RE: From home or in person?/ LOH #199

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Back in the day before the internet, there were jobs 'stuffing envelopes' where you were paid per envelope. The jobs were found in the local want ads in the newspapers. Beyond those jobs, I can not think of any other work from home from back in the day.

I have to agree with you about it depending on the person and the situation. I work 3 days a week, working more like 4+ in those 3 days. A few months ago, I was doing some of the office work from home on my off days (with pay), but I found that I had a harder time because at the office, I would have to get up and down because of patients, even on days when the doc wasn't there. Here at home, that was not the case and sitting for about 2 hours straight is all I could manage before my joints screamed in agony from sitting for too long.

I hope you get to find that second job that does allow you the freedom that you would need. Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day!


That's why I say that everything has its pros and cons, I know you have felt it in your joints, I have understood it by spending many hours sitting in front of the computer here at home, to the point that my knee became inflamed.


I guess getting up and moving would help but sometimes it’s not so easy to do! Take care! 💕
