I love life and freedom. I love the philosophy behind blockchains and I would like to live in a decentralized world.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/libertycrypto27
Soy una persona a la que le gustan las criptomonedas, decidí hacer de esto un estilo de vida y quiero enseñarle al mundo como pueden vivir sin invertir en esto.
BlockHorseRacing: a new blockchain game where you buy, breed, and race NFT horses. Join a community of enthusiasts and compete for prizes on Hive network.
Redescubriendo el placer de escribir y el de la fotografía, siendo Cien % Optimista y disfrutando cada instante de la vida.
Rediscovering the pleasure of writing and photography, being hundred % Optimistic and enjoying every moment of life.
Entrepreneur and content creator!😎
Want to monetise your digital time?
Would you like additional and/or passive income? 🤑
The limit is the coffin and the sky is just the beginning! 🔥✅
Go from lowly busker to global mega star in our FREE TO PLAY music career simulation right here on HIVE!
Log in with Hive Keychain, start a mission and that's it! What are you waiting for?