This is my "lighthearted account" - I intend to post here my travel blogs, pictures, "test" posts from various dApps, things that do not sit well alongside my "serious", heavy posts on blockchain technology and regulation (main acct: @sorin.cristescu)
Design | ART | Travel Photos - Creative Digital Artist and Graphic Designer with a passion for AI art. On my YouTube channel, I delve into the innovative world of digital creativity, showcasing unique designs and inspiring ideas.
I am a current school teacher. I write mainly educational articles. I am a strong believer in the Hive platform. Founder of the Dolphin Assemble Community.
This is the way i live this life. I will post about crypto, travel, poker, family, love, seduction, friends, health, goals, money and why not video games.
Through the WorldWildFlora project, we'll bring to the public attention the spontaneous flora, especially medicinal, edible and rare or protected plants.
My name is Ben. I have been a Personal Trainer for ten years and want to spread health and fitness to people to help improve their self esteem and happiness.