Phone photography N° 48; Colorful boats on the sea shore (Eng - Esp)




Hello friends photography lovers I wish you are healthy and happy and have an excellent and blessed week together with your loved ones, we are already in week number 48 of the phone photo contest moderated by @untilwelearn, in a recent visit to the beach I took the opportunity to take pictures of the boats that are regularly “resting” on the shore after the fishing day, the boats are synonymous with beach, fishing and walks in the sea, in fact several beaches in the area offer services boat rides; during my visit I took the time to walk along the shore and photograph several boats, their vibrant colors make them eye-catching.


Hola amigos amantes de la fotografía deseo se encuentren sanos y felices y tengan una excelente y bendecida semana en unión de sus seres queridos, ya estamos en la semana número 48 del concurso de fotografía telefónica moderado por @untilwelearn, en una reciente visita a la playa aproveché para tomar fotos a los botes que regularmente están "descansando" en la orilla luego de la jornada de pesca, los botes son sinónimo de playa, pesca y paseos enel mar, de hecho varias playas en lazona ofrecen servicios de paseos en botes; durante mi visita me tomé el tiempo de caminar toda la orilla y fotografiar varios botes, sus vibrantes colores los hacen llamativos.

botes en la playa (2).jpeg

botes en la playa (4).jpeg

botes en la playa (1).jpeg

botes en la playa (3).jpeg

botes en la playa (5).jpeg

Some boats even have their small huts and huts to protect themselves from the sun's rays, others are located on the shore of the beach perhaps waiting for their time to leave, making repairs for the day's fishing or ride to tourists, are usually painted in various colors; white with blue, white with red, green with white, white, green and yellow, these colors give a festive style and are attractive.

Algunos botes tienen incluso sus pequeñas cabañas y chozas para protegerse de los rayos del sol, otros se encuentran a la orilla de la playa, tal vez esperando su hora de salir, haciendo reparaciones para la jornada de pesca o paseo a los turistas, generalmente están pintados de varios colores; blanco con azul, blanco con rojo, verde con blanco, blanco, verde y amarillo, estos colores le dan un estilo fesco y son atractivos.

botes en la playa (6).jpeg

botes en la playa (10).jpeg

botes en la playa (7).jpeg

botes en la playa (9).jpeg

botes en la playa (11).jpeg

The designs are varied, with long and sharp points, others with divisions to store the fish, these are lower, those of the penultimate photo have a roof and are larger than the previous ones, according to their design they have different uses and load capacity, it was a nice walk along the beach, watching the different boats, the initial idea was to take a boat ride, but it was rest time and the departures were scheduled for the next day in the morning, although the boat ride did not take place, I still had a great time on the beach.

Los diseños son variados, con puntas largas y afiladas, otros con divisiones para almacenar el pescado, estos son más bajos, los de la penúltima foto tienen techo y son más grandes que los anteriores, de acuerdo asu diseño tienen diferentres usos y capacidad de carga, fue un lindo paseo por la playa, observando los diferentes botes, la idea inicial era dar un paseo en bote, pero era la hora de descanso y las salidas estaban programadas para el día siguiente en horas de la mañana, aunque no se dio el paseo en bote igual la pasé muy bien en la playa.

botes en la playa (9).jpeg

botes en la playa (14).jpeg

botes en la playa (13).jpeg

botes en la playa (12).jpeg




Translated with
          All images are my own.
   Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría.


Hello lady @belkyscabrera

What a beautiful beach, a beautiful place to visit with the family

The boats you found are beautiful

Beautiful shots


Hi bella, I'm glad you liked the photos, the beach is perfect for family enjoyment, as it has gentle waves, the boats have varied designs and beautiful colors.



Me llama la atención los techos que protegen las embarcaciones. Dan muestra de la necesidad de conservarlas en buen estado y del cuidado de sus propietarios. Nos presentas una buena colección, como describes cada uso define sus formas. Me gustó especialmente la foto con los restos del esqueleto de un barco en primer plano que dejan ver detrás otro que se adivina muy nuevo. Sin duda aprovechaste bien tu paseo playero, otro día ya nos llevarás a pasear en uno de esos barcos, jeje.

I'm struck by the roofs that protect the boats. They show the need to keep them in good condition and the care of their owners. You present us a good collection, as you describe each use defines its forms. I especially liked the photo with the remains of the skeleton of a boat in the foreground that show behind another one that can be guessed very new. Without a doubt, you made good use of your beach walk, another day you will take us for a ride on one of those boats, hehe.

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Hola @palomap3, los techos también me gustaron, son sencillos pero funcionales, aunque los botes pasen gran parte del tiempo en el agua, necesitan protegerse para prolongar su durabilidad, esa foto le gustó a mi hijo también, dice que parece la osamenta invertida de una ballena, me encanta visitar la playa, caminar y disfrutar el paisaje.

Espero que en mi próxima visita pueda pasear en bote, es divertido y relajante.


Hi @palomap3, I liked the roofs too, they are simple but functional, even though the boats spend a lot of time in the water, they need to be protected to prolong their durability, my son liked that photo too, he says it looks like the inverted skeleton of a whale, I love visiting the beach, walking and enjoying the scenery.

I hope on my next visit I can take a boat ride, it's fun and relaxing.



Oh, justo me dio la misma impresión que a tu hijo, parece la parte costal de un pez grande. Aquí en España no es corriente ver esos techos, los barcos suelen descansar amarrados en los puertos. Quedan protegidos de las tempestades pero reposa en el agua.

Oh, it just gave me the same impression as your son, it looks like the costal part of a big fish. Here in Spain it is not common to see those roofs, the boats usually rest moored in the harbours. They are protected from storms but rest in the water.


Que coincidencia, tuvieron la misma impresión, he visto varios botes en el muelle que no tienen chozas, están amarrados a un tubo con mecates gruesos, sin embargo en esta playa, los botes "descansan" en su cabaña.

What a coincidence, they had the same impression, I have seen several boats on the dock that do not have huts, they are tied to a tube with thick ropes, however on this beach, the boats “rest” in their hut.


This place looks quite peaceful. I really liked all the huts for the boats. At least you got to know the timing of the boat ride, now you won't miss your ride next time. 🛶


Hi @untilwelearn, the cabins are simple but with a very important function which is to protect the boats, I hope, boating, when I visit the beach again.⛵️



The place reminds me of the countryside where I used to live. There were a lot of fishing boats that looked like those in your photos. I want to visit there again someday. <3


Greetings @tegoshei, the towns located by the sea have a great charm and beautiful landscapes, I hope you can soon return to that area and enjoy your stay to the fullest.



That's right!
Thank you... I hope so too☺️🥰✨
