DIY CONTEST ELEMENTS: Flores en papel crepé // Flowers in crepe paper [ESP/ENG] (EARTH)


Hola creativos de Hive! He decidido unirme al concurso de los 4 elementos y el día de hoy les traigo un tutorial de como hacer unas lindas flores blancas con papel crepé. Como siempre, a continuación les dejo el paso a paso bien explicado. Espero les guste mucho.

Hello Hive creatives! I have decided to join the 4 elements contest and today I bring you a tutorial on how to make some pretty white flowers with crepe paper. As always, here is the step by step explanation. I hope you like it very much.


Para esta manualidad necesitaremos papel crepé color amarillo, blanco y verde.

For this craft we will need yellow, white and green crepe paper.

Empezaremos usando el papel amarillo para el centro de la flor, el cual se hará de esta manera:

  • lo primero que haremos será doblar el papel varias veces para luego recortar una tira delgada de 1 o 2 centímetros máximo de grosor.

  • A esta tira le haremos unos cortes pequeños, uno seguido del otro, de esta manera:

Nota: para mayor soporte, recomiendo sostener con un gancho de ropa el papel mientras se corta.

We will start by using the yellow paper for the center of the flower, which will be made in this way:

  • the first thing we will do is fold the paper several times and then cut a thin strip of 1 or 2 centimeters maximum thickness.
  • To this strip we will make some small cuts, one after the other, in this way:

Note: for better support, I recommend holding the paper with a clothes hanger while cutting.

Luego de haberlo cortado todo, lo desdoblamos y empezamos a pegarlo en la punta del palito donde queramos hacer la flor.

After cutting it all out, we unfold it and start gluing it to the end of the stick where we want to make the flower.

Les debe quedar así:

It should look like this:

Continuamos con el papel blanco y con el haremos los pétalos de las flores; para ello debemos seguir los siguientes pasos:

  • Cortaremos una tira larga de aproximadamente 4cm de ancho.
  • Doblaremos la tira en forma de acordeón y la recortaremos de esta manera:

We continue with the white paper and with it we will make the petals of the flowers; for this we must follow the following steps:

  • We will cut a long strip of approximately 4cm wide.
  • We will fold the strip in an accordion shape and we will cut it in this way:

Luego de haberlo cortado así, procedemos a darle forma curvada con un pincel o con cualquier objeto largo.

After having cut it in this way, we proceed to give it a curved shape with a brush or any long object.

Y le pegamos la punta de esta manera:

And we glue the tip like this:

Luego de hacer todo lo anterior, ahora si procedemos a pegar pétalo por pétalo a la base amarilla que hicimos.

After doing all of the above, we now proceed to glue petal by petal to the yellow base we made.

Así se debe ir viendo...

This is how it should be seen...

Por último, con el papel crepé verde haremos el tallo, siguiendo estos pasos:

  • Doblaremos el papel como hicimos con el color amarillo, pero esta vez sera más corto y con un grosor de aproximadamente 4cm.

  • Para los cortes, haremos especie de triángulos, de esta manera:

Finally, with the green crepe paper we will make the stem, following these steps:

  • We will fold the paper as we did with the yellow color, but this time it will be shorter and with a thickness of approximately 4cm.
  • For the cuts, we will make sort of triangles, like this:

Lo pegan a la base y les debe quedar asi:

Glue it to the base and it should look like this:

Si quieren darle mas textura al tallo, pueden enrollarlo todo, les quedará al asi:

If you want to give more texture to the stem, you can roll it all up, it will look like this:

Se ve bonito, ¿verdad?

It looks nice, doesn't it?

Gracias por leer y observar.

Thanks for reading and watching.

Texto traducido en: DeepL



An incredible material that produces beautiful results. At first glance, they look real. Congratulations.


Thank you very much, I did my best to make them look real.


no puede ser, a simple vista creí que eran reales, que lindo acabado.


Esa era la idea jaja gracias por tu comentario c:


I thought they are real 🥺🌸 ahh but you make them.

They are so cute 🥰 I always love white flowers they have 10x more attraction than other flowers isn't it ?


I agree with you, white flowers are very elegant and pretty. In this case I wanted them to look as real as possible and I'm glad you liked them c: regards.


A realistic craft with an outstanding looks, they looked real to me at first but you made them with your hands, bravo 👏 and keep it up.


Wow, the flowers with crepe paper look very real, what a beauty the texture and the pictures you have shared, this is a great post. Thanks for being part of DIYHub Community my friend.


Thank you so much!!! I'm glad you liked it a lot 💖.
