great loss.

The tragedy moved the community to change its name from "The Door" to "The Door of Truth" This name had been both a cultural heritage and a legal principle in the town The misfortune forged unity in the community and provided them with valuable teaching about the risks of lies. The sign in the square announcing "It is forbidden to tell lies" became a lasting reminder of that event.


Imagine if everyone's nose grew whenever they lied, the world might be a better place, yes? Hehe. The transformation of "La Puerta" to "The Door of Truth" after a tragic incident speaks to the power of unity and the valuable lessons learned from the consequences of lies. What a fine story. Well done. !PIZZA


@kemmyb Hello, we would definitely have a better world. Lies, even if they are small, are not good in the end that leads to a bigger one. Thank you for taking the time and reading my story Happy day


Very well you described the crowd at the bakery. For a moment I thought the people would rip the poor baker into pieces!

Thanks for your entry 👍
