RE: Qurator's Mischievous Mondays | Alternate Profession
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I would like to be a meh-thematician.
First and foremost, thank you for this amazing idea. I so love it! I am late for the Zombies but not too late to save my life with a little mischief.
Ok, so here's why I'd like to be a mathematician. I am not a maths person. It takes me some time to figure things out and to see the relations where others (=maths people) are quick-witted. I feel outsmarted by them. But that's ego. So that's not the best explanation.
Look, if you want to change the world and want to stand up for a better version of life, you have to face economists and business people. People who have gathered wealth and run the world because they can. People, who tell you that there is no such thing as a post-growth economy. That sustainability kills the business. That we need to upscale and make more revenue than the previous year. That our economy is going to collapse if we stop growing.
What they really mean is: They are not going to make the yields they expected. They might not become richer and stagnation means loss to them. Improvements to them are measured in assets gained. And being a mathematician I could just prove them wrong. I could use my skills within controlling, showing them that value can be generated within business and not only by increasing production and simultanuously reducing costs. That employees are a gain and not a loss in the business calculation. That people of my age (above 50) are not less valuable just because HR thinks they are too experienced and therefore too expensive. That the planet we live on is our biggest asset and should be calculated into every business proposal.
Besides all great mathematicians are philosophers and all great philosophers in my perception seem to be great mathematicians. Look at Wittgenstein for example. You need to be quick with your maths to understand where the underlying problem is. At least, that's what I believe. And if you look at the stoics, they are quite *au point * with everything.
Which brings me to my second most preferred profession, which I can still reach so it is not a what if but rather a what about now, even without maths but with life experience and lots of insight: I can still become a philosopher.
Pic by Elimende Inagella, Unsplash