🚀 ¡Ey! Soy Leo y en este espacio, hablaré sobre finanzas personales 💰, tutoriales de informática 🖥️, y programación 🤖. ¡Acompáñame en este viaje lleno de consejos, trucos y aprendizaje para potenciar tus habilidades y conocimientos!
In a process of self-learning, primarily software & web development. I am intrigued by Web3 and trying to include it in my list of hobbies. I recently finished college and also figured out my life after a long period of existential crisis.
I'm BlueMove, crypto enthusiast and passionate de-gamer. Stale Web2 and gaming institutions have exhausted their power to innovate because they treat their user
Are people the ultimate victims of blockchain or the ultimate victor of it?
An insignificant computer programmer worried about anything dressed up in something.
Fellow Hivian who likes PeakD, most music, sci-fi shows like SG1 and Farscape, crypto, books on ancient history, and Terence McKenna lectures. I have a background in physics, math, and computer science.