RE: 19 February, 2025 @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2652 | Prompt: a date (a fecha) **[FINISH MY STORY CHALLENGE]**

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Fascinating experiment ! I've posted what I wrote below in this comment, hopefully that's what you wanted (rather than as a comment to the original post).

I must admit that I couldn't mirror your wonderful writing style in completing the story, and it was hard keeping it below 500 words. But I did Google things that happened on 30th June 1972 and found something which acted as a seed for an outcome that resulted in the no more civilisation the prompt asked for. I'm getting far too good at ending worlds.... 😁

As Lynn puffed on her inhaler to quell the panic that was building to a full-scale asthma attack, there was another flash in the sky. One of the streaks of fire had clipped the small aircraft.

It fluttered out of the sky like a leaf, the date banner trailing and twisting behind it like an unopened parachute. For a moment it looked as if the pilot had regained control, but too late. It half-landed half-crashed into the street, skidding along the ground in a shower of sparks.

The cabin door pushed open and fell to the ground, and a figure flopped out, dropping to the road below.
It was a man, dressed in one of those space suit-like outfits used for high altitude flights. But this wasn’t the standard orange with a white helmet; it was a strong purple with a black helmet.

Wesley set off at a sprint, calling out behind him “We’ve got to help !”

Jeremy hesitated. The plane might explode. But they had to stick together, so he set off after his friends.

When Wesley reached the pilot, he saw that the purple suit was crawling, little golden flecks of light flickering in and out. Behind the visor, the man was like a photographic negative. Mauve-grey skin, white eyebrows, and when his eyelids fluttered open, the orbs were black with piercing white pupils. The irises were pale pink with fine royal blue veins.

“You have to tell them….” He croaked.

“Tell who what ?” Jeremy asked.

“Your scientists…. They messed with time…. That leap second they added on 30th June. It broke the synchronicity between our two universes.”

The three friends looked at each other in confusion. The words were English. But they made no sense, they were gibberish. Perhaps the pilot had concussion ?

But the man carried on, his voice gaining urgency.

“Tell your scientists to put the clock back to the way it was before 1972. A second here made a whole new day for us. Now our universe is breaking through. The fire in your sky is dust motes from our universe burning up.”

Wesley spoke now. “You’re rambling, not making sense. We need to get you to hospital, you’ve had a bad accident. Let’s get that helmet off you, get you some fresh air.”

He reached for the visor.

“No ! The containment field !” the pilot screamed.

But it was too late. Wesley had already cracked the visor open.

The gold motes disappeared.

In-rushing air met out-gasped breath.

The two cancelled out with a flash. When two universes mirror each other, one is positive, the other is negative.

Matter and anti-matter mutually annihilated each other. The pilot and his suit must have weighed 80 kilogrammes. The resulting detonation had an energy close to 4000 megatons.


Hello @alonicus. Now you know you're an excellent writer and thinker, and any story you tackle will be a masterpiece, in my opinion! You are right, you're good at world ending scenarios, and this piece proves it. I love the details of the pilot which I hadn't explored yet. Your clip opens up an entire new chapter.

Humans don't realize the harmful impact we do to our planet may affect other worlds as though we're the only ones in the universe. Your wonderful but chilling story line gives us a glimpse.

Thanks so much for participating. I truly appreciate it and love how you opened my mind to think outside of only what I can see. Take care and have a good start to your weekend.



Thank you ! Hopefully it's got something you can use 😀

Being the sad anorak I am, when I Googled what happened in 1972, it gave me the answer that they added a leap-second to the calendar. I suspect that's not necessarily what you had in mind as a way to create 31st June ! Admittedly having that change how we related to a mirror universe is a stretch, but hey, it's fiction ! I also looked up how much energy is released if a human mass of anti-matter gets annihilated, and it came out to around 100 times the energy of the Tsar Bomba (although nowhere near the Chixhulub impact).

I'm really looking forward to seeing the "real" ending of the story... I have a feeling it's get enough in it to go for several more full-length posts, and I'd love to see the real significance of that date 😀


More than that. I love the dialogue and explanations. You're the best. Thanks so much, and I hope the finale after a few more chapters doesn't disappoint.

Take care.
