Weekend experience week 215// good dates and bad dates

Dates are memorable outings that brings good or bad energy. And I have had my own share of good and bad dates..


What is most surprisingly is that bad dates are the ones I tend to remember the most and most times I dwell in the bad dates more often than the good ones because have only had few good dates.

I remember meeting this guy, and he said we should start with a movie night and I was really looking forward to it because I have never had a movie night before with anyone so I smile hoping this is my big catch. He choose the movie entirely alone without my consent, promising that it will be what I will love the most, so I looked forward to it with everything in me. On the day, we set out, I was fully dressed with my best dress and he was not looking bad himself and regretfully, the movie he choose was an horror movie, I was so scared, he himself was scared so there was no one to comfort me, I went home scared regretting ever having such date and since then, I can’t and will never start my date with anyone at the movies.

I had another bad date with a guy I admired so much from far, one day he asked me out on a date and choose my favorite place, I was so happy and was like, this will be my perfect date and my last date with Mr perfect, the kind excitement I had I don’t know if I have had such again in my life. The day I waited for came, it was in the evening, so by 3pm, I started preparing and, wore my best dress again bought by Mr. Prefect and by 5pm he was outside waiting to pick me up, we zoom out and on arriving the venue, we had people staring because we were elegantly dressed and unique. We sat down and all I could remember was welcome my dear and the rest was all about Mr. Perfect, his perfect life, his kind of girl, his kind of this and that and I was not given an opportunity to say anything about me so I just knew I am lost if I end up with this kind of man. He keep ranting about himself, family, future and whatever you could think of a proud man. As in his ego was making him feel so important and I lost interest immediately, when the waitress came with our order, he criticized the food and everything in it, I was so embarrassed and I regretted accepting the date and worst come to worst, he told me I should take the bill since he drove me down there as in, I did and I used a cap home after the whole incident and I blocked everything pertaining to him in my phone to the extend that I stopped greeting him whenever I sight him.

After this two dates I gave myself rest and mind my business for years not untill one guy now enter my eyes again and this one gave me a good treat and I have one good date that is so dear to me.

He took me out for a picnic in an open space, gave me opportunity to express myself, while he listens and watch me rant, he gave me answers to all the questions I asked and there I saw me in him and we got talking , ate, dance, shout, play and then we went back joyous.

Happy weekend friends, do have a good evening.


It's very annoying when people talk only about themselves on a date, you were right to block him 😄


Seriously very bad, I'm happy I did that too. Thank you for reading
