Soy un apasionado narrador de historias, con un enfoque especial en la exploración de las emociones y las relaciones humanas. A través de mis escritos, busco conectar con los lectores al abordar temas como la inseguridad, el amor y el apoyo incondicional. Empleo un estilo narrativo poético invitando a la reflexión y al autodescubrimiento, ofreciendo una perspectiva única sobre la complejidad de la vida cotidiana. Creo firmemente en el poder de las palabras para inspirar y sanar, mientras comparto mi visión con el mundo.
Hi there!
I’m Amirhossein Jalalian, a writer and director based in Tehran, the capital of Iran. I created this page to share my works and connect with more people from around the world.
Currently, I’m running a podcast that features creative and narrative content. It’s all about stories from my personal life and my unique world, which I truly enjoy creating and sharing.
I’m also very excited to explore the world of blockchain, gain new experiences, and engage with the amazing community on this platform.
I’d be thrilled to have you join me on this journey!
I’m a vibe that’s simply contagious. I’m open-minded, curious, and passionate about music, art, and self-expression. When I’m not exploring new ideas, you can find me hugging my bed, taking time-outs from noises, or spending time with my family.