ATX empowers HIVE

First NFT from the ATX token, launched as part of the HIVE PowerUp initiative
Collection: PowerUp Series
Creator: @forykw
Total Edition(s): 100
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Edition #
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forykw 19 Limited Production Rights 2000 LIST ($0.414)
forykw 20 Limited Production Rights 3000 LIST ($0.621)
forykw 21 Limited Production Rights 3000 LIST ($0.621)
forykw 22 Limited Production Rights 3000 LIST ($0.621)
forykw 23 Limited Production Rights 3000 LIST ($0.621)
forykw 24 Limited Production Rights 3000 LIST ($0.621)
forykw 25 Limited Production Rights 3000 LIST ($0.621)
forykw 26 Limited Production Rights 3000 LIST ($0.621)
forykw 27 Limited Production Rights 3000 LIST ($0.621)
forykw 28 Limited Production Rights 3000 LIST ($0.621)
Per Page:
@vickoly bought edition #12 from @forykw for 2000.000 LIST
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@vickoly bought edition #11 from @forykw for 2000.000 LIST
[view tx]
@vickoly bought edition #10 from @forykw for 1000.000 LIST
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@vickoly bought edition #9 from @forykw for 1000.000 LIST
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@vickoly bought edition #8 from @forykw for 1000.000 LIST
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@vickoly bought edition #7 from @forykw for 1000.000 LIST
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@vickoly bought edition #6 from @forykw for 1000.000 LIST
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@gr33nm4ster bought edition #5 from @forykw for 1000.000 LIST
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@tengolotodo bought edition #4 from @forykw for 1000.000 LIST
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@synergized bought edition #3 from @forykw for 1000.000 LIST
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@hivelist bought edition #2 from @forykw for 1000.000 LIST
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@forykw tokenized 100 editions
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