RE: Breast cancer and a dish to lift your spirits |Cáncer de mama y un plato para levantar el ánimo LOH #208

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Your reflection is a beacon of light on such a crucial topic. By sharing your experience and advice, you inspire many women to take action in their self-care. When I hear or read about this topic, it is hard for me not to remember the ordeal my mother went through and the example she set for us with her strength and positive attitude until the very last moment. She was predicted to have months to live and she battled for eight years. Keep sharing your message; every word has the potential to save lives and empower those who read you.

Tu reflexión es un faro de luz en un tema tan crucial. Al compartir tu experiencia y consejos, inspiras a muchas mujeres a tomar acción en su autocuidado. Cuando escucho o leo sobre este tema me es difícil no recordar el calvario que vivió mamá y el ejemplo que nos dio por su fortaleza y actitud positiva hasta el último momento. Le pronosticaron meses de vida y ella batalló ocho años. Sigue compartiendo tu mensaje; cada palabra tiene el potencial de salvar vidas y empoderar a quienes te leen.


I am very sorry that your mother has suffered from this terrible disease, that's right, awareness is in each of us, thank you for your valuable comment, I appreciate it very much my dear friend,
