RE: I Wanted It And I Knew I Didn't Need It
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As I've gotten older I find that I become more and more frugal and rarely waste money on anything to the point of being accused of being stingy by friends. There are only a few things in life that I think are worth spending a lot of money on, the rest of it we are tricked into wasting money by commercialism.
I too have spent money on skins in games and I cringe when I think about it now. I will not make that mistake again. :)
What are the few things you speak of. YES marketing is strong and targets our impulses its truly horrible but thats what they get paid to do. It's really well done how things are sold to us in commercials etc but it's ok I think I've started to see thru all these as the years gone by.
Lol how much money u spent on skins? I think I probably have over 1kUSD worth which si quite a lot of money to be fair.
wow, your money spent on skins is insane. I spent about maybe $30 total. You are a nutter.
I think that computers, houses, athletic shoes, and maybe a kind of food that you really love every now and then are the only things in life that are worth paying a premium for.
dude u said u spent a lot on skins :/ you tricked me 30 bucks is nothing lol.
Ok i think i can agree there those are way mor important xD than skins especially a gaming setup i want that still so maybe i can also start streaming and editing videos