CCC's StreetArt Contest 197

Aqui en Punta de Mata hay muy pocos Graffiteros.

Saludos a todos los amigos del StreetArt, hoy comparto este asombroso trabajo realizado por Shely una vieja amiga que conocí hace ya unos años por las redes.

  • Greetings to all StreetArt friends, today I share this amazing work done by Shely an old friend I met a few years ago through the networks.

Su talento dedicación y constancia la ha convertido en una de las mejores muralistas en el estado de México.

  • Her talent, dedication and perseverance have made her one of the best muralists in the state of Mexico.

Ésta pieza está ubicada en Guanajuato México.

  • This piece is located in Guanajuato Mexico.

Ahora un poco de mis horribles vandals.

Now a bit of my horrible vandals.

Este lo hice el findesema pasado acá en Punta de Mata a eso de las 10pm y en total soledad ya que la perrita chama no la encontré.

  • I did this one last week here in Punta de Mata at about 10pm and in total solitude since I couldn't find the dog.

Seguiré haciendo graffitis hasta que ya no pueda más, a mi el Graffiti me salva los domingos de mis propios pensamientos.

  • I will keep doing graffiti until I can't do it anymore, Graffiti saves me on Sundays from my own thoughts.

Quizas mas adelante me aburra de hacer vandal graff acá en el pueblo y me enfoque más en el arte muralista, pero por ahora es con lo que está a mi alcance.

  • Maybe later I'll get bored of doing vandal graff here in town and focus more on mural art, but for now it's what's within my reach.

Have a great week



How are you dear friend @fonestreet good morning
This artist is very talented, her mural is beautiful, I love the combination of colors that she has used in this work.
I take this opportunity to wish you a great day


Very talented artist Shely. Her instagram account worth a visit. I love the color scheme used. So beautiful.

And cool to see your work too 👍

Thanks for sharing these pics and your work on The StreetArt Community.



She is amazing for sure, i really need get into this murals again soon.

  • Thanks bro.