8 What Is the Meaning of Life According to Philosophical Teaching?


When we sit in front of our computers for an average of 8 hours a day, look at Excel Spreadsheets, Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, take a short break and return to our computer, we ask ourselves for a moment, “Really, what is the meaning of life? In our life, where every Monday feels like a spiritual torture, and every Friday is declared a holy day based on the end of work, beyond the religious connotations of every Friday, beyond these little joys, really "What is the meaning of life?" When asking, we sometimes look for a guide. You are looking for this guide right now in this post by reading this article, but don't get too excited, we will not guide you either. Hasha, what our presumptuous! We cannot give the answer to this important question that philosophers, psychologists, artists and literary scholars have been searching for and have not found the answer for centuries. But perhaps as a consolation to our tired souls, we can briefly share the views of famous philosophers on this issue with you.

What is the Meaning of Life?

According to Plato: Plato believed that knowledge is the most important tool that leads man to virtue. Therefore, according to Plato, the meaning of life is "to learn more." We can say that. In fact, Plato believed that democracy was also a product of education. He stated that uneducated peoples cannot cope with democracy, democracy will turn into an oligarchy in time, and demagogues who equip uninformed peoples with false information will emerge, and this will pave the way for dictators. Which country does Plato's example of uninformed democracy remind you of? You can specify in the comments.

According to Aristotle: According to Aristotle, there should be an ethical approach that distinguishes man from other beings, because in Aristotle's teaching, man was a "rational" being. Aristotle believed that these ethical values ​​would guide people to be good. So, according to Aristotle, the ultimate goal of human life is "to be good." We can say that.

Cynicism: According to the cynic doctrine led by Anisthetes, who is a student of Socrates, the ultimate goal of man is to lead a "simple life". In this simple life, one tries to live a self-sufficient life in which he is self-sufficient, leaving aside the desires of wealth, fame, power, and sexuality that motivate most individuals in society. You have noticed the similarity of this teaching with the "simple life" of many Eastern teachings.

Hedonism: According to Hedonism, which is perhaps one of the teachings most people are most familiar with, the purpose of human life is to keep pleasure as high as possible and reduce pain. Again, according to this school of thought led by Aristippus, one of the students of Socrates, he defends that every human being should be above his pain and enjoyment. According to Hedonism, we can explain the meaning of life as: "Now, now, pleasure."

Epicurism: The purpose of this doctrine, which is often confused with Hedonism, is to maximize pleasure and enjoyment like Hedonism. However, Epicurism's way of maximizing enjoyment is quite different from Hedonism. In epicurism, one is expected to live a humble life, understand how life works, and restrict desires in order to maximize one's enjoyment and reach the level called ataraxia.

Stoicism: According to Stoicism, people fall into misery because they have made wrong inferences about life. Therefore, one should know well the functioning logic of nature and act accordingly. In stoicism, a person's actions / behaviors are important rather than what a person says. According to stoicism, the meaning of life: "Understand the logic, let it not hurt." We can summarize.

Kantianism: The Kantian understanding is rooted in the German philosopher Immanuel Kant's thoughts on mind and ethics. According to the Kantian understanding, there are principles that hold the universe together. The validity of these principles varies according to their applicability. For example, "Kill anyone who pisses you off." It is impossible to universally validate such a principle, because when this principle is applied there is a possibility that no one will be left in the world. Hence, Kant's understanding depends on a moral understanding that holds society together and ensures optimal subsistence: "Treat others as you would like to be treated."

Nihilism: Nihilism is a philosophical doctrine that life has no meaning inwardly. So "What is the meaning of life?" The answer of a nihilist by someone who asks: “Life has no meaning. So everything is free. " happens. According to existential nihilism, life has no indisputable and mutually acceptable meaning, as other philosophers have put it, so one has permission to do anything in this life. In particular, Nietzsche's "God is dead." After the aphorism ("God is dead."), Nihilism is one of the philosophical doctrines that shape today's life the most.

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